I'm having way more fun than I expected to from this. Actually a big improvement on New Colossus

I'm having way more fun than I expected to from this. Actually a big improvement on New Colossus.

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It's how games as a service should be, which is to say I can play offline, use cheat engine without worrying about being banned and never ever have to interact with other players.

Bro, it has female characters, bro, thats leftist propaganda, bro.

Yeah but they're hot as fuck so it don't matter.

And they're sisters so I can imagine some incest between them.

>Actually a big improvement on New Colossus.
I don't believe you.

You will never be a woman.

I dropped TNC because the level design was complete dogshit, is it improved in this?

Yes it is. Actually has some people from Arkane involved so it's got some Dishonored design aspects to the levels.

Considering New Cucklossus was hot garbage that's not saying much.

I'm playing it right now on Switch. It received an update a few months ago and it looks way better than launch. However I just did the Brother 2 scaffold part and it runs like 10 fps and I don't remember it going that low at this part.

It's a perfectly solid game with some pretty damn fantastic Arkane level design, and the hate train against it was fucking retarded, especially since the devs listened closely to feedback and added pausing, rebalanced the combat to fix "bullet sponge" complaints, improved the sister AI, and more. Yet you still see people shitting on the game almost out of spite. Almost like they're assmad about politics and not the game itself. I gotta say, I never realised how many neo-Nazis are on Steam until this game came out and the forums were filled with faggots screeching about white genocide.

Wow OP is megagay and shit

Rent free.

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Doesn't it have major issues regarding changing ammo types all the time, high level enemies obliterating you and Jess / Soph because emoting to each other to regain health and armor?

Mate one has a lesbian haircut the other has a mullet

That a problem early levels. Once you start leveling up and buying weapon parts you can ignore that for the most part. There's only two ammo types and pressing a single button can switch between your last gun and new gun.

Also the game gives you so many guns and explosives that you can ignore that and just go all out.

It's also much more satisfying using your hatchet/knife for some kills since you'll end up doing one hit knife kills if you level up that line of abilities.

Also emoting just gives a boost depending on what boost you chose. And it recharges after every use.

They also have fat little asses.

They were trying to fix the problem the other games had where the shotgun obliterated everything. Since some guns are now "hard" and some are "soft" you have to mix and match with non-preferred weapons. Although they then proceeded to increase damage by 2x on non-preferred weapons because people kept refusing to switch their goddamn weapons like an adult.

>high level enemies obliterating you
The level design is basically non-linear. They need to have stronger enemies to say, "No you can't go there yet." It's like complaining about Deathclaws.

Is it really? I liked New Colossus fine but this didn't seem like something I'd enjoy. I don't play in Coop, it looked like it'd double down on the unfunny comic relief that already hurt New Colossus and just the premise... you know, the Nazis still being the ruling power in the 80s just makes it feel like nothing was accomplished in the previous games.

I just want a proper conclusion to the trilogy. I'd much rather have that than Doom.

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>because people kept refusing to switch their goddamn weapons like an adult.
I don't mind switching weapons when the functionality is different like a rocket launcher compared to a sniper rifle but when you're just changing between two machine guns it's really dull. Borderlands 2 did that with slag and it was just irritating

I think a bigger issue with the launch version of Youngblood was the hard/soft system was rather poorly communicated, and it's no surprise people got confused by it. So boosting damage across the board was a decent band-aid fix.

>you know, the Nazis still being the ruling power in the 80s just makes it feel like nothing was accomplished in the previous games.
A pretty big theme in the Machinegames titles is that the Nazis will never be defeated and you're locked into an eternal war. Much like Doom, in fact.

The Godkey allows BJ to travel between dimensions. The Germans tried to colonize Mars, but mysteriously gave up. As far as id are concerned, Doom and Wolfenstein are both canon. But they might take place in different dimensions.

>soulless eyes
>56% face
Man, all they need is for them to be overweight and maybe some neon hair dye and they'd be the perfect modern protagonists.

