Furries Ruined Videogames

First it was Sonic. Then it was Crash, then Spyro and Ratchet. Then it spread to even other ones. Why the fuck did furries have to ruin my favorite childhood video-game franchises?

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Wheres my Gex porn

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boo hoo nigga, I don't care


furries like characters with large, expressive eyes and cartoonishly exaggerated facial expressions because people with autism have difficulty recognizing subtle human expressions and body language

>implying the devs weren't furries already

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lots and lots of people also had imaginary SEX with all of your favourite childhood characters. Sometimes with all of them at the same time.

i can the side role easy

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why do you keep looking for furry porn?

Do people still seethe over people wanting to fuck anthros?

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Give me a character who is more sexualized and fetishized than pic related. Even if you say that Sonic or Pokémon has more fetish and porn stuff, you’re comparing the whole franchise to a single character. Yoshi probably beats each and every character within those franchises in having more porn and fetish stuff than them individually

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based on an interview I saw, the entire artistic concept behind crash bandicoot was trying to make a loony-toons style video game. There was no furry reasoning

I want to choke on spyros dragon penis

Yes I absolutely despise furshit and it would really trigger me if you posted pics of this anthros feat

>Letting others ruin franchises for you
Every other discussion pertaining to these games could be porn and it shouldn't affect your opinion on the game itself.


>there was no furry reasoning

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>implying looney tunes wasn't made by furries

No one ruined anything for you, quit your bitchin'

I ruined his anus

how the fuck does anyone even find yoshi attractive, that fucking bowling ball nose is the least appealing thing i could possibly imagine to put on a character. then again i've seen some giant ugly snouts that would give chester cheetah a run for his money so maybe its not too far out of the realm of possibility for furries.

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>Cartoon animal people are useful to set up easy diverse cast
>It's everywhere
>Turns out people want to fuck characters they relate to
Cry me a fucking river. At least you're not into this shit because of raw xenophilia. There's never good porn that considers their weird mutant cartoon bodies, just shitty fake human fetish piles.

I don't fucking understand art like this. There's 5 adult female Bandicoots with this exact body canonically, and not one of them is Coco.

They only ruin them if you let them. Every video game series or character has its underbelly. Even Mario has its share of sick fetish shit. Ignore them and keep enjoying the games and characters.

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That’s what I’m wondering as well. You could have him shaking/showing off his ass or even draw his body sexualized and more humanoid and I would still find him sexually unappealing.

It was early internet back when you couldnt even find a good lewd Coco pic to begin with.

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>Lumping based game designs with the furry horde
It is not games, Montaigne, but porn that has disarmed you

The way I see it, I discard a furry game as bad if the fans do nothing but spam porn of it. That means there's nothing else to enjoy and so the porn is the only redeeming factor. Alot of games are like this, as a matter of fact, ranging from Xenoblade to Splatoon to Senran Kagura to Street Fighter, and etc. The fans that claim that these games are good are the same ones who talk about how there's nothing left to discuss, but they still feel the need to spam porn dump threads.

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Fluffy girls matter.

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>I discard a furry game as bad if the fans do nothing but spam porn of it.
I guess that works.
If you did it for every game, you'd have nothing to play.

>Helluva Boss

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I do infact do it with every game, and it leaves me with a few to play, but they're borderline masterpieces that garner hundreds of thousands of hours of enjoyment, which means filtering the garbage is worth it.

what is this bait

She made me this way. Liz must be contained at all costs.

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The 10,000 hours I have in Team Fortress 2 is far from bait, my furry friend.

cute rat

theyre bandicoots.

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that's because there's only three girls in that whole universe and none of them are playable

honestly pretty based

>you only play this game because it couldn't use waifus or furry shit to sell, so it actually had to have good gameplay!
10-4, good buddy.

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Why would you hand a (you) to someone posting a parody of a netflix show done by another show thats just Simpsons with cutaway gags?


There have been moments in games that made me wonder about that stuff in retrospect.

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How weak minded do you have to be to let OTHER people ruin a game for you; people who aren't involved in the creation of the game at all?
You could argue that furries ruined the Spyro remake, since the guy who designed the dragons was clearly a bara furry fetishist, but most of those designs are better anyway.

Have you not heard of Krystal?

The problem lies in when the game purposely panders to these people, and the gameplay suffers as a result. Spyro and Crash might've been spared the worst of it, but the CTR remake was guilty of it 100%. They knew furries would lap it up because of the waifus, so they used that to hide the malicious intent, aka the microtransactions. Using furry titties to hide microtransactions is sickening.

Worth opening such a shit thread for this post alone.
Funniest thing I've seen all week.

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Or take Sly and Carmelita and the bellydancing scene. Or Conker and Berri. They probably dont care they just wanna make it attractive for straight dudes and call it a day.

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>The problem lies in when the game purposely panders to these people, and the gameplay suffers as a result
So basically CTR isn't guilty of it at all.

Who's the gaming equivalent to Tezuka? And I don't mean the "Grandfather of Anime" aspect of him.

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There's so much awful porn of TF2, I dunno if you were on Yas Forums back in the day but if you haven't seen it then I envy you.

>microtransaction laden fest that people defend because MUH FURRY WAIFUS
>doesn't suffer from it


Porn exists of everything. The important thing is that you can make a thread and talk about the game without the porn addicts coming in and ruining it 99% of the time.

What makes somebody so obsessed with cartoon animals that it makes them complain about furries?

Okay, how about a MALE character then (assuming rather or not Yoshi is supposed to be male since he doesn’t even have a gender in Japan)?

Gameplay looks fine to me

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You don't have to partake in the fun .
It's the same thing as letting weebs ruin Japanese games for you, or other such things.

I used to be like you, dear user. Then I realized there was nothing to lose by admitting it.
Furries, like weebs, are never going away, and there's only a vocal minority of shitty ones, as with all fanbases.

Basically TLDR: Cope

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After spending 500 dollars on microtransactions, I guess it looks acceptable.

Why can't people just enjoy being a degenerate retard once in a while? It's fucking fun.

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