How is your game coming along Yas Forums?

How is your game coming along Yas Forums?

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>mfw I just mod games
>all the fun,minimal drudgery

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it is not.
i was planing n doing some stuff on godot. even have a free course here but i have way too much shit to deal with right now. Spending all my energy to find a new job and help pay the bills.

However i do have a few game ideas i would like to try, nothing too big and probably something i would give for free.

My image is better.

Attached: overman3.jpg (800x1016, 178.78K)

I was fucking around in a RPG Maker and it's fun

I hate society and people too much to be productive.

Why make a video game if I don't want to make people enioy something and have no interest in acquiring wealth or status?

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>be QA
>dont create, destroy
>do it a little too well
>dev loses motivation
it just keeps happening

do you want to make your own self enjoy something? dont make vidya for others, make vidya for yourself.

I want to see if I can use to create a game aid for my Battletech/Against the Bot campaigns. Something to handle my homebrew rules in a nice package that isn't Excel.

You do it for yourself, fagmaster. I'm building my own little worlds for me. Fuck the plebs, gas the bikes.

I dont get it. OPs atleast is clearly conveying the message.

>Literally admitting to being a mindless drone bread for consumption.

rapidly losing motivation but fuck me i'm not quitting this

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You know what they say user. Quit while youre ahead!

can't lose motivation if you never had any to begin with, h-haha!

It launched on the Switch about a week ago. Working on an update for it.

Chad (cuphead dev) gamedev standing majestically over the horde of mindless consoomers with a quote from Nietzsche talking about ubermensch.

It's pretentiously ironic.

Question to experienced Ren'py users: How do i create interactable object that the player can click on that triggers a specific event?

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This is what I've been thinking.

Like, I can use gamedev and inventing simulated worlds and stories as my respite from this awful world.

Haven’t had much time to work on my game at all this year. Once the month passes things will lighten up though. Making a cooking mini game for my main project that lets you combine ingredients inventory-Tetris style.

Release on mobile, youll be a millionaire

I already got started meticulously planning out the sequel. At this rate I'll get started on the first game at 2099

Going really great, I'm extremely passionate about it and working hard. All my foundation code is finished, infact pretty much most of my code is done.
On the flip side, focusing on art fucking sucks. I can 3D model alright but I can't texture for SHIT. Been fucking me off for a few days now. Getting UVs from models is a pain in the dick and typically looks like ass. My texture painting skills are also abysmal, considering Im fucking colorblind. This close to pulling the plug but there's also no way I'm gonna cancel my project

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I'm putting together a team. All I need are modelers, animators, and people who can program weapons/NPCs. Hell, I might not even need the modelers, I can probably grab some free shit.
The rest? Level design, music, voice acting? Me.

>Music: I can probably grab some royalty free stuff like Kevin Macleod. Reminder that implementation is key.
>Level Design: Probably the hardest part. The game takes place in an underwater research facility
>Voice acting: I'm actually a surprisingly talented voice actor, despite my young age, with a good vocal range

This. I'm making a game 100% for myself. If others want to buy and play it, be my guest, but this shit is for me. I've wanted to play a game like this since I was like 4 y/o and nobody has made anything like it yet so I got tired of waiting.

Don't get this. Bad meme.

>MFW my inability to make games stems not from a lack of effort or passion but from a lack of skill with programming.

I'm trying to learn, though

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Shit man I would play the fug out of Cooking Tetris and I'm not even usually into games like that..

holy based

What, the voice acting?

>tfw i ended up with a hack bitch on my programming lab classes and she unironically forced us to program on Scratch for first few meetings while other groups where fucking around with pointers in C++

Working on a furry /ss/ game. Working slow.

Attached: ss game.png (2041x911, 87.46K)

how much are you paying?

Fuck it, I'll do it myself.

monogames is bugged a is win10 its impossible to use
löve is awkward as fuck but still the best alternative

are there any good scratch games?

I finished it already, bitch

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Based. Which games?


Is the current humble bundle any good?

How's this for a cover?

Because I can't think of a name. It'd have to do something with aquatic science. I was considering "Water Table" but I didn't like that

It's sort of a combination of SOMA (Horrifying mutants underwater), Half Life, Subnautica (Swimming and stuff), and Dead Space (Gore and repurposed work tools)

>You control a guy working at an underwater research facility. You've got a a fancy new diving suit and are about to just go about your day collecting samples.
>However, out of the blue, a big biochemical experiment goes haywire offscreen (You learn this later) that results in all aquatic life in the vicinity of the facility mutating heavily and going fucking nuts.
>You end up stranded in the facility with mutant, Gyo-esque sea life running all over the damn place and murdering people.
>Initially has a stealthy survival horror approach for the first 10 minutes, but then you get a pipe and realize what's about to happen. Time to murder the absolute fuck out of some fish mutants.

