Phoenix wright

this guy

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Yup. That’s Miles Edgeworth.

He turns into a pathetic pussy after like the third trial. He is not a good antagonist or rival. Just a fujo bait for his gay fanfic with Phoenix


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He has based as fuck moments in JFA and his own games, though.

Anons, any based mystery murder / investigative game that is not too old and I might have missed? I played all the Phoenix Wrigths, all Danganropas, Zanki Zero, AI: Somnium Files, Obra Dinn, LA Noire, Ghost Trick...Are these all? Got any recomendations?

Sorry user, your thread is already outdated

Hotel Dusk and its sequel Last Window

>that is not too old
Why would you limit your selection user?

Based Miles putting Phoenixfags on suicide watch.

>*salary cutting noises*
Kino af.

Sherlock Homes: Crimes & Punishments. Its unique as a detective game in that once you gather evidence you have to connect the pieces together to draw conclusions, and that you can absolutely draw the wrong conclusions and accuse the wrong suspect of being the criminal.

>Wright forged evidence and manfredfags were right all along
Where are you wrightfags now? You got an innocent man the death penalty.

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For a shitpost, it's pretty high quality

>implying it's not a set up
That man was single-handedly raping Japanifornia's legal system, of course somebody was eventually going to try and get him disbarred.

just finished the first trial of aai2 and wow, it definitely has the best opening level out of any

Cope wrightfag, your shitty lawyer is now out of a job and the laughing stock of the justice system, while Chadsworth is solving crimes nearly every day.

Daily reminder that this kills the Wrightfags.

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It was a set up, I tell you. I was in the gallery that day and the moment Wright started talking about some diary page, it felt like the prosecutor was expecting it.

Huh? What's that? Oh yeah sure, one best girl coming right up!

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Tfw can't marry Maya

Are you using 4chanX? I just saw the pixiv filename and I typically just randomize all my posts

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Yep. That's correct user.

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Back around 2014 or so I played the entire original trilogy and got a ton of enjoyment out of it.
However, I started Apollo Justice after that and dropped it after finishing the 2nd case due to getting burnt out on the series. (It also didn't feel 'right' compared to the previous games, but that may be due to a mix of bias and fatigue)
How good are the recent games? I feel like getting back into the series. Obviously I plan to finish AJ before anything else (have to play the Investigations games too), but I was curious about whether it's even worth it or not.

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Personally I think AAI2 is great, but needs AAI to be played first, which isn't that great. DD is a total disappointment and SoJ is somewhat decent. DGS is okay, didn't play DGS2 yet. Fuck PWvsPL

I'd say the series goes like this
and ghost trick is better than all of them

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be a shame if somebody...
>Updated the autopsy report in the court record.

So basically the series languished for a while but is getting somewhat better now? Okay.
What the hell was so wrong with DD and PWvsPL?

The Sasuke to Phoenix's Naruto

the new character is a bad addition, and the story doesn't really go anywhere. the cases feel like a slog and in the end don't amount to anything.
it's a Professor Layton game with some elements of Phoenix Wright. puzzles and the general story plot are bullshit so unless you're into layton bullshit you'll feel robbed

Aviary Attorney.

My god, has Ace Attorney always had top-tier OST. What track is that?

>did gumfuck not tell you?
lmao fucking based

Pursuit theme from the Edgeworth game.

DD is just kind of lame outside of the filler cases and the dlc. Literally everything other than the plot is okay. The plot isn't good, Athena isn't good, and they way they handle the final case isn't good.
It has one REALLY cool moment near the end but they drop the implications of it for dumb stuff. PWvsPL just really ticks me off because everything that happens in the game is both immoral and impossible.
AA4 isn't /bad/, but only the first and last cases are really good. Case 2 has moments but case 3 is infamously bad.

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>what's wrong with DD
Where do I begin? Spoilers ahead.
>introduces Athena as the new lawyer but you actually don't play as her most of the time, and her gimmick is even worse than AJ's one
>tries to continue from AJ plot but Wright is back in business
>premise is handled very poorly
>tries to have a final boss but fails miserably at making it interesting
>handholding so much that you may wonder why they even bother making you answer
>Apollo is still there and gets a random backstory out of nowhere
>entire game is basically trying to have Phoenix, Apollo and Athena as protags at the same time
>no Gumshoe
At least Blackquill is nice, and I don't think Athena is a bad character either, she just desperately need to actually have a game where she is the protag for real.

What is this dance from anyways?

Thank you, have a nice day

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>AA4 isn't /bad/, but only the first and last cases are really good. Case 2 has moments but case 3 is infamously bad.
I remember liking the first case quite a bit when I played it, tied with 3 for my favorite first case.
Case 2 was when I started feeling fatigued on the series, and the fact that the next case was massively despised by pretty much every fan just murdered any motivation I had left.

Thanks for the response, but I think i'll avoid spoiling myself, even though it seems like the plot isn't very good.

I can't take it anymore bros, I just want to play his second game on a physical cartridge....
When are we getting a localisation? Did the first investigations game not do well enough for it?

You could at least actually spoiler the text
Just buy a flashcart.

If you like ace attorney for what it is. The way things are written, the absurd situations that play out, the amazing ost, then you'll like even the (ace attorney sections of the) layton crossover. It never gets bad, it's more of withdrawal from the god tier.

>user has to resort to crackpot conspiracy theories to explain why his favorite lawyer is disbarred
lmao. get fucked. Everybody knew that Kristoph was the better attorney anyways.

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>Want to replay AA Trilogy
>Still remember pretty much every aspect of the cases since I played them on fucking DS
Temporary memory erasure devices when?

It's called a rock user.

This. I don't think any game series in the past 10 years gave me such internal catharsis as completing the original trilogy.

Raging Loop

The truth is that after trilogy, everything went downhill except AAI2 somehow.

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How good is obra dinn? Is it long? Worth the twenty bones?

i fucking hate the sprites of that remaster

> see shields take off his hat as a greeting
> mfw I see gregory do the same fucking thing
I2 has so much kino in it holy shit

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Maybe the defendant just has shit taste.

I feel like 6 would slightly edge out or be on par with 1 if the prosecutor wasn't god awful, which weighs down the absolutely great cases so hard it ends up being worse than 1 instead.

are they ever going to pair her and nick off.....? trucy probably wants a new mommy...

I can't believe this man just made a soup out of over 100 year old beef and ate it AGAIN. He just can't get enough of that sewer water huh?

Why no Zero Escape?

Did poojared mean to make such an iconic thumbnail/title combo?


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Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law. It was also made by Capcom.

Oh fuck you, JFA is good. 2-3 is still better than 3-3 and especially 4-3.

One bad case doesn't make 2 the worst in the series.
>"As always, the defense pleads not guilty"
fucking amazing

calm down it's just bants

Also, play Trauma Team. While part of the Trauma Center series, it features 6 playable characters/campaigns that culminate in one last story (literally like Sonic Adventure). One of them is literally Phoenix Wright-style investigations, and they're pretty fucking long for being only one of the six modes, too. There is also another character that plays like a Dr. House simulator, which is basically spotting contradictions.
I would also advise you to play Papers, Please. While completely different in theme, its gameplay is basically Phoenix Wright courtroom on steroids, as you have to spot a bunch of contradictions and also do it quick.

Time Hollow
Death Mark

absolutely. it's not super long (took me about 11 hours) but it's a one of a kind game