Is Yuffie a bad person to sell her body for magic rocks?
Is having sex for Materia(l) gains moral?
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All whores need to be burned, and all those who enable them should soon follow
Would you sell your body for materia? Cause I'd do some depraved shit for a bahamut
Will she be optional?
Not if she sells her ass to me
it'll make her husbando sad if she's walking around with other doods coom in her ass and throat. Like why Yuffie? He'll buy you Materia, you don't have to suck dicks for rocks.
>Wutai is mentioned in the first hour of Remake
Yes, I'm sure she's going to be completely optional and not important to the plot at all
Rude! she doesn't sell her body for magic rocks, she steals them!
The sex is just a hobby.
god I wanna drag my tongue on her tummy and armpits
Yuffie's ninja snatch has triple materia growth.
Didn't play ff7. What does this scene imply?
that she will shit and cum materia balls, you fucking brainlet
ah, another well read man.
b-but... sex isn't for fun!
Why do weebs love her so much
I thought materia is supposed to be equipables?
finish the manga and take your ban like a man you limp wristed faggot
no, go view it on sadpanda.
source is 186472
yes, desu i don't feel like typing out a three paragraph post on how materia works in final fantasy 7, go play the game you fucking underage newfag.
fucking coward, don't even start posting next time if you wont take the ban you fucking fairy
Materia can level up, and maxing a materia awards you another copy of that same materia
based, dumpcuk seething
15 years ago, when I was just a boy. I saw a 3d video of Yuffie (and one of Yuna). Still some of the hottest shit ever, made me want to learn moon runes.
lmao he can't get past the panda looooooooooooool
i am already past the bowing girls looking at the manga, but your a bowing bitch afraid of jannies, fuck off back to crib little baby.
yep you can't get past it ABSOLUTE JEJ
Is it really implied that she gets dicked down for Materia?
not this guy but i also think the retard posting only the softcore shit is a huge sniveling fag too retarded to change his ip
You are trying too hard to fit in.
Damn take your meds autistic faggot
Learn to find source, newfag.
>not this guy
ok samefag
Just admit you can't get past the panda.
your a dumb nigger, and a limp wristed beta.
everyone ITT is retarded, one user already posted the source and you're still arguing
The more you cry, the clearer it is whose the real newfag.
>muh bowing girls is hard to get past
>m-muh can't post the rest because i'm afraid of tranny jannies janny bannies
>y-y-you j-j-just can't get p-p-past the s-sad p-pussy panda user
try to dig your dick out of that dilated ditch where it use to be and fill your floppy fucking sack if it still exists with some balls and finish posting the rest you pussy fuck
post it yourself and take the ban then, if you're so hardcore.
I’d pay good material to tickle that belly.
kill yourself you cowardly kike, go fucking spew your faggot shit somewhere else. you fucking worthless leldditor tourists are all fucking scum, you start posting porn trying to fit in with the website and board culture and then you fucking pussy out like the limp dick faggots that all of you tourists are, go back home and fuck yourself retard.
>prime breeding age
>short hair
>visible armpits and tummy
yep you mad lol.
I swear if they censor her midriff I'm gonna fucking lose it
>bowing girls
What is this newfag shit?
No dice for me on the panda. Tried searching for the artist name and title too.
they probably will because the current sony head is a dick sucking sjw apologist that is trying to ruin the bodies of all the girls in final fantasy to appeal to people who don't buy or play videogames.
panda closed and almost shut down like 6 months ago, sad panda turned into bowing girls. Don't call things newfag if you don't understand whats going on in its history you stupid fucking ignorant nigger
I just googled c90 materia farmer and got lots of hits. Was just curious how he had it on the panda when it’s been purged.
>proved it was newfag shit
it's still on the panda.
t. read it there 10 minutes ago.
no problem tourist, now fuck off back to neogaf
Cute that you insist on exposing yourself.
>Is Yuffie a bad person to sell her body for magic rocks?
A bit.
>doesn't know about sad panda's changes
>can't find porn on his own
>calls others newfags
yes tourist, i'm pretty good at sniffing you fucks out.
>assuming and is the one who started
Wow you are really stupid.
Not for me. Weird.
i don't need to assume anything, you made it perfectly clear that your a fucking retard thats here to tour the bullshit and shitpost like a fucking idiot.
Why would anyone do that. The materia will smell like Yuffie's ass
Yuffie so puffy
You really do try too hard to fit in.
I love it though.
i bet you do love comming here and making this website worse, you fucking faggot.
I am glad you can't see the irony of your posts, newfag-kun.
It would be cute to see Tifa and Aeris holding Yuffie down and blowing raspberries all over that cute tummy!
>implying you don't want materia that smells like Yuffie's ass
Well Cloud, are you gay or something?