It's like they specially tried to make Edelgard as unlikable as possible

It's like they specially tried to make Edelgard as unlikable as possible

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>before election
>after election

But I love Edelgard.

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At this point Edelgard seems like one of the most controversial characters of the 2010s. People cannot stop arguing about whether she was right.
She was completely wrong by the way

Wasn’t Lonato a noble?

Nobody thinks she was right, those people are just thinking with their dicks.

Okay maybe, just maybe she was wrong. But that doesn't mean she did anything wrong.

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Edelgard is from leftypol.

I know this it's Dmitri shill thread #3567487466 but Edelgard is not saying she does understand there common folk, just that Dmitri also does not.

Looks like it didn´t work.

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Excerpt she's flawless and I love her. Death to her haters.

amen to that my fellow tranny

I completed 2 of the 4 paths before any DLC, can I experience the dlc on the other 2 or have I missed things out by completing Dimirti and Claude paths? Where does that forth house take place, past or future?

Edelgard is for happiness

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>Hey that's my hypocrite wife

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>can I experience the dlc on the other 2
You can. The only thing you'll really miss out on would be the supports with the respective house leaders, and the potential endings in case they got married by the end. You know, the usual stuff you miss by picking another route.
The DLC main story itself is separate from the main game, involving all houses. For a series of pretty cool maps in a shorter but fast paced game that's more intense than the base game. And as you progress you unlock DLC content for the main game, and after you've completed the DLC story you'll have unlocked the Abyss and the entirety of the fourth house, new missions, items, and monastery activities. For use in the main game. And in the maingame it has content for both pre and post the time skip.

Hot, Based and Chadlethpilled

>Those Who Slither in the Dark Eliminated

>Church disposed of and Fòdlan free from their lies

>Tyranny of Crests broken

>World where humanity is free to cut their own path

Crimson Flower is the True Ending, it's not a real Fire Emblem ending until you slay a divine Dragon and liberate mankind

>Everything I don't like is a trannie

Fuck you.
Death to all trannies.

I would be liking Edelgard to make me the happy!

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Stop spamming that image.

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>The true ending is where you follow the main antagonist of the other 3 routes
Yeah how about no, BL is Classic FE and GD connects far better with the first half of the game

Hell CF has less content than all other routes, why would tha be the true end?

>it's not a real Fire Emblem ending until you slay a divine Dragon and liberate mankind
Only happened once in the entire series before, that being Duma.

>Those Who Slither in the Dark Eliminated

They don't. Byleth and Jeritza spent their entire lifetime hunting them down and no one said they succeeded.

>Church disposed of and Fòdlan free from their lies

Now with new lies like 'Nemesis is good' and 'Church poisoned our water'.

>Tyranny of Crests broken

That's debatable. Because when edelgard dies(she will. She's not immortal like Byleth) what would those nobel families with crests would do? And with no netural factions like Church at their side, they gonna take over.

>World where humanity is free to cut their own path

I can't be the only one who think that sounded like Chaos route title, right?

>Now with new lies like 'Nemesis is good' and 'Church poisoned our water'.
This. The hypocrisy is palpable.

>gameplay thread --> dead
>dimitri thread --> dead
>claude thread --> dead
>waifu thread --> dead
>fujoshi thread --> dead
>Edelgard bait thread --> alive
The absolute state of Fire emblem thread in Yas Forums
Face it, at this point, Edelgard discussion is the only thing that keep FE thread alive

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>opinion of FEH coomers who probably don't even own the game

Well yeah it´s easier to just bait people in order to bump a thread instead of you know not baiting.

Heroes votes are always gonna be coomers based.

Ok let's talk about Sylvain.

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She implies superior knowledge.

>Now with new lies like 'Nemesis is good' and 'Church poisoned our water'

To be fair, Edelgard really doesn't know those are lies.

How could she not know that? She did play the others routes like me didn't she?!

Not if Dorothea has anything to say about it

>kill the underground jews
>kill the church run by heathen beasts
>unite the warring tribes under the strength of the empire

only leftists faggots get upset about edel

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Same with FECoomers, both are not neutral.

I really don't get why people like her or why there's so much controversy surrounding her. Like, if you play through all the routes you get SPOON FED why she's wrong and an idiot. I feel like this whole controversy was just contrived in order to bait hairdyed twitter landwhales who only played CF.

not him, but
Yeah no thanks, let's talk about big titties character instead, for example, Hilda

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For the nth time LESS THAN A QUARTER of all FE games have Dragons as the antagonists. They're allies more times than they are enemies.

The Church route with Black eagles was the best route since I got the best path and didnt have to deal with any of the retarded heads of houses. Getting to kill them or watch them be killed was delicious

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>just got done conquering Alliance
>Lady Edelgard, Arundel is going around the Alliance picking relics from the nobles, you know, those things that can wipe out an army
>Haha what a rascal, let him do as he pleases, we'll deal with him later
Everything she does makes the offscreen victory so much more unbelievable
>this scene is followed by Edelgard being scared of rats (which is mostly fine since there's a reason for that at least) and her going KYAAAAAA DON'T LOOK BAKA to the drawing
They really didn't know what to do with her did they

Feh had hundreds of thousands votes, now compare that to the small vote size in your fujoshi magazine

and we also had in game statistic data

are you retarded?

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I think Edelgard and Ingrid shouldn’t be as popular as they are, we know how divisive Edelgard is and Ingrid is just boring

honestly the game was rushed, I feel like it was meant to be you play all houses once, and learn more of the slither in the dark before unlocking a true final path to defeat them. Dragon loli has time fucking travel powers that are never expanded upon except for one ingame mechanic crutch, obivously it was meant for more.

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>the only threads on Yas Forums that get responses are autistic arguments
Yeah we know.

She's still wrong since her coup had him living in the slums. And in his own words, he wants to save the people in the slums.

>noooo why is she acting like a human?? why isn't she the emotionless monster she is in other routes?? why are they showing me that she's still a human with feelings???
And for fuck's sake, play Hubert's paralogue. It's like all you fucking retards skipped it or something.

The games where dragons are the actual main villains: 1, 2, 4, Awakening, Fates.

Should I marry this ho or Lysithea? I know I should have made up my mind by now but I'm still on the fence.
Fuck Marianne, I don't want my kids turning into fucking beasts or some shit

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Isn't that line from CF, where he never gets deposed? Or am I getting mixed up?

Edeltards don't play FEH either, since she was only #8 on a hero rises, and even with the influx of chaotic evil voters, still had the absolute lowest round 1 total. it's pathetic.

Edelgard live rent free in many user's head

I'm tired of talking about the thots, fucking coomers are insufferable. Yes, I love her huge tits and lickable arm pits.

Like, can we talk about how good a unit Ferdinand is? Every retard makes him some gimped onions Cav, where his true calling is making him a dancer for the avoid skill, switching him to Swordmaster while leveling flying skills for the avoid skills.
Fucker gets everyone to sub 20% hit rate. Cast retribution on him and equip a Wo Dao and you have a unlimited counter range killing machine.

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The only difference between right and wrong is who wins.

>play Hubert's paralogue
Every fucking time with these Edeltards
I played it, it doesn't help shit, all you do is help some Dubsteppers not die
Doesn't make them lose their fully armed (now with relics), fully manned army
Doesn't make them lose their nukes (which they can use multiple of with no delay unlike what Hubert thinks)
Doesn't make them less spread out through the continent

That never happens at all and even if it did, Byleth's godly semen will negate it from ever happening

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>She was completely wrong by the way
not really, she was right in most of her ideals

Nice try, Marianne!