That's pretty depressing, though. I can take that sort of thing when it's about the actusl forces of hell but not about Nazis. Those are just people. They killed a lot of them in the 40s, and it was good.

It's a fun game and the sisters are goofy as fuck.

go away you jew lover.


I can only assume the Switch version and being on Game Pass and stuff like that has caused actual flesh and blood people to give the game a chance, so now we can talk about it like sane human beings. Back when it released, Yas Forums/Reddit/Steam/etc were complete shitshows. White nationalists everywhere.

Go to bed MachineGames dev

Youngblood is largely Arkane, not Machinegames. Machinegames are busy working on Wolfenstein III and probably Doom: Eternal.

Jesus. I had heard a rumor that was true but I really REALLY hope it isn't because that only makes my opinion of Arkane even worse than it already is.

How you go from Arx Fatalis to this pile of shit is beyond me.

I wish I worked for Machinegames. Would put all my shit on Artstation.

Quite funny how times have changed. Nazis have been the one target everyone loved to kill in games, but now you have so many brainwashed mental midgets who self identify with the Nazis in game. Even though they would have been gassed under a third Reich regime.

What are you talking about? The level design is kino. It bears Arkane's fingerprints all over it.

Makes me love to kill them even more.

Different people, dev in name only.

I personally don't understand how Wolfenstein or Id Software in general ended up with an alt-right fanbase considering most of the founders of id would be considered "SJWs" now.

I don't have a problem with killing Nazi's. Just bad faith political arguments and the subversive shifting of what is considered left wing/right wing. If these games were developed by another company I'd likely play them. Not even a white dude so that white nationalist argument doesn't fly with me.

Bro, the game is just shit, bro, messy map and bad stealth, bro, if you don't like it you are a nazibro, bro

No, I think this is worst

>messy map
The level design is fantastic. Far more verticality than the other titles.
>and bad stealth
Howso? You can literally turn invisible at the press of a button.

>You can literally turn invisible at the press of a button.
That is terrible stealth. Nu splinter cell tier.

Exactly what kind of stealth do you want from an FPS game about magical power armour with cloaking abilities, ala Crysis?

Just a bad and rare gimmick
It's pointless, just run and shoot, stealth is not necessary and bad thanks to the messy map

>That is terrible stealth

>Just a bad and rare gimmick
Are you high?

>it has verticality in some of it's levels because Beth forced Arkane to help them
>everything else

No, you?

The stealth is just there to give you another option. How is having more options bad? It's not like this game is trying to be Metal Gear or some shit.

>verticality in level design is a gimmick

Yes, if rare and bad.

Wolfenstein 3 will take place in the 70s where BJ kills Hitler (so a prequel to Youngblood and a Sequel to Wolf2) and then I feel like it will take place AFTER Youngblood to finish the series up.

>alt-right fanbase
What the fuck does that even mean?

Holy shit you're pathetic. This is why nobody is playing these games. Because they think there's so gay ass political shit in the game when the series just wants to talk about killing nazis and using ancient god tech.

Low standards you have

Shit bait, user.

>This is why nobody is playing these games
Damn, is based af.

This. Even Wolf2 told you "go stealth or guns blazing".

In Youngblood going stealth will give you a bonus in some areas. Otherwise sounding alarms makes more enemies appear meaning more XP and ammo to get.

It's not about "having more options is bad" but "that option is bad", not that hard to understand.

Hi swedefaggots. We're still not buying your shitty game. Now go back to your bottom bitch buttsex.

It's not a bad option. Works great if one player builds tanky and the other can circle around to flank while stealthed. You limit yourself by not taking advantage of your options.

It's not bad tho, you just can't gid gud.

You can even literally upgrade your stealth component so it lasts longer, so you crouch walk faster, so it charges faster, so you can use it while running, so it can recharge while stationary.

Literally git gud.

Hell on my character I don't even use the cloak and can get stealth kills.

That's the thing. You can still stealth kill without cloak.

What I do is go stealth, and run and throw knives at enemies in small corridors. Literally 1 hit kill wiping out entire floors of enemies and picking back up those knives. Feels gud.