I'm finna play this game for first time in years.
Any difficulty suggestions? Pro gaymer strats?
Feel free to discuss the series in general.
Bionicl- Err, Bioshock thread
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I'd suggest disabling vitachambers it makes the game more of a challenge. Also the arrow is pretty annoying so I'd recommend turning that off too and relying on exploration to get around. I would recommend turning off the object highlighting/shimmering but some of those can't be turned off anyway at least last time I checked. As for strategy I guess I'd recommend planning for your engagements instead of just running in like modern shooters, especially on the hardest difficulty planning for your conflicts can be more rewarding. Every fight can feel new and unique especially if you vary the plasmids you use.
I did my first play through on whatever the hardest setting is with respawned turned off because I wanted to get all the achievements in one play through. It starts out a little tough but then once you are powered up it is easy. I ended up just using the wrench most the time and melee the head boss to death.
Game is good, play 2 after, then the DLC of 2. Stop there.
What are the best ways to kill a big daddy early on? It's hard to have a plan when I don't have anything to use.
>playing the remastered
Play the original, remastered bioshock is perhaps the worst remaster i've seen, they even removed the dynamic reflections from the game.
>melee everything
this is correct. Something about that wrench just feels good to use.
>playing 2 at all
very wrong. Bioshock was a one hit wonder.
It was "free" for PS Plus and I want muh cheevos.
Firstly don't play remaster because there are so many issues it's actually ridiculous.
Only difficult section of the game are the first three levels since you have no upgrades or good weapons. The only real thing you need to know is engaging Rosies until you have the grenade launcher is suicide. From Arcadia onward you completely outpace enemies due to upgrades and the developers didn't bother balancing it properly so you might want to avoid upgrading too much.
Play a less shit game.
Bioshock 2 > Bioshock 1 > Bioshock infinite. I think bioshock 2 is more fun than 1, 1 had a better story but hacking was the opposite of fun in that game, and infinite was a watered down ( haha irony ) version of both games and in place of the lack of content they added a voiced protag and slightly convoluted story. All were deserving of at least 2 playthroughs.
If you freeze a daddy don't fully kill him with AP bullets. You'll get less loot. Just get him almost dead.
leading him into a turret trap is the best idea, also get some reprogrammed turrets and hopefully there will be some splicers around and you can bait them into attacking him first, anything to distract the big daddy while you fire shots into him. You should never attack a big-daddy alone in general. Once a happened on a Big Daddy with half health because apparently he had somehow blundered into a rocket sentry I reprogrammed that had accidentally aggroed him by shooting rockets at a splicer giving him splash damage. Not everything will be that easy but if you plan out encounters its much more rewarding than just using vitachambers to heal up and wrenching everything you see to death.
>this is correct. Something about that wrench just feels good to use.
Well you can get sports boost to make swings faster, a health and eve leech on each successful hit, wrench jockey 1/2 to boost the attack a whopping 9 times base damage (this isn't even a joke the developers thought this was a good idea), bouncer research for more damage, wrench lurker for increased damaged on unaware enemies and a bunch of complementary effects like electrobolt to increase damage on stunned enemies, frozen field 1/2 for a chance to freeze and a little extra damage and static discharge 1/2 to stun opponents in melee.
You can two shot an elite rosie with all of this shit. It's fucking ridiculous how broken the wrench is.
Hardest difficulty sucks ass, big daddies drill your ass like the US looking for oil.
>play bio 1 and 2 with DLC
>love it, rapture is an absolutely kino setting
>play Infinite
>fucking hate it
What went so fucking wrong? I even played Burial at Sea and it felt like the writers were pulling a George Lucas on their own franchise.
>The only real thing you need to know is engaging Rosies until you have the grenade launcher is suicide
Not if you have armor piercing rounds and reprogrammed turrets and maybe some raged splicers around.
>Caring about achievements
Underage detected.
Why are there so many bioshock threads lately? Not that I'm complaining or anything.
>drill your ass like the US looking for oil
Sounds like you didn't plan out your encounters at all
>Hardest difficulty sucks ass, big daddies drill your ass like the US looking for oil.
