So this 'first episode' is basically disc 1 as far as plot development goes? Or is it less than that?

So this 'first episode' is basically disc 1 as far as plot development goes? Or is it less than that?
Anyone here gonna be a waitfag until the whole game is out?

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it ends with MOTOR and a battle with sephiroth jammed in after that.

there is supposed to be like 5x more "plot", meaning shit we didn't ask for jammed in. im probably gonna buy it.

Who the fuck waits for mass effect 3 to release before trying the games

ME3 was marketed as being the perfect jumping on point for new players to the series tho

not even sure what you're trying to say here, but surely it'd be nice to play through the game start to finish without having to wait months between episodes

Its about 1/3rd of disc 1
In ff7 disc1 had
Mithril mines
Costa del sol/Ship
Mt corel
Gold saucer
Cosmo canyon
Rocket town
Temple of the Ancients
Bone village/Forgotten city
With optional stuff like wutai chocobo farm gongaga

I have a feeling once theyre able to open up the game on PS5 with the overworld, the episodes will cover much more major portions of the story.

It makes a lot of sense why theyre only sticking to just the Midgar part for the first entry. They get to establish how to make the game work and the combat before trying to deal with the open world and chocobos and those different cities and enemy skills and whatever else.

Disc 3 is essentially only the Northern Crater


>Anyone here gonna be a waitfag until the whole game is out?
Im sure there are. Are you?

You have no idea how much time SE is going to spend polishing the graphics. Can't wait to play the next part in a few fucking years.

Yes that was something all 3 PS1 FF games had was the last dungeon being the only thing on the last disc
Op asked about disc 1 though

user they equated the parts to be standalone games like the lightning trilogy and to expect normal production time for a new game between each release
Granted part 1 should have laid a ton of groundwork with game systems they wont have to make again

>tfw bought FF7 on Steam
>that awful chiptune soundtrack
>mfw just playing Crisis Core's OST instead.
>tfw only just met Aerith after falling off reactor 4

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>every FF since 9
>been hot garbage
>twenty years
>but surely
>this one will be good

10 and 12 were fine

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So basically we need around 9 episodes to finish the game?

I'll be in a nursing home by the time this is completed

well at least we're getting one complete Squaresoft rpg from the 90's remade in April

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>So this 'first episode' is basically disc 1 as far as plot development goes? Or is it less than that?
God this is going to be a shitstorm release week. So many people are going to play this, get out of Midgar, and start screaming when the credits roll.

>God this is going to be a shitstorm release week
No it isn't.

I'll admit only 2 faults with it
The gambit system, when used properly, makes the game play itself, and the plot is essentially Star Wars New Hope

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you underestimate the anger of dumb weeb niggers and normies.

>FF7 remake announced for PS3
>divided into multiple parts
>first part released on PS4
>rest will be out on PS5

holy shit what a clusterfuck

People still don't know this is only fucking Midgar. Unless the reviews really dig into this, plenty of people are going to be pissed.

>FF7 remake announced for PS3
This never happened.

9's goofy ass monkey dwarf art scared off the fanbase built by 7+8. The only reason I included 9 was because the overall gameplay was relatively solid.
Shit characters, shit story, shit gameplay, shit minigames/side quests, shit animation, shit VAing, shit replayability.
You know 12 was good by the way people constantly talk about it. I mean, it was one of PS2's best selling games, so people obviously talk about it a lot, right?

correction it was a tech demo

>People still don't know this is only fucking Midgar
It literally tells you in the PSN Store description, it's on the back of the box too, and sites have mentioned this plenty of times
>The story of this first, standalone game in the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE project covers up to the party’s escape from Midgar, and goes deeper into the events occurring in Midgar than the original FINAL FANTASY VII.

i still can't believe SE got away with releasing it as an episodic release, fuck this shit

Square-Enix as a whole can be described with one word: mismanagement. No wonder the Enix half of the staff autistically guard Dragon Quest from change.

Even then, as bad of a clusterfuck FF7R has been, at least it wasn't as mismanaged as Final Fantasy Versus XIII (a.k.a. FF15) or Kingdom Hearts 3.

