So what is he up to nowadays?

so what is he up to nowadays?

Attached: totalbiscuit.jpg (1600x900, 92.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

in cuba with tupac


last i heard he was playing fortnite

Nothing, he's dead.


OP, I...

He is dead.

He's gone underground and nobody has heard a word from him since

Peacefully sleeping 6 feet under, probably thinking about Fortnite™.

it's the OMEGALUL guy xD

Being ash

hey, that's OmegaLUL guy!

I heard he's creating a new RTS with iNcontrol

Wishing cancer to other people.

He died while playing fortnite.

I used to watch him religiously from 2011 till like 2015.
I don't miss him one bit, looking back he was kinda shit
His only positive aspect was shining some light in some decent but obscure indies

He said he was taking a short break so he should be coming back anytime soon.

He could be watching us all right now...

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Karma really hit him back hard. Beautiful.

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Rude. I hope he gets cancer and die.


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I miss that faggot.

He really was an insufferable cunt, wasn’t he.

>comment on one of his videos that I dislike how dubstep is being put in video games, how it's a stupid fad that will get old in a few months
>say dubstep ''music'' sucks dick
>he replies saying no one cares what I think
>dubstep died months after
>it's such a stupid fad that people are now embarrassed that it ever happened
>Total Biscuit is dead


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But is he wrong though?

and they hated him because he told the truth

that was just him answering what his plans were for the future

omegalul is dead?

Not in the slightest, despite what zoomers growing up with this would like to believe.

To be fair he shouldn't have been against considering suggestions outright but does that individual really matter? No. Should they? Also no.

You do not have the actual capacity to care about more than a few people/things without going insane.

Fertilizing daffodils.

He wasn't wrong, just unprofessional and childish

He wasn't necessarily wrong but he could've basically ended it after saying that he doesn't take requests regardless of how cheeky a reply he got afterwards.

Anyone got the image of TotalBiscuit getting anal vored by death?

That sums up his existence in a nutshell. But to be fair the guy reviewed toys for a living

you'd have to be socially-retarded to sperg out about it though. I don't think even asian hierarchical cultures are that alienating

Chilling in a League of Legends trophy.

No but it says a lot about him as a person when he needs to be giant dick about it like that


Man, why so mean? He should have taken after us moral crusaders on Yas Forums.


an keloggs-loving mutts say being cut is better

Well, the average Yas Forums poster would've just called reukinait a faggot tranny nigger and left it at that, not sperged out like totalretard over there

he repeatedly wished cancer and death upon others and then he died from cancer

I would ignore the reukanit faggot, it's just some loser trying to bait a response he can flip into something negative. TotalCunt fell for it.
I would consider doing a video on Overgrowth just to shit on it.

Social retardation is a given if one is actually reading, or even worse responding to comments by random viewers. People like this who can't restrain themselves from answering get absolutely mentally wrecked by social media, which is a shame really.

Isn't it weird how his wife took over his job and made it her own? thats freakish

She has somehow to pay the 1 million dollar debt he left her.

Yeah. She even went so far as to call herself the Cynical Clit.

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He's right you know

>that last podcast he was on shortly before he kicked it
>he's so full of morphine he barely knows where he is

that's when I knew it bros

>Thanks for the suggestion but I'm not interested in that game.
Was that really so hard?

Complaining about 0 fps.

Feeding maggots.

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>Are traps gay?

Based as fuck

He's right though.
>Yas Forums crying about someone being rude
oh no no no

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Whenever I see that pic I always think back to this comment. Man, aniki was a legend.

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Would you ESLs please just type in your own language rather than butchering English more than the Americans have?