The Last of Us Part II

82 days, Yas Forums! ughhh I can't wait to explore the whole world of TLOU 2 and read all documents and collectables and listen to the optional conversations and learn more about the relationships between all the different characters I'm so excited.

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If they let us play as Joel and not cuck him, this will be a 10/10 guarantee

This game is guaranteed GOTY right?

Yeah. I can't wait to see Yas Forums absolutely SEETHE when it happens.

I have the edition with the figure preordered

How much do you think I can resell it to some faggot?

first tlou was not bad with simple story without gay shit and empowerment.

fuck this shit. not gonna buy it. also she became ugly

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Wait a year or two.

Joel will die don't worry.
kek not even close.

No way fag

can't wait till this shilling cycle is over.

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>lol we wont make a sequel with Joel and Ellie
>dude Joel and Ellie lmao
These motherfuckers are lucky that the gameplay looks smooth as fuck

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> you can talk about any unreleased game apart from TLOU2. Discussing this is shilling

Why even come in to the thread?

What if the game is bad? Won't that devaluate it?

you're underestimating autist collectors

It's pretty funny. Straightforward narrative games in third person without an open world feel kind of fresh these days. Open worlds are fun, but I feel like in this game, every moment will feel tailor-made.

Just feels like you wouldn't be glad with any story with gays or strong women in it. Seriously, Ellie is one of the most grounded and realistic female gay characters. What, do you prefer extreme stereotypes?

How can anyone be this retarded?

He wanted to fuck the 14 year old from the first game and is mad that he doesn't want to fuck the new one. Coomers, man.

yes i would not. pseudo realistic setting and this shit does not go along my sjw friend

moving goal post this hard, hm reflecting much?

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>How can anyone be this retarded?
Okay, she's one of the most grounded and realistic female gay characters in GAMES.
Can you name a more realistic one?

Pedo coomers everywhere.

what do you mean "this shit"
It's literally just telling a hypothetical story, something that might happen for real save for some pretty much obligatory liberties that you always have, for gameplay.

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And you niggas fell for it. Stop supplying (you)'s to farmers.

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Ellie is a good character.



have a you

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Gays deserve to be treated equally and they need representation.

the same goes for black people

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This game has negative hype. Nobody gives a shit about zombie games anymore.

>repeatedly beats up guys that weigh at least twice as much ad her
>as a kid
>grounded and realistic
Uh huh.

In all honestly, while I enjoyed Last of Us 1, I don't really care about LoU2.
Probably because I don't care about Ellie or the hinted at plot so far.

I'm even looking more forward to Ghost of Tsushima.

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As someone who actually really liked TLOU--I thought the single player was a very good experience and the multiplayer was a lot of fun--I never wanted them to make a second game.The characters' stories were finished and it was satisfying. I remember Yas Forums was very excited for the first game after the initial trailers for the game where it looked like a good zombie game with scavenging, satisfying guns, and the human vs. human interactions of a post-apocalyptic setting made into an actual game.

Now the director loves the smell of his own farts, there's a huge push for woke culture, and they're cutting multiplayer entirely. I just can't see how the game will be good. The first game's story was simple, but executed well. You could see where the first game was going to go almost instantly, but it still managed to have a few surprises and it was very well done. Jaded older guy who lost his daughter paired up with upbeat young girl? It practically writes itself, but the ending (while stupid in how contrived the actual last conflict was) was surprising and satisfying.

But pretty much all they've shown for the second game is awkwardly long scenes of Ellie making out with her girlfriend (checking all the boxes of being "counter-culture" progressive by being a lesbian, ethnic, and smoking weed) and then wanting revenge. I guess there was also that one teaser that was entirely a cutscene with characters no one knows (Ellie wasn't even in the trailer unless the huge roided out girl was supposed to b her) fighting a cult.

I just can't see this game being good.

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Pretty much all game character are overpowered, realistically. This game aims for more realism than a lot of those other games, but still. It's one of the most common tropes because you want the gameplay to be fun. That's just one thing that isn't really "realistic" or "grounded" but it doesn't discount the other aspects of the game that are.
You suspend disbelief for pretty much all fiction. Why is it all of a sudden hard when it's about a gay woman.