It's easy after neptune's bounty. Rosies do a lot of damage and are pretty precise with their rivet gun and grenades. Grenade launcher LOS abuse can take them down quickly.
One of the things which makes the game harder is the fact there's no "last chance" mechanic like Bioshock 2. When you take too much damage in Bioshock 2 it will prevent death but take you to 1 HP, giving you a small invincibility period in which to hit the medkit button whereas Bioshock just says "Fuck you, you're dead." which I actually like more because I just beat Bioshock 2 this weekend and did not die once.
Stop talking like a fucking nigger you stupid fuck you're probably not even black and are just some underaged faggot who thinks it makes you sound cool.
Nah it's still really difficult to do that on Crushing difficulty. The one to two hit friendly turrets and splicers. Armor piercing doesn't do as much damage as you think.
Just look at him fuck up three splicers here
2K wanted the game more casualized and accessible, tons of features were reworked and removed, the game we got isn't what they started working on, lots on videos on yt comparing trailers with the final release, here is the most popular of which
besides that, the story isn't that interesting, and the setting and visual direction while impressive and is the best thing about the game, doesn't hold a candle to the atmosphere of Bioshock 1 and 2.
Honest thoughts on Eleanor?
It's difficult but far from suicide, and in that webm they're just spectating not using the time to help the splicers or reprogram the turrets (there's one under each pier you can shock and hack). I think in that fight it was already down to 1/3rd health before I had to fight it just thanks to that.
She was alright I guess, but her mother was certainly a lame villain and not even close to Andrew Ryan.
Why didn't we get any real bionicle games after 06 bros?
The game is braindead easy, there is nothing anyone could say to help you because you literally can't lose.
>Any difficulty suggestions?
the game is piss easy in every way.
> Pro gaymer strats?
playing a different game, there is nothing pro gamer about it.
its just an okay story shooter that misuses the legacy of a better game, but has almost nothing in common.
>2K wanted
Shill. Ken Levine is an ape and fucked his own formula, again, for cheap praise.
With the right gear you can kill a big daddy with just a Wrench on hard. If your looking for dumb stuff to do.
Explore and take it slow. In fights, go ham on the enemy or else you'll die/use up more healing than you need to trying to be fancy on your first play though.
If you like Bio one or two dont bother with infinite and forget it even exists because it will soil them.
Well you can if you turn vita chambers off
Which unfortunately is only an option in the remastered or PS3 versions
>Bioshock is a one hit wonder
>what is Minerva's Den
Missing 2 also means missing the story of Mark Meltzer, truly one of the most beautiful stories in a game. The fact that you can easily miss it makes it feel more intimate. Evidently, the main plot of 2 was good enough for Ken to blatantly plagiarize in Infinite.
Something in the air. Pheromones they call it.
Can anyone remember if you can be revived if you die at the start of Infinite before Elizabeth accompanies you and during that small period toward the end where she's also not with you?
>her mother was a lame villain
I mean, she did her job. I don't know how they could follow Bioshock 1's two antagonists, both of which are some of the best ever created. Frank Fontaine is as important to the philosophy of Bioshock as Andrew Ryan is, and his way of speaking is just as entertaining. I've never loved to hate someone as much as Frank.
GOG and Sony have been selling the remasters cheap lately (and also part of the PS Plus like OP said)
I think you just repsawn behind Booker's office door
Bioshock 1 and 2 really fall apart in the last quarter or so. but they are really fantastic up until that point, save up your antipersonal rounds or splicers will be a complete pain in the ass in the end game because they can just eat normal ammo at that point.
Oh that's right.
Am I the only one who loved tearing ass through Persephone with my power armor clad daughterfu in 2?
>Doctor Lamb says to embrace the man in the mirror. How bloody queer is that?
on GOG if you buy the remasters you also get the originals, which is pretty damn nice. pic related is from my gog galaxy library.
does steam do that as well?
are you focking serious
Frank was shit at torture. Instead of getting a hammer and threatening to smash each of Elizabeth's toes and fingers with it he drugs her for two weeks and then threatens a lobotomy
That was Frank from an alternate dimension where Ken had too much creative freedom
I don't know. I've had Bioshock 1 on steam since release day and 2 from whenever it became available on steam.
