See Outer Wilds shilled daily

>See Outer Wilds shilled daily
>Look it up
>10 min game
Phew, for once I didn't get tricked by Yas Forums

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go play some AssCreed, zoomer

It's not a 10 minute game because you have to spend 20 hours working out how to finish it.


I feel like a fucking faggot for posting this but it has to be done. Outer Wilds has to be experienced blind and at your own pace.

>look it up
you just made shitty video and want to advertise it on forums. at least be man enough to admit it.

i'm gonna watch it

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ok assoomer

>10 minutes speed run
>pauses the timer for almost 1 minute when sleeping at the campfire

Yes, I'm Mobius Digital's Alex Beachum (Creative Lead), Wesley Martin (Art Director), and Logan Ver Hoef (Tech Artist)

The whole point of the game is to figure out how to clear it in a single loop, watching this will invalidate the entire game. But whatever floats your boat.

ok tranny

Still not going to play your game

>But whatever floats your boat.

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If the game can be invalidated by playing it once or seeing it played once then you made a unfun video game.

>A game about exploration is fast when you skip the exploration
>A game with a 22 minute time loop is fast to beat
Imagine my shock
Genuinely one of the better games to come out recently along with Pathologic 2. More games should do mind map style stories.

>unfun video game
Nigga go mess around in space for a while and tell me that Outer Wilds doesn't have some of the most fun 3D movement in video games

>tfw no Ender's Game Zero G combat game with Outer Wild's movement

So basically, you made a pre-internet game in 2020.

That's a pretty big leap of logic. It's basically one big puzzle, it's only natural that the solution will spoil the game. It's not unfun because of that. It's like saying a single sudoku puzzle is shit if look up the solution.
Doesn't mean it can't exist currently, just requires slightly more effort to not spoil yourself.

>So basically, you made a pre-internet game in 2020.
God I wish I could make fun games like that, I'm just a consoomer though so sorry to burst you bubble about the devs counter-shilling your thread.
It's really not hard to avoid spoiling games though and personally it took me a good 10-20 hours to beat (I forget the time since I pirated it, fuck EGS) even if it's only 10 minutes for the final loop.

What about puzzle games ?

Good for you, now you can buy it on steam, replay it in 10 mins and refund it!

i wasn't actually going to watch it, i'm just waiting for it to get released on gog

Nah, I'll just buy their next game if they do another and thoroughly enjoy it.
Have you considered playing and enjoying videogames, user?

Imagine being too retarded to understand puzzle games. Are you just so poor that you can only afford one game a year so it has to provide 9000 hours of gameplay?

You think it'll ever be on gog now with the 2-week refund? :3

To be fair those generally have a bunch of puzzles with a bunch of solutions, not 1 solution. Generally can't spoil those entirely in one 10 minute video.

well its the same as loading screen


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Heh, in Outer Wilds there's a bunch of puzzles too, you just have to apply every solutions to get to the end.

I realize that, doesn't invalidate what I said. It's a fairly short list of actions you need to remember to finish it, especially compared to puzzle games that have a much longer list. It's only 1 solution to finish it. And once finished the journey is basically over, and the journey is the entire point.

This kills the Outer Wilds.

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On the off chance that the devs ARE looking at this thread for some reason: Would you stupid fuckers release it on PS4 in Japan already please. You don't even need to translate it, just put [ENG ONLY] on the title, plenty of people release games like that here.

That's what you got for being a US Marine/Filthy English Teacher AND a consoletard.

ehehehe you're just waiting for vtubers to play it

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True, I played it and I see no reason to play it again until I completely forget the plot, and considering I still remember puzzles from the first Layton game, that make take a while.

Wait, you can easily get Japanese games in America on PS4, can't you just create an American account in Japan as well?

I doubt I'll ever forget most of the specifics of the end, except probably the co-ordinates.

I did it blind the other week, what an amazing game, finding out the lore and the oddities of each planet was incredible

I'll keep it on my wishlist, still didn't make up my mind about this one.

I'm more careful with Yas Forums recommendations since I fell to the Pathologic 2 meme. Pretentious crap for people with too much free time on their hands...

>tfw getting to giant deep core
>tfw finding the vessel in dark bramble
>tfw getting to ash twin project
>tfw finding how to teleport with the quantum stone
>tfw getting to the sun station
>tfw landing on the quantum moon
This game has so many great discovery moments

Do you need to hit your head with a hammer to experience that same enjoyment again?

