Why yes, I am the best Gears of War game. How could you tell?

>Why yes, I am the best Gears of War game. How could you tell?

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>Horde mode online on a Saturday night
God take me back.

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>Let's make it brighter so people don't get filtered by it's depressing setting

The Gears 2 campaign is unquestionably the best of 1 through 4. I've heard good things about 5, but I doubt it beats 2.

And the introduction of Horde was literally an industry-changing moment.

I noticed the deathbats don't come out at night in later Gears games. I guess they realized they kind of wrote themselves into a corner with that one and having any other night missions.

Kinda like the shards of glass rain. Man this planet fucking sucks, that's two ways to just get torn to pieces before you even get to the giant retard monsters living underneath the surface

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Well it is the planet Ares.

Best story sure but the multiplayer was shit. I'd choose gears 3 or 4

Gears Judgment is fun

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>they patched the shield trick in horde
Noooooo they can kick shields down now, how I'm I supposed to make enough damage against these insane bullet sponges now?

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>Can't try gears of wars full collection pirated because the crack is some frankestein that only works in windows 10 with only one exact build, it means if you have an older or newer update the game wont work

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>coins the term horde mode
>popularises the mode itself
>gets almost no recognition for it

How do you manage that.

>gears of wars full collection
That's only the first game user, 2 & 3 aren't on PC, also just get gamepass.

Jesus how fucked this game was at launch

It does though

Too bad they completley ruined it all in horde with gears 5

For PvE content Gears 2 is the best.

The online multiplayer was the worst in 2 compared to all the others though

>mfw carmine

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close. horde mode split screen was the best

This. All I stuck to do was Horde and Insane mode runs through most of the game until 3.

im in the process of buying these games right now as im building up my 360 collection. i only played through the first game when it came out because a friend lent it to me.

all the 360 gears games are like $5-9 brand new sealed, but a used copy of Triple Pack is like $25. wtf? thats just gears 1 platinum disc + gears 2? you can literally get the same shit for $3

The insane weather is still there. 5 brings back the razor hail.

It explains why the humans of Sera are super fucking big and psychotic. It also explains why a ducking fascist government is the only one able to get shit done

But that's not the first one

I just bought gears 4 on xbox one and it comes with a code for 1-3.

someone post a torrent of the pc version of 1

They were killed off by the Lightmass Bomb at the end ofGears of War1

Aqua a shit

3 was better offline and online. Even has a better multiplayer roster since it kept everyone from 2. Kind of sucks that 5 is completely dead now that only spics are online.

Which is the better version of gow1? The original or the recent remake?

original always

Pretty sure they are the exact same only difference is graphics

I actually bought the limited edition of gears 2 and got it in the mail today. Instead of sending me the actual limited edition the dude straight up sent me a rare (idk how rare) display only version of the gears of war 2 limited edition steel case. Wasnt what I was expecting in the first place BUT for 24 bucks its a bargain compared to what most collectors might pay for it. Pic related: its what the steelbook looks like

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id 2 piece any of you fags all day
me and my crew would rape your mouth until you fuckin died no joke
gow2 is the best

5 was shit so good riddance to nugears.

great series back in the day but holy fuck the PvP was cancer

>muh shotties only

I just want more combat. Even if it's the nushit. Nothing else scratches the itch now that 3 is at a 1000 player peak and it's all third worlders.

>nobody ITT is old enough to remember how gamebreakingly glitchy the online was in GoW2

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Its balanced cause everyone has the same shit. Nice change from call of duty. But in gears 2 the connection was too important who ever had host would always win

Was still an improvement on host roulette in 1. How did they ever think that would work?

yeah, everyone was balanced because everyone used only one goddamn weapon. You actually got made fun of if you used a lancer, the fucking iconic weapon of the series

I remember that the piece of shit ranking system based on win rates had to be patched out for a CoD like progression system.

I am but in those days all my time playing my 360 went to thousands of hours in Oblivion

>go in game chat
>hear french
>sliding all over the place

Yeah you got made fun of if you used the worse weapon that was less fun to play with and only upside was a noob trap 1shot.
Do you even play videogames??

Nah if you watch competitive gears 1 and 2 the lancer was used alot

>had to be patched out for a CoD like progression system.
And sometimes with that your system cache data would fuck up your level somehow. I was sent back to a level 1 three times

yeah, cause playing matches solely consisting of getting meatshotted around a corner by a 300 ping brazilian was so much fun

fuck shotguns and fuck you

...Judgment is actually my favorite campaign.

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Host roulette was still a big issue in 2, if not worse than the 1st game

>guy in cover
>he's bobbing up and down
>decide to use shot gun
>doesn't hit because he's literally in the ceiling at this point
>come back down
>point blank shot
>not a kill
>forget I'm not the host so my shotgun is legitimately weaker

>have first 3 games on 360, but never played them
>have zero urge to play them
How, bros
Do I need a couch coop buddy like its 2008?

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What are the issues everyone has with it? It's my next Gears game to play and considering skipping it

It was ok but gears 3 had the raam dlc which was just as good and had all the same characters

Shotguns were the only weapon used, but they were the only real fun weapon anyways.

Lancer play is literally slow as fuck so I'm happy the game revolved around shotties and power weapons.

its not on pc. and my OG xbox one is just trash.

Honestly I thought the MP was pretty enjoyable, a lot of the maps dynamic gimmicks were fun to play around with

>story mode
Yes absolutely
>Horde mode
It was pretty cool but I'm not a fan of that game type
Good Lord no what a fucking mess. Gears 1 had the best multiplayer experience for me. The .2 second lag with the sniper was my shit.

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Lancer raped gnasher babies even in 1, but you had to have actual positioning instead of cover spamming. The anal devastation from gnasher kids as they kept increasing rifle strength each game was delicious. Even in 1 I had 12 year olds getting pissy in the post match lobby when I spent all game bleeding people trying to cross between cover.

do people make retarded flash videos like this anymore

The sniper was hilariously broken in 1 though. It was an all range version of the sawed off as soon as you got the AR timing down.

Based. It's the one best designed around replayability. What with the dynamically spawning encounters, 4 player co-op. plus getting ranked for performance and the little challenges per level is a nice touch. Nothing overstays it's welcome.

You'd be doing yourself a disservice skipping it to be all desu. It messed with the control scheme a little bit and people got assblasted it might be the way gears was going, but the changes make for a nice spin off really. Stuff like the grenade is put on the bumper now and weapon swapping to Y.

I remember refusing to active reload back in the day with the sniper since I considered the one-shot down too easy

My only issue with Judgment was it felt like scrapped DLC for 3 to be released at another time.

Yeah but you can't get kills with the lancer
You were just being a camping faggot while your team did all the work

I don't know what you expect. Not like the gears formula has even still evolved from 3.

Because it obviously was. Probably planned to give Baird a chapter like Cole got in 3 except they went too deep and couldn't get it out in time with the Raam DLC.

>Take some fagit down to a drip from death
>Teammate blindfires him down
>Vice versa
Git gud scrub

I really like see the first few days of emergence day and we get to see what Baird was like before cog fucked him over