The remaster of 2 is fairly acceptable though, I've only encountered a handful of sound issues. Multiplayer is missing which is the worst aspect but since there's no LAN, dedicated servers or splitscreen it'd only be worthwhile if you could get a few friends to play it
Theres two ways i know of to easily kill big daddies. Note, knowing these might make the game less fun.
1. Requires Security Bullseye plasmid. Trigger an alarm somehow (most convenient is hacking into an alarm tile) and then throw Security Bullseye at the Big Daddy. If you dont attack him with anything else, he will remain neutral to you. Meanwhile an infinite amount of security bots will spawn and attack him and he will eventually die. You might need to trigger the alarm twice if its the ranged type of daddy, but either way he will die with no danger to you. Best if you also have the Natural Camoflage tonic so you can just wait out the alarm once he's dead, but you can also just cancel the alarm for $20 if you do it near an alarm cancel station. This method is easy, but the downside is that any of your hacked security bots will certainly die, and it requires leaving stuff un-hacked so you can trigger alarms.
2. Requires Incinerate plasmid or the flame thrower, as well as Natural Camouflage tonic. Go find some splicer corpses and pile them all up in front of a little sister vent. Wait for the big daddy to approach the vent, then light the corpses on fire. Try to light the fire slightly before he would touch the corpses, so you become invisible slightly before he touches the fire. If you do it right, he will stand in the fire and take a huge amount of damage per second and quickly die. Making him touch something burning does much more damage than simply setting him on fire, and the more fire sources you have, the more damage it does. Its important to become invisible because if you don't, he will aggro onto you and step out of the fire. If you become invisible in time, he will just stand in the fire and die. A good tip for this is to use the pre-placed decorative corpses rather than actual dead splicers because dead splicers will eventually despawn, while decorative corpses never despawn.
Shotgun upgrades.
>story of Mark Meltzer,
Kino. Actually did miss most of it on my first playthrough.
thats not meant to be fontaine is it?
Yes, but remember Atlas does actually have a wig and had facial reconstruction.
Frank had Dr. Steinman change his appearance so he actually did look like Atlas.
Some quickly give me a tl;dr on who the fuck is Sally in Burial at sea 1 and why the fuck Elizabeth cares to go into another time line to deal with another Comstock?
did they get the same voice actor to play atlas?
dont fall for the wrench only challenge meme. It maybe makes the first level a hassle but once you get upgrades it's literally the easiest way to play the game.
>who the fuck Sally is
She's Sally, bro. Everyone knows Sally
>why the fuck Elizabeth cares to go into another time line to deal with another Comstock?
Ken doesn't understand his own rules. He also overestimates himself to the point that he thinks that if he can't grasp it then that must mean nobody can. Presumably, that Comstock is an outlier that Elizabeth has to personally hunt down. That doesn't explain how his existence only happened once instead of an infinite amount of times the way that the other Comstocks did. It also doesn't explain how Elizabeth woulf know to hunt him down if the "main" Elizabeth caused herself and all other Elizabeths remotely similar to fade from existence.
It's just a bunch of shit.
Had a feeling it was. Thanks
As I understand it, Sally is DeWitt's adopted daughter and Cohen was kidnapping girls to turn them into Little Sisters. Sally was taken from Booker while he was gambling and turned into a Little Sister. Elizabeth was aware of this and came up with basically the world's most elaborate plot to have Booker killed by a Big Daddy. Because Little Sister's freak out when being touched by anyone who isn't a Big Daddy, Booker is impaled by one when he tries to forcefully grab Sally.
This was technically the last version of Booker to exist. Apparently this version had been transported to Columbia making him safe from the time fuckery of drowning the original. I don't know how but I'm sure Ken can explain it.
Elizabeth feels compelled to save Sally after a dream sequence at the start of episode 2 which kind of ties together with a premonition of Jack, the protagonist of the first game who ultimately frees all of the Little Sisters.
Well I think there were two different voice actors in Bioshock 1, one for Atlas and one for Fontaine but the one who played Atlas in Bioshock 1 took over both voices in Bioshock 2 and Burial at Sea Episode 2