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>monogames is bugged a is win10
Can a non-ESL explain what this mongoloid means

Kill yourself, dumb idea-guy

Stalker(Misery), Rimworld, Grid, Terran Conflict. Currently messing around in Megamek. I know shit about coding so it's a lot of small changes to the base game and modding other peoples mods usually. Trying to learn more though.


Imagine... just imagine

KOTOR but except with the story of the Count of Monte Cristo.

Going through Unity tutorials, I hope I can make something eventually. I want to make a game about shitposting.

Get it done dude, props

You're lucky. I can't even get Unity to run on my computer. It just keeps saying "Username and password invalid" even though I keep trying to fix it.

I'm gonna shill my online browser game on Yas Forums this summer and there's nothing you can do to stop me. I'm gonna make Mario Royale look like a fucking joke, screencap this post.

I made model instead

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I can't even get Unity to work on my computer. That, and I don't even know how to program that well. Hell, the enemy AI is pretty damn simple.

>Basic pathfinding
>Attack on sight
>If the player avoids them for a while, they walk off.

That's literally it. Speaks volumes about how bad I am about coding.

This is the reason why I love scratch. Too bad that you can't build a game with hours of gameplay because its engine can't handle that much information.

wtf are you on about dude? You're so autistic you can't converse with normal people anymore. Fucking kill yourself

When I hit roadblocks on making things work in the engine and testing the debug room over and over, it feels like an absolute ballache. Hacking together new routines and exceptions, or reusing old functions, or changing variables just to see if something changes onscreen. But I know I have a solid plan of action for where I'm going with it in the end.
When it comes to art, I'll go "well I need a proper graphic for the main character at least, then work on the other assets", and I'll end up with six different variants of the same sprite with minute differences and stuck on which one to go with. Then a half-day later I'll come back and tweak the latest sprite and, quelle surprise, another six variants are drawn up. God help me when I get to the stuff that needs actual animation.

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I'm intrigued. show more.

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Doing some freelance stuff currently. Once I've done that and gotten a bit of dosh, I'll put half of that towards assets

Still grinding away

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You need a pop filter, my dude

Also, no 3D
That's cool as fuck, bruv. Love the artstyle. I know this makes me sound like an idiot, but the first thing I think of when I see said artstyle is Mario Odyssey

>december 2019

that's a pretty nice colour palette, especially for the water. setting's textured look reminds me of the spyro remake

I'm almost done.i just need a girl who sounds like a middle schooler to record some lines. Must be able to moan.

I recorded these in a bathroom with a phone, mmmmkay?

I need to make some new webms. But I'm usually just working on the game though, feels like a waste if time to spend an hour capturing video and making webms unless I'm showing something very specific

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Finally getting to understand scale in U4
Now trying to blend characters and having no artistic skill.
Keep polishing the game mechanics inbetween all this and finally got to polish the system more towards what I want once i start on it.
Also polished the story more. Have a concept set for 4 of the 7 regions I have as well as how I want the first 3 games to turn out.
Being an ideas guy suck when you don't have the skills where it matters.

Looks cool.

Well that's reassuring and doesn't make you sound like you're not taking this seriously at all.

>Grid, Terran Conflic
good shit man

Your evil voice sounds like it'd kill your throat after a good recording session, re-evaluate how you do it. It also sounds harsh on the ears.

I want to make a pretty simple game. Basically a better looking DX ball.
What should I read in order to be able to do it?

what is it? the game dev one? just pirate
>its 2019 and everything needs to be pastel colors

Just got VTOL working, which implies a lot of the flight and engine model work is done. I'm really hoping that now that end is in sight for this flight model stuff (as much fun as it is to work on) I can get back to working on the actual game part of the game.

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I don't even own a microphone, okay?
Someone asked me to give this guy a voice, so I used something I thought was appropriate to his character: An immature crackhead goblin voice

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>i'm a brainlet so this meme is bad

> "2MA" with my best friend
> genuinely share the writing
> but im coding it all
> been working on all audio/music too
> at the very least all art has been split about 60/40 and our styles blend well in my opinion
> oh ye im also the one animating so far
> he uses MSpaint
> even went through the trouble of getting him other software
> for some reason he won't fucking use any software besides MSpaint
> im stuck touching/cropping/editing all artwork he manages to send me anyway
> last time he sent me much to work with it was nearly a 4000x4000 image

Even so, I've made good progress the last couple weeks, finally starting a crude base for the combat mechanics in our game.

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maybe get a good mic they dont cost much

pretty gay and crap, loser

the level of cringe is amazing

I'm working on the 4th boss of my arpg. I think the final game will have at least 3 more