>first time starting the ship
>see Giant's deep off in the distance
>lmao let's ram head first into it and see if the game lets me
>start to get a bit anxious as I get close because it is a fucking gas giant
>actually made it in and it's a giant ocean filled with tornadoes, go from "oh haha it'll probably be just a couple little colors then explode " to "FUCK ME GO UP GO UP GO UP"
>catches me by suprise so hard it scared me
What an amazing game

force a friend to play through it and then lose respect for them because they're too ADHD to actually immerse themselves in the world and lore

Hey aren't you invalidating the game with your greentext?

holy shit dude are you actually 12 or something?

Pleb successfully filtered

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You must hate video games if that description seems unappealing to you.

That's merely one puzzle, not the puzzle at the end. Also, not even actually a puzzle solution, just info about the existence of a planet you literally look at at the start.

>shit myself when the universe goes supernova the first time
>shit myself falling into the ocean of Giant's Deep
>shit myself getting into Dark Bramble
>shit myself falling into a black hole
>shit myself coming too close to the sun
>shit myself getting pulled off by a planet's gravity while on the frozen asteroid
>shit myself dying buried by sand
>shit myself...
I didn't realize this was a deep space horror game.

Think what you want, kid.

It's pretty good at being stressful
I still clench my ass so hard when I have to pass the fish nest on dark bramble

Literally close my eyes after setting my trajectory

I dislike how they handled some of the quantum mechanics in this game. Like how quantum entanglement is the exact opposite of how it works in real life. In real life entanglement means things happening with one piece influence the other piece regardless of distance, here it means that if you're touching a quantum object you're entangled with it.
Or how quantum objects are supposed to not move if they're observed, but if you're looking at a quantum moon locator it apparently isn't being observed and moves around.
Or how you can't exit the quantum moon at the sixth location, and the moon apparently moves when you're trying to exit it even if you're observing it via a picture.

The rules in Outer Wilds are purely about observation, if something is visibly observed it's static. The locator is an iffy one because it's not visibly observing it, it's a representation of its location

I'm not American

Does the US store accept non-US cards?

Get fucked Japanon. I can't get PSO2 in Australia, so why the fuck should you get some shitty indie game in Japan? You cunts get all the good games while the rest of the world gets nothing.

Just go on and buy a PSN card, you'll get a code digitally sent to you

When I was basically finished with the game because I got inside the ATP and knew what to do next, but didn't have the time to finish it just then I just fucked around a bit. So obviously I went into the black hole there to see what happens, and from your viewpoint you just die. Then I did another loop to try some shit, and apparently if you wait long enough then you break the space time continuum, which took me completely off-guard. That scared me shitless because you know at that point the ATP is the one thing that's actually dangerous to break and I thought I was fucked. But it turns out you can just load a previous save anyway.

This game is the opposite of pretentious, you walk around exploring the solar system at your own pace, there is no objective or stupid shit forced down your throat. As long as you enjoy discovering the level design and the mysteries of this world and are curious enough to wonder what is the purpose of the stuff you stumble upon you'll enjoy it.

Any chance this will be playable (and enjoyable) on my i5-2400 and gtx750ti?

I think that mostly annoyed me because I thought it was a part of a puzzle I needed to solve, but in the end it didn't seem to be relevant? And I just kept going around it, probing it, whatever to get it to initiate something that never happened.

You don't need to do anything quantum to beat the game, just for the "true" ending

>it's not visibly observing it, it's a representation
Not that guy but I guess the problem he has is that in actual quantum physics any form of representation IS observation, it's not just visual observation. Look up the double slit experiment.

Oh I see, this is your way of killing the already-short game. Sort of like a reverse-reversi-reverserino chess. Don't mind me, carry on.

Yeah. It's also a stupid distinction that a device that actively displays a location isn't observing, but a picture of a single point in time is. But I think I'm mostly annoyed because I focused on it, and wasted hours on all the quantum stuff even though it wasn't necessary.

I personally wasn't annoyed by the game's handling of quantum stuff itself because I just internalised it as it being a game working on game rules, but I keep seeing idiots online claiming that its depiction of quantum physics is 100% super realistic best video game ever and THAT really pisses me off.

Fuck you man, I have 100 euros left over for the month after paying my bills and donations, so yes, the game has to be entertaining. Terraria was awesome for that reason snd it cost me only 5 euros.