What went right?

What went right?

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It's shit compared to PS4.

better launch window games and marketing driving initial momentum

Perfect storm of successful marketing and right time of giving people new gimmick gadget.

All playstations are soulless garbage.

I'm not trying to start shit but it still doesn't really have many games I would want. Still just on PC myself. I really like how it gets ports of all those older arcade games. I can't justify the purchase just for those though.

It's the gaming machine that fits in the house of people who aren't in debt. It's the console for the modern thinking man.

Why are you like this? Is it fun to be this way?

Best how?
The library isn't anything special and it's basically just the next iteration of the WiiU.

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>has games
It's not fucking rocket science.

Nothing. It's a poor-man's port machine with 0 games. It's a PS3-tier fiasco that's only surviving because Nintendolts have the IQ of a 1st grader.

Still doesn't stop it from being one of the best consoles ever made


For what you get it's not, also the base controls are shit so you want a pro controller. It also has a pathetic amount of storage and the worst voice communication system you could think of. Not to mention the terrible online system.

Sure, the exclusive lineup isn't amazing if you don't like Nintendo games. But it congregates almost every great game from last-gen with the cream of the crop from current-gen and the PS2/Xbox/Gamecube era, all in a portable format. It may be a port machine, but the Switch is the best port machine ever made.

console for the mobile generation (asians/zoomers)

It's most likely the first portable console lot's of it's zoomer owners ever had and thus it feels special.

If gamers had technical standards at all there would be no console gamers.

I really wish they would release a fully featured joycon set with a dpad instead of the lame

The fact that it has
>A good Mario game
>A good Zelda game
>A good Fire Emblem game
All you need.

Correct marketing and a Zelda game.

Ah yes, possibly the most dissapointing mainline Pokemon game in the series history. Truly worth picking the system up for that.

struck perfect balance between price / power / form factor / software / versatility. Capitalised on Wii-U(AKA Switch 0.5)'s lost potential. Tapped into market niche of people wanting dedicated gaming tablet. The stars aligned, essentially. The best bit is all the "dead on arrival" fags getting eternally BTFO.

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That's a back handed compliment, considering how shitty then gen has been all together. Nintendo really can't stop huffing their own farts after the Wii was a success.

Games are actually fun and have replay value.
I don't need movie #9 in 8k 120fps if it isn't even fun to play.
I'll take the bing bing wahoo if it means having fun with games again.

>One of the best consoles ever made
Not even close. The ergonomics of the detachable pads is horrendous, to the point you're forced into buying the pro controller if you don't have dainty Asian hands.

It's sold over 16 million so apparently market feels so.

You can scrap those first two fucking points entirely. It's WAY overpriced.

All games for people under the age of 12

Hence why I didn't put "A good" in front of it.

It's Nintendo. Children are the target audience.

You say that without naming a competitive alternative. I'll wait.

Portability is a huge benefit
It has plenty of good games and I can play them in bed

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>It's Nintendo. Children are the target audience

Correct, therefore nobody in this thread should be interested in owning a switch yet here we are

What? PC? PS4? Xbone? Let me guess, you don't think they are competing in the video game space because "muh fucking tablet on public transport"? Fuck off m8

Extremely strong advertising campaign, any other answer is wrong or just feeds back into the advertising.

>best consoles ever made
>completely shafted by every publisher that isn't Nintendo
Your enjoyment of Switch basically boils down to how much you like Nintendo game. So same as every Nintendo console ever.

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>children's toys are only for children

>yet here we are
You seem to have gotten that far in your line of thought, when do you realize that it makes no sense to complain about it?

It sold because of marketing, the buzz (surrounding Go, the Pokemon movie, etc) as well as the name, not the quality of the title.

Sales number and popularity has never had anything to do with the quality of a product, as is the case here. Because I doubt even you would call it amonst the top 3 best Pokemon games in the series history.

The cope of bing bing wahoos is reaching orange man bad levels
Nintendo's best console is the old DS phat
>Jrpg paradise
>Ez to flash
>best 1st party games
>best advance wars
>ghost trick - one of the few flawless games humanity has made

>I don't care about portability therefore nobody else does

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>old DS phat
Cringe. The DS lite is better.

Lets say you’re a nintendo fan and you bought the wii u on good faith and played breath of the wild on it. What are we left with? Smash ultimate, three houses, Mario, animal crossing and pokemon. These 5 games makes it the best?

they inflated sales by killing their actual handhelds

>analogue stick breaks
>square edges dig into your palms unless your a midget
>stylus falls out of holder
Nothing personal normal sized people

The Switch was hacked retarded early
Jrpg paradise with emulators like psp
best 1st party games
best advance wars with emulator
ggez Switch will be the best emulator machine for a while.

