Really small and non-threatening enemy has "intimidate" ability

>really small and non-threatening enemy has "intimidate" ability
>this prevents a fuckhuge character from attacking, even though he could just fucking one shot and curbstomp that little shit
This is not ok game design

Attached: Intimidate.webm (480x360, 689.05K)



What game?


Wow I wonder how they came up with such a weird mechanic?

Attached: giant-owl-butterfly-vertical.jpg (990x1485, 177.19K)

It's just a butterfly, punch it and it dies


Attached: 1558976925084.gif (1372x1024, 800.45K)

>Neutral NPC suddenly becomes hostile if you equip a specific item
>no indication of what item might cause this

Attached: Horton hits a Ho.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

No one cares

i care

>The rules said NO PICTURES bitch

You just explained how peacocks work. Stop being retarded.

Well peacocks can suck my cock

absolutely BASED and undubitably PRÖÖÖÖOHpilled

>enemies can steal your equipment

Attached: elephant hat.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

Peacocks have their tails to impress mates, not to scare off predators.

Name a single animal more based than an elephant

>When the male peacock spreads his tail feathers to create a spectacular fan of blue and green, the illusion of large penetrating eyes are displayed. Not only do these eyes attract mates, but they also scare away potential predators, like snakes or large wild cats.
Stop being retarded.

Are Elephants actually capable of humor?

>sides of head look wet
This is musth, kind of like a male heat. During musth, test is increased by 90-150x and they go on destructive rampages if unable to fug.

>You can taunt enemies.

Attached: elephant and rhino.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

Elephants seem really chill.

Being an asshole doesn't require a sense of humor. Monkeys can do that too.


Attached: Fifa 2019.webm (480x480, 2.89M)

>test is increased by 90-150x
Is that achievable natty?

yes, but first you must become an elephant


Probably. Lots of studies have found certain dogs breeds have a strong sense of humour and can understand laughter too. Springer spaniels are a notoriously "funny" breed of dog and I know someone who owns one. He enjoys stealing my shoes or wallet and running away but then giving me them back as soon as I catch him whilst having a big goofy face and wagging tail.

Imagine the smell

Good thing I'm American then

>just a prank bro

Attached: 1540237183307.jpg (634x951, 79.77K)

When an elephant looks at humans, the part of the brain that activates when a human looks at puppies activates. To elephants, we are quaint, silly and adorable

he said elephant, not whale

so when they go on a rampage and trample people thats the equivilant of a person stomping puppies to death?

Attached: coffee mate.webm (576x324, 2.77M)

>This is not ok game design
Yes it is. It makes much more sense than a small guy would have to learn, as a skill, how to be intimidating, than a huge muscular ogre
Also, size isn't the only thing intimidating. A child with a gun is more dangerous than a huge adult bare-handed

Attached: HappySpider.jpg (452x328, 45.45K)

I've always wanted to be kawaii.

Attached: oh gosh.png (2234x984, 81.9K)


What could an elephant possibly gain from that kind of behaviour?

So what would it feel like if puppies speared you to death for the amusement of other puppies?

Imagine a bunch of puppies rocked up in a jeep and shot your dad. You'd stomp the shit out of the next puppy you saw.

Why do you think they make coffee out of elephant shit?


Scat fetish

They don't


Horses and frogs

elephants have a poor digestion system so there's basically still decent, undigested food up their asses on the way out. the other elephant thinks he'll just pull it out and eat it because he's an animal.

They do

They'll see us as pitbulls instead user.


Attached: Untitled.png (1195x1021, 2.68M)

Capable of banter, at least

Attached: chad lesser primate .webm (450x360, 1.62M)

A lot of mammals actually eat shit, since a lot of plant matter goes undigested. It had nothing to do with captivity or anything, they do it in the wild too. It also helps babies get gut flora from their parents

got a source for that my man?

Nah, he heard it from some lady on Facebook

Is there anything more soi than being an "animal lover"? They have no value besides what they produce. Leave your superficial fee fees to your women.

I thought they made it out of cat shit because cats ate the beans and fermented them in their stomachs


Diplomacy 100

>Adored by lessers
>Romantic with his pussy
>Center of attention at a party
>Chilling with his boy
So this what a Chad does in a day

A male elephant in musth is super fucking dangerous and should never ever be allowed near visitors.

Absolutely based

Who hurt you dude, then again this is just b8


>man i fucking hate animals
>probably has a history of animal abuse
Fuck off, nobody asked you to be here

These creatures must be inter-dimensional.. Like cats.

>You'll never be this based
Why even live?

>doesnt like animals
>is an animal

Ah yes, the fag of the marsupials

>not liking animals or at the very least being curious about animal behavior
Fuck right off

they aren't marsupials

>enemies can instakill you

Attached: elephant yeet.webm (1280x720, 2.04M)

>some lady

That elephant is trained. Look at the guy on the right.
I don't understand how you retards always fall for staged shit.

>inb4 I d-d-did know it was staged, I was o-o-only pretending

umm sweaty you can't stage with animals, they don't speak

Sorry I meant rodents. Fuck rodents. Also possums are rodents too even if you say they aren't

Haven't you seen that webm of the grey cat dancing? You can train them for a surprising amount with food. Someone post it.

did she died