Does posture affect your skill?

Does posture affect your skill?

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what a chad on the right with the chink eyes

posture does nothing for me for skill, though you should always keep good posture. stupid fucking back.

Ching chong corona wong

girl on the right is going to get blacked

i hunch and move my tongue around my lips when i get into it

how does his neck not explode from playing like that

What a fucking Chad move. The chink is exerting his dominance before the game even starts


>Based black man getting that white pussy instead of playing video games

mutt law

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I do a similar pose when I do yoga (I'm not some fag, I have to do it because of my boomer back) and the idea of straining my neck up to look at a tv screen horrifies me.


and what do you do when you're playing video games?

holy shit lol

Absolutely. It's obvious most of you on this board suffer from brain fog and other various neurological issues. Brain fog will affect your gaming performance and every other area of your life.
This is mostly likely due to Tethered Cord Syndrome caused by your chronic poor posture and other bad habits.
Educate yourself and maybe one day you can be a functioning human being:

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>implying i dont sit up straight
stop assuming shit, faggot

They are dating so yes she is getting blacked.

>the two roasties there
>one is finna bouta get some dick
>other one is not so lowkey judging the guy playing the way he needs to play

Women suck.

100% Chad

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that shirt is pretty good desu

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>that girl in the back literally going "he cute"

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Why do americans do this?

Become less mad, my child

Does something for your skull. You need to keep a good bloodflow

this gotta be comfy

It's a dedicated discord group. There's been multiple that all do the same thing, a not so subtle manipulation of board culture through mass spamming and thread derailment. Now it's these cucks, before it was the tranny cult (though I think they're still active) before it was people from lefty/pol/.

Not to be confused with the one or two autists on the board that make hundreds of the exact same thread for weeks at a time. And definitely not to be confused with viral marketing teams.

you're delusional

he's actually right though, at least about the tranny group
someone went through and took a bunch of screencaps of their degenerate shit + talking about raiding. Didn't save it because I don't want pics of dude's dicks on my computer, but there were like 1,000 people in the group

>It's a dedicated discord group. There's been multiple that all do the same thing, a not so subtle manipulation of board culture through mass spamming and thread derailment.

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nah you faggots were outed a long time ago
great life you live btw

Even 10 years ago there was proof from reddit about specific small groups dedicated to trying to shift board culture and change public opinion on Yas Forums. The tranny cult is far more sinister because it actually blackmails and dox users into life changing and life ruining behaviors; the opinion shifting is just the least troublesome but most obvious aspect of it. It also has far more evidence since the leader routinely brags about it by showing off the brands and scars he forces people to inflict upon themselves.

The cucks talking about nigger dicks are just faggot fetishists.

does this count as posture? if so, i thought everyone knew this shit

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What's your point? That nobody would ever do such a thing, on the giant website with anonymous posting, no registration process, and ban evasion that's as easy as pressing the power button on your router?

>all these bullshit claims with no evidence

Watch out, he might quote you with another bald bearded man attached to his post

Hes asking her for directions to kfc

No point in posting evidence cuz retards like you just say "ok schizo" and then stop responding once it's posted. Then you start doing it again the next time the topic comes up.

Damn, arching that back like a slut.

>using reddit as proof of anything
Zoomer "culture", gentlemen

>before it was the tranny cult
They did a pretty shit job, considering the only change in board culture they caused is that now the go-to insult is "tranny" instead of "faggot".

>seething this hard

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The fact you're assuming people are gonna call you a schizo and still have no evidence says enough

That's a based shirt

>Watch out, he might quote you with another bald bearded man attached to his post

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you people are one trick ponies and your insults are predictable.

i dont know what went wrong in your life thinking that this is how you gonna stick it to the people but its just sad

I can only play if I keep my legs sticking straight out, with no support. If I relax even a little bit I lose focus and its gg. The added mental effort of keeping my composure relaxes the parts of my mind that would normally be worrying and or making me nervous. It's a strange quirk, but there is no avoiding it.

>i dont know what went wrong in your life thinking that this is how you gonna stick it to the people but its just sad
>projecting this hard

The pose is for making you sharper, it's like a cat ready to pounce, all your senses are on high alert.

Schizo gets thrown around fucking constantly you faggot. It's literally all anyone says whenever somebody tells them an opinion different than what their favorite talking head or e-celeb says.

thats not projection
read up on your logical fallacies chart

>Schizo gets thrown around fucking constantly you faggot. It's literally all anyone says whenever somebody tells them an opinion different than what their favorite talking head or e-celeb says.

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thats not how that meme works
why cant you faggots meme?

i'm so glad i have no idea what you're talking about. you're a fucking lunatic.

Go back to Black World Order

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Why would I save a gross image containing pics of dude's fucking each other?

For those who don't know, that's Rudolph. He's one of the best melee players in japan.

>thats not how that meme works
why cant you faggots meme?

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These people are gross
idgaf about interracial, but these people are only into shit like that becauae it's degrading. they may as well watch people get fucked by dogs, they'd probably feel the same about it

do they always say schizo and then ask for proof like clockwork because they are afraid they have rats in their groups? don't they get that you can see easily see the patterns in their monotonous posting style? why are accelerationists so dumb? guess that's what makes them so easy to recruit.

It's just a way to discredit people

this is justice for Yas Forums raiding other sites

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Interracial is pretty much codeword for blackmaleXinsertfemale only these days. nigger porn has always been a legal form of beastiality so its no surprise these people are in real beastiality or abstract shit like furry crap on top of it

>are afraid they have rats in their groups?
Yes which is why the raid discord are private now they got outed by Yas Forums like one or two years ago which is why we know they are all trannies and faggots

>assuming they were even old enough to use the internet during that period