What's her name, Yas Forums? What's a hidden gem game that you wish more people played?
What's her name, Yas Forums? What's a hidden gem game that you wish more people played?
Charles Martin
Easton Barnes
She's beautiful...
Cooper Cooper
Dead to Rights.
It had
>actually decent bullet time
>actually decent simple fighting mechanics
>FUCKLOAD of minigames, more than any other game i've seen
>it was actually challenging
>doggo friend can kill enemies on command if you run out of ammo
But no one talks about it, they even like the dogshit sequel over it
Dylan Robinson
it was better twisted metal
Jaxon Ward
Benjamin Davis
Black Desert Online
Ian Sullivan
Keep your damn zorkins
Jaxson Stewart
the palace chat
Andrew Evans
enemy territory quake wars
Julian Miller
Star Trek Voyager Elite Force