I played LOU because of Yas Forums and bored out of my mind. Really. Just buy Uncharted 4 if you want similar experience. But then no games left to play so I just keep playing my switch and my ps4 was collecting dust.

But last month because of faggots in Yas Forums, I caved in and bought Bloodborne. Now ps4 becomes my favourite console again. So sony shouldn't have developed this crap and should have just funed BB sequel.

There's two sub fanbases in ps4 fanbase. Fags and Chads. I don't think I need to tell you which one is which.

The gameplay clips we got look really good. Solid combat, solid stealth, good level design for sneaking around, great graphics, satisfying weapon use, brutal violence, smart enemy ai, dogs go after your scent, Joel, new enemy type etc.

any anons played last of us on grounded difficulty?
I was thinking about trying it but I don't think i'll enjoy having to listen to clickers and stalkers for hours in order to beat it.
Is it worth it?

TLOU had the perfect ending. I never wanted a sequel, and I definitely didn't want whatever the fuck this is. Can't imagine Cuckmann will have the balls to do a story about hate. Hopefully it's good though.

>Can't imagine Cuckmann will have the balls to do a story about hate.
It's about hating men.

tlou had shit combat but not bad story about journey. now its not. if i wanted good combat i would play another games

How is it a bad thing if it improves the combat and retains the storytelling quality.

they lost all thing people cared about in this process of making it "better"

Because she's 110 pounds beating up 250 pound men in fist fights. You can make people believe the improbable, but you cant make people believe the impossible.

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Bruce Lee was small as well.
>You can make people believe the improbable, but you cant make people believe the impossible.

A guy like Joel doing doing what he does in the game is completely RIDICULOUS but you're willing to suspend your disbelief for him because it's what you're used to. Why not for Ellie?

On the one hand:
>Good post-apocalyptic game with scary zombies
>Decent crafting and story
>Naughty Dog, so level design and setpieces will be good
>Ellie's cute voice

On the other hand, bad stuff:
>Transgender VA for a character, general wokeness
>Enemies will use dogs to track you, so you have to kill dogs

I'm still on the fence, guys.

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>dogs to track you, so you have to kill dogs

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> take really cute little girl who bonded surviving with a badass man
> make her ugly, lesbiand and with shitty taste

faggot fantasy
in real life the suspension bridge effect would had her fucking dudes and cucking them because they would never be able to reach the level of his macho father figure

lost potential under degenerate trannie tyranny

None of this is "bad".

Grounded is tons of fun and easily makes it a 9/10 once the listening mode crutch is gone it makes you realize all the options and crazy tense situations you can get yourself into once your resources are actually limited and you aren’t a total tank.



Im glad you're excited about this movie but what does it have to do with games?

Lesbian kissed a goblin Jew
Not buying this game
I liked the first game though, watched a play through on YouTube
Good movie

I'm excited too but I'm going to force myself to wait a year for the PS5 and the remastered/upgraded version with all the DLC and extra modes.

What an ugly cunt. Why can't they stay cute like are Clem.

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I'm pretty sure Druckmann said recently that he doesn't do dlc's anymore and how they just want TLOU 2 and their future projects to be stand-alone games.

jerk off somewhere else creep

dilate somewhere else freak

Because it's more believable to have a 55 year old man take on a battalion of crazed indivduals especially when he's suffering from an infection after being stabbed in the abodmen by rusty rebar

Just like he said there wouldn't be a sequel to TLoU as the story was complete as it stood? I think I'll still wait, if nothing else the PS5 might be able to upscale the PS4 version.

ok xian

Joel's not a commando. Even for a commando what Joel does is insane. It's what games do.
The difference between Joel and Ellie taking them on is minor compared to the difference of a real person taking on hordes of humans and infected and Joel doing it.

Seriously, they take a liberty by making Ellie so strong as it fits her character and the game, why be dense about it. It's heightened reality like always.