Defend this

Attached: FFVII.jpg (1920x1080, 192.66K)

What exactly?

No, defend THIS.

Attached: chizza-1-1200x560.jpg (1200x560, 143.81K)

What in Sam Hill?

Guessing they couldn't be bothered to hire a good background artist to do the 3D.

this is indefensible

I would unironically eat it

what the fuck did they do to jesse

also why is Barrett wearing sunglasses indoors

Ew the old one looks like it's from the 70s or something lol.

Is there a more blatant soul/soulless in gaming?

This. Why do Yas Forums boomers love shitty games from 50 years ago?

So he can take them off and cry when he kills his mate

What am I even looking at
What is it made of?

left soul
right soulless

>Baby cartoon shit

>An actual elevator

Elevators don't need to look like the insides of a car engine.

bros... where is the soul?

kill yourselves zoomer shits

That’s the point of the thread, no need to say it out loud like a retard

huh it does change the atmosphere a bit doesnt it

Left legitimately doesn't look like an elevator

>made from california tomatoes
Why the fuck would that be a selling point? I grow tomatoes for free and they're FOR FREE not watery garbage that FOR FREE don't taste like playdoh

Uh, yeah, well, putting in all of that detail into the elevator car is hard and, like, I mean, it's just an elevator... O-okay, look, we just want you to give us your money; why are you complaining about a fucking elevator anyway? It's Final Fantasy 7 and we made the combat more action-y; what do you want from us? Fucking buy the demo, already you cunt!

Attached: FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE DEMO_20200306010259.jpg (1920x1080, 352.78K)

A picture where soul vs souless actually works.

No more atmosphere. No soul. WTF bros. This was all a lie

That looks more delicious than the slop they call gravy and their bland chicken

Left is not befitting of a global conglomerate. I've seen dark poopy elevators in leaks, so calm your shit.

While I do agree that they could have done more to give the right some more charm, the left looks noting like an elevator

If that's as small as I think it is, it would make a nice snack.

Attached: 1582603812363.png (375x360, 79.65K)

new bad

I don't get why Shindra HQ was clean as fuck and all of a sudden the elevator looked like a work in progress.

Of course it looks like an elevator. The artistic direction they were going for in making these environmental details during its development is what brought a unique character to the game and made people fall in love with it in the first place. That's why the one on the left is better and why what you just said was fucking retarded.

if i was born in the 90s and had to play these disgusting pixelated garbage looking games i would have probably killed myself


Attached: Cloud bed.jpg (1453x1080, 173.99K)

I don't know why I pressed 'd'. But it felt like the elevator was something the created while making Midgar, but then they started making HQ clean and nice while keeping the elevator like some invention in development.

>it never looked like an elevator
It didn't need to look like an elevator, its function and purpose was made apparent via gameplay, which is how a good game does things.


No you can only talk about the defining games of your generation, like... rehased games from the 90's and mobile games

Why do redditors keep using shit oomer memes?

It looked retarded. Fuck off boomers.

Attached: 1583627322852.jpg (1819x2048, 198.25K)

>Bunch of pipes on the wall
>In a moving box
It looks fucking nothing like an elevator, outside of having an arrows pointing up and down.

user... I think you're on to something here.

>art style doesn’t match the obnoxious playdough looking models
>models look like total dogshit to someone that hasn’t played it
>no fucking idea what the background is supposed to be

>not a goofy ass cartoon
>characters don’t look out of place

Soul vs. Soulless

I think they both have soul in different ways. Do you know what brutalist architecture is?

>Normal real world looking elevator
>Dude in sleeveless jumpsuit with metal bits attached and 5 foot long slab sword, chick in molded breast plate with headband and multiple belts, and jungle commando with gun arm
>characters don't look out of place

Uh huh tell me more

>Character looks like black text against a white background
Ever heard of imagination idiot?

Attached: 1.jpg (545x780, 110.22K)

you're a fucking dumbass if you think the new one looks better. Adding the extra pipes, machinery, lights and switches adds some great detail

Thank god most of you children are kept in prison before you can interact with anyone.

Im super hyped for the remake and even I think thats a big downgrade

>In an elevator
The rest is good though.

salmonella and grease

I can agree on the lights, but I don't get the pipes. It hardly runs on steam.

i mean
can you STOP barrett from wearing sunglasses indoors
i thought not

With all the games from the last twelve years made by dipshits who like to smear shitty lighting and filters over everything with an autistic kid with a bucket of primer: I'm surprised I haven't jumped off a building and made a crater in somebody's BMW already.

Attached: AAA.jpg (1919x1053, 272.53K)

>In an elevator

maybe that's how they get the Mako energy around the reactor? Why not the elevator system also

some anons were mad about a story detail change where cloud and his gang now no longer kills shit ton of innocents and remake shifts the blame to the bad guys? dunno about FF7 but it felt interesting some user explain pls

just steal the BMW instead you faggot

>i would have probably killed myself
you definetly should still do it

this would've looked cool
it just goes to show they're trying to mix it all but with a tad bit more scifi

Because it's a moving room.
Why the fuck would you ever have the pipes go through the actual lift, and not just run along the walls if you absolutely need to have them go through the elevator shaft?

Make her better.

Attached: IMG_20200308_143133.jpg (1200x1600, 1.13M)

Jack in the Box needs to make a burger version and call it "the jizzer".

Attached: 1576197075499.jpg (900x507, 134.02K)

And this looks nothing like a city street.

Attached: Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.jpg (600x300, 41.28K)

If you filled cloud's pants with helium would he float?

Attached: 1583493362298.jpg (669x573, 67.2K)


How about you stop speaking like a twitter addicted nigger

No, but it contains things that would be in an actual city street, just with screwed proportions, making it look like a screwed city street.
The FFVII elevator contain all sort of shit that would never be in an elevator.
It looks nothing like an elevator, not even one from Midgar.