Episodic really isn't the right term. That implied you're buying a base game and then DLC on top of it. Really poor choice of words on their part.

does the remake come with a new versus books strategy guide?

pls respond

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target audience is 14 year olds so who cares.
nice visuals but the rest will suck, especially the combat.

anyone has the webm of retarded barret singing the victory fanfare?

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Versus Books has been defunct for a long time, guy.

The original is structured really well for a 3 part series anyway.

Part 1: Midgar
Part 2: Traveling the world until Aerith does

And part 3 itself would be 3 acts.
Act 1: heading to the north crater
Act 2: getting huge materia, rescuing Cloud, fighting wespons and returning to midgar (this whole section will be kino)
Act 3: north crater

Doesn't say it on the front of the box retard. Hell their youtube descriptions are hidden in the show more. Also Amazon's is this
>The first entry in a multi part saga, delivering a level of depth inconceivable for the original game
That actually doesn't tell a person this is only a small part of the original game. It will be pretty easy for people to buy this and not know how small the game actually is.

Also most aren't going to read a description on the back of a box if they just see FF7 Remake is coming out.

14-year-olds weren't even born when the OG FF7 was released on the PSX, you tryhard Zoomer.

gonna fight you

>Square-Enix as a whole can be described with one word: mismanagement.
>Even then, as bad of a clusterfuck FF7R has been, at least it wasn't as mismanaged as Final Fantasy Versus XIII (a.k.a. FF15) or Kingdom Hearts 3.
Gee whiz, i wonder who we can blame for that?
Like who would be involved in all those projects just by chance and have them possibly mismanaged worse than Kojima on MGSV?

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If you're not hype for this there's something wrong with you

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And of course the

They were so good. Was royally pissed when my OoT one was thrown out along with the posters.

have some soul on the house for responding to me instead of the guy below my post, user

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god damn i loved this game.

It's pretty bad how fast KH3 fell off the radar for discussion. It really failed to reach the low bar for coherent story telling the series already had.

My gripe with KH3 is a bit abstract, the disney worlds just lacked the same kind feeling they had in the previous games, like KH2's Mulan world shit's all over KH3's worlds.
It might be the fact none of the worlds are plot relevent at all aside from having a small cameo of an Org member doing dirty shit for a minute, and shit like Frozen was just a downright chore.
I didn't play much of FF15 and wasnt here for the versus13 shit, so i can't comment on how bad numora or Tabata fucked it up

I just see the point that the first episode should be the whole first disc when in reality the first disc probably holds 75% of the world data at that point.

Those MIDI songs are forever burned into my head. Its not the greatest vidya music but it will always have a special feeling associated with it.

I’m going to play this game and enjoy it, I can tell, but I won’t be holding my breath for a sequel any time soon if ever. Squeenix lost all my respect as far as waiting for games goes with kH3. I still find their games very entertaining but I’m never going to get invested in their series’ for an extended period of time again.
It should be a fun nostalgia trip of a game with some fun gameplay and story beats,with a sequel in 3-4 years

The story and mc is undoubtedly the weakest part. The world is just incredible though. Possibly one of the best out of FFs.

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Wouldn't surprise me if the time between every episode was similar to the wait time of kingdom hearts

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That's honestly one of the most common complaints of KH3. The Disney worlds had no plot relevance, and yet the actually plot occurs at a breakneck pace at the end.

FF15 took a shit ton of time cause Numora sat on his ass doing god knows what. Tabata was the clean up crew who had to make a game from the ground up. He failed but frankly he was handed shit and told to make a sandwich.

>mc is undoubtedly the weakest part.
that's because Vaan stops mattering after getting Penelo, and from there it become Basch and Ashe's story, with a bit of Balthier at Draklor

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Oh well

Honestly Square is either carried by brand loyalty their marketing team. No matter how bad the games are or how much time and money goes into them they still rack in millions of sales.

>Anyone here gonna be a waitfag until the whole game is out?
I don't think I'll even do that. I want FF7 not Compilation of FF7. Since 2003 Squeenix have demonstrated that they have no idea why anyone likes FF7.

We better get to fight it this time