PS4 and XboneX are both way better consoles. The former due to Jap games and the latter due to 4K BC and Gamepass. Nintendo has good software but as always their hardware sucks ass and is way overpriced.

Ok? There is something called the mobile games market, accounts for more than the entire console and PC gaming contribution entirely, ever heard of it? It's video games, i don't care how offended people are about the state of current gimmick nintendo since the wii that they now have to cope pretend that "acshully Nintendo aren't competing with anyone!" Fuck off with that micky mouse bullshit.

Only true chads will understand

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That's pretty confident talk from people who seem to forget a thing called the wiiU existed this very same gen just a few years ago. Funny how people become so overcome with confidence so quickly like that isn't it?

yeah yeah we get it

>2007 hardware for 300$
are you retarded or something?


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pretty sure the X1 released in 2015


>What went right?
the wii u being shit. the announcement of a new toy was a big relief for the basedtendo gang

Good thing it's not in competition with it then, huh?

>No games
>Can't run last-gen games at 30fps

It takes every good hardware idea the Wii U had an improves on them exponentially with none of its drawbacks, in addition to having almost all of its best software and being very well marketed. It's just a sexy, ultra-convenient little fucker.

PSOne had bags of soul

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>also the base controls are shit so you want a pro controller
Joycon are far better than the Pronoyoudon't Controller and why would someone use a separate controller for a handheld? Don't be silly.

Same with the shitshow that was the PS3, now sonyfags reimagine history by saying that $600 movie player without games was good.

They didn't hold back the first year. Mario and Zelda both hit early. Games sell consoles. The downside is the fanbase now pretends they've kept that pace up when the truth is we're back to Wii with nonstop phone ports, indie shit, and literal Wii shovelware ports. Nintendo has got to figure out a way to get better non Nintendo exclusives. Or at least stop letting every pixel platformer roguelike come to their system.

We aren't in a huge drought exactly but it's too early in its life to be this bad. This should be prime release year. But we're getting AC and...a port of a Wii game. That's all they've announced this year. I hope that changes but if you can name 3 games after AC that aren't ports/remakes or indie shovelware coming this year I'd love to hear it. Exclusives I mean.

And the Mariko model of X1 was released in 2019

It only sold that many because of the system it's on.

Would not have sold 16 million if they'd pulled any of this shit previously. But they knew that. And were probably expecting Ishihara's "but you bought it anyway" to be true and sell more like 25 million.

And it probably would've if they hadn't spit in long time player's faces.

The difference is the PS3 should have done xbone to PS4 ratio numbers to the 360 but it actually ended up outselling it. That was their WORST performing console.

Meanwhile the aging PS4 is getting bombarded with FF7 Remake, TLOU2 and Ghost of Sushi despite being twice as old. Nintendo is really poor at the longevity game. Every gen since the PSX it has been like this. Nintendo releases a few gems but Sony's longevity game has them severely.

What were you even trying to say with this? The only one of those I'd even want to play is KHIII. Most modern games, especially western 3D ones, are shit I want nothing to do with.

>What went right?
Fanbase of retards.

Current gen is absolute shit.

It has games. It is the go to normie console now. You wont get shunned in public when playing a switch.

>analogue stick breaks
What system are you talking about? Because it's definitely not the DS Lite since no iteration of the DS has analogue sticks.

Nice cope friend. Everything is shit (but let's all port beg on Twitter anyways)

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>You wont get shunned in public when playing a switch
You'll get shunned when playing on any platform other than your phone in public.

>It has games. It is the go to normie console now.
Excuse me but how are people going to play stuff like REmake 3, GTA, Sekiro Final Fantasy whatever the fuck on the switch?

Do I miss much if I buy the lite version?

Sales mean nothing, the PS2 made a substantial amount of sales when Sony dropped its price to pocket change. And if your source is vgchartz then just kys.

>Exclusives I mean.
Literally everything technically is since you aren't going to come across any of them on a portable system. Not to mention they often have things no other system has for coming later.

Normies don't really bother to think about you playing vidya in public for longer than few seconds.

>Literally everything technically is since you aren't going to come across any of them on a portable system.
Next level cope kek.

>not owning both
Truly the response of 12 year olds.