What are you playing today?

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Not ff13 that's for sure

My recent pick ups:
>Star Wars: Force Unleashed
>Street Fighter 4
>Soul Calibur 4
>Red Faction Guerilla

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Played pic related recently.

Looking forward to my order of PS3 games coming next week.

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>Red Faction Guerilla

Great game. I really miss mass scale destructability in games.

I really miss the old THQ. I'm unironically thinking about getting the 50 cent game.

Nice PS3, trash game but I wish I had that PS3

It's a beauty

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had my OG model cleaned out and put a 1TB drive into it
>mfw all these games i now have access to

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>FFXIII was 11 years ago

My PS3 backlog is endless.

Great game, once I got used to the sword I couldn't stop using it.

I'm glad another user thinks the same. I'm legitimately hurt that we will never get a follow up. It was before its time.

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Bought a (localized) version of Valkyria chronicles for very very few euritos, is it a good game? I've heard it could compare somehow to Fire Emblem which is a series I love so I hope I'll enjoy it. By the way in the last year I've bought an endless amount of games, like 25 or 30, I don't remember, I doubt I've spent more than 120 € on them, some of them I bought because "why not, for 3 €" like Vanquish which is not the game I usually play, but I've found some cool and not so usual stuff around for very cheap like Ni No Kuni or the Ico and SoTC collection

Valkyrie Chronicles is a good game if you like SRPG. It was a PS3 exclusive at one point.

Show us your collection

>Valkyria chronicles
Its great. Aesthetically, its also better than the rest imo.
>Ni no kuni
Vanquish is great. Ni no kuni is alright. Intend to get the SoTC collection at some point.
I've also been getting a boatload of PS3 games in the recent year. Its going to tie me over this gen and the next.

>By the way in the last year I've bought an endless amount of games
Me too, these are all the physical games I haven't played yet.

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Are you Japanese, user? or did you import?

I live in Japan.

FF13 is grate.
I'm thinking about replaying Demon's.

I'm picking up a PS3 soon. Any good recommendations?

Its exclusives: Resistance 1, 2, 3, Killzone 1, 2, 3, Drakengard 3, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Folklore, Tales of series.

El shaddai
Wanted weapons of fate
Resistance 1 & 3
3d dot game heroes
Time crisis razing storm (Razing storm, Deadstorm pirates and Time crisis 4)
Yakuza games
Binary domain

Trinity: Souls of Zill O'll and Majin and the forskan kingdom is supposed to be really good and the Gundam breaker games

Get any cheap GOTY and utlimate editions since they usually include all the DLC

Not a great collection by any means, but I've bought a used PS3 couple of years ago and tried some things I've missed. Most expensive one was Persona5 I think which was like 20 €. Fifa 16 was 90 cents if I remember correctly. Only one I regret is Shadow of Mordor which is unplayable.

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>Only one I regret is Shadow of Mordor which is unplayable.
It's not even a game, it's a broken pre-alpha version of a game.

Not that user, but really? It seems okay to me and the nemesis system seems cool.

Probably on other platforms, the one on PS3 is terrible, simply terrible, quickly enough the game drops to 5fps and with consistent lags in controls. It's simply awful. Bought it because I've read it was a nice game but I forgot to read it was for the PS4/PCs/whatever

I played on PC at 60+ fps first, then saw the ps3 version at my nephews LOL somehow he was enjoying it but he also plays tf2 at like 10 fps on a laptop

The disk drive on my PS3 slim is totally shot. How easy is it to replace?

Did you play it on PC or 8th gen consoles? Because the 7th gen versions, in particular the one for PS3, are simply unplayable.

>selling all of your PS3 / 360 games and playing the PC ports instead
The greatest feeling. I'm sick of physical copies of games.

Okami HD

Playing Birth By sleep HD right now

Very nice.

I'm the opposite. I think owning physical copies is a safer options that digital.

The reason modern games are so monotonous is not exclusively because of graphics.
Lots of games have great graphics but suck *eyes FFXIII*.
Nobody put a gun to Square Enix's head and said : "make the most linear and boring maps humanly possible"

I have a distaste for SE has become. Its crazy to think they were a beloved developer once. Barely any of their published 7th gen are good or decent.

Get Puppeteer too.

played some muppet monster adventure and ff7 this morning, recently finished deadly premonition
the ps3 really is a great machine if you hack it

Ps3/xbox 360 is one of the worst console generations, only the ps4/xbone generation is worse.

>intense bloom
>started the lootbox/dlc craze
>began the 'cinematic so real' era
>aged horribly

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>white short sleeve shirt
Looks mormon.

>intense bloom
>aged horribly

Play more 7th gen games before making such accusations. It's pretty telling you haven't.

My physical collection for PS3 has grown to quite respectable levels and yet I haven't touched the thing in months. I'm two trophies away from platinuming Dad of War so maybe I'll go back to the PS3 afterward.

Any recommendation on what I should play next? Preferably no cinematic first party action games. After GoW18 I need a change.

take away the alien and this accounts for 90% of all games that came out on the ps3/360

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>gameplay doesnt matter, lookey samey be-ey samey!

>90% of all games that came out on the ps3/360
Again, instead of resorting to such a broad generalization you might want to look up what games got actually released during that time. Its your own fault if all you were exposed to was brown and bloom mil shooters.

It's cute.

I still have a bunch of PS3 gamed, but my OG control is done for... What are some ''good'' third party alternatives?

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mgs3 for the first time. i beat 2 and wasn't sure i wanted to continue playing but i got the game for free so

>implying shooters in that era played differently and all didn't ape the CoD 4 method of hold left trigger press right trigger

>La Terra - di Mezzo L'Ombra di Mordor
You surviving the quarantine ok bro?

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Do you have a ps4 controller? It will work on a ps3.

you can use a dualshock 4 with the ps3 but the only downside is that the ps button doesnt work


Alien Vs Predator and Mass Effect

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Well now I'm going to get one.

The entire thing? The most difficult part is removing the outer shell since you'll need some weird screwdriver. Or you could use the tip of a blunt knife as I did.

>playing shooters on console

Remember to get a long ass micro usb cable if you don't have one already. You'll be thankful for it.

Did SOCOM ever get its servers revived like WarHawk? I never played the online before and I remember people nostalgiafagging over it.

AvP 2010 was underrated, user. I really enjoyed the ayylmao campaign.

Use a dualshock 4 but: PS button doesn't work, it's not compatible with all games (I think a Resistance, 2 or 3, and Castlevania Lords of Shadow aren't compatible with DS4), has to be connected to the PS3 all the time.

I legit hope someone will revive majority of the game servers some day.


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Currently in the middle of the so called Red Area. Still going to work everyday but the city looks unreal.