
This is Hiita. She's not the most popular or even the second most popular Charmer, but she's trying her best. Say something nice about her.

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Minor update to the text probably soon. No rule changes, though.

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I already have him and if i remember correctly
we cannot trade for dup

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She's one of the cards that I really to add to my deck.

that last tag ending was fucking intense, and I actually got to play Aromages for the first time


ayyy I got Book of Moon back

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Yeah that was a close game

book of moon, CED and Dangers are extremely common this season.

Two more packs. I'll get those cards I want someday.

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I got Book of Moon in one of my early packs and traded it away, and here it is again!

Ferret, what do you want for that blue eyes twin? duelingbook.com/deck?id=5009967

Nothing else interests you?

So are timelords and galaxy cards apparently.

You know what I haven't seen much this season or in any decks? Pot of Greed. That shit was everywhere last season.

Don't forget Sera, Accesscode Talker and the graph Sorcerers. I swear each extra deck has an asscode talker, each side deck has a Sera and you'd better fucking believe if you ever destroy a monster that a graph sorcerer is going to replace it.

I wonder if Thigh Highs is interested in my Ritual Support card Breaking of the World. It seems pretty good so I'll hold on to it for him.

i wanna play the dueling game


>Fuck you egao. You forced me to play this meme.
Carry on my will, teach the nostalgics about Pendulums and Egao

This was not what I was expecting to see. Dragoroar is giving me some me some flashbacks just because Blaster and his buttbuddies are on it.
You were looking for Transcendent Wings, right? I'll trade you it for Daigusto Gulldos.

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Nothing that I think you'd be willing to trade right now, but I promised to hold onto all blue eyes support so I'll save it for you

>each side deck has a Sera
As should be the way of things. There is no such thing as a side deck that isn't improved with the addition of a Sera.

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Hell yeah I was. The Daigustso is yours.

What you looking for senpai. Appreciate it btw.


Rolling for 3 packs after someone kicks my ass

Can I get that marshmacaron??? My marshmallon needs a friend. I don't really have anything to trade for it but would you take a psychic sword so I can have it?

Fuck Blue Eyes. My real ace begins now.

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Looking for the following
Aromage Rosemary, Cananga, Laurel
Aroma Jar
Aroma Gardening
Blessed Winds, Dried Winds, Humid Winds
Good plants
Good cards with LP Gain effects
Good staples

want anything for Thorn of Malice?

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Is dinoanon here? Does he even care for Ultimate Tyranno at all?

Six sams, high link monsters especially that link 6 ignister, warrior support like RotA, and generic draw. Oh and shock master but thats really just for a meme, but what a meme it would be

You care for Zefra Metaltron at all? It's a L3 I currently have.

So, about that Level Eater + El Shaddoll Winda I promised you.

While I would love to trade for yet another extra/side deck cheerleader, I don't really have enough free space to be comfortable with that idea. But, I also noticed that Skill Drain is in your side deck. Is that an acceptable trade for you, or should I ask for something else?

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i'm a boy!

Oh yeah and also cards that can bring spells back from the grave somehow. Hand, deck, or field all work, I just dont want to have to lose every time someone kills my gateway

I have the OLDER version of him. You don't have this one and I don't know if you even want it.

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Deck, by the way.


There's no Ultimate Tyranno in there, only the retrain, Ultimate Conductor Tyranno unless you've got it sided.

Hiita is CUTE!
Looking for: Heroes, a fusion spell, generic warrior support, generic rank 4 support, in that order
would you like Wall of Thorns?

still waiting for a duel

Just take it and go on your crazy gardening ways you madman.
Sure. I was only holding onto Skill Drain for trading anyway.

Absolutely! I'm not sure what you would want out of my deck...how about a Gagaga Cowboy?

oh wrong version
yes i want it


No he needs 2 monsters from ED and my thing is spamming the field with six sams, he wouldn't really work unless I somehow rolled copies of the six sam extra deck cards


Win or lose

Summon Sorceress?


This side deck is becoming somewhat frightening. Too bad I can't summon these, or summoning them is too impractical for my deck.

Attached: side deck.png (144x105, 45.72K)

could you maybe also throw in fusion sage? if not just the gagaga is fine

Care for Summon Soreceress at all?

thank you for your gratitude

I'll be generous to you since someone was just generous to me. Take the Fusion Sage as well.

rolling for the future so I can save my disappointment.

Man all the cool kids have gotten generic staples, why must RNG taunt me with jank? Anyways, anyone want any of this?

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Actually gonna hold onto her and get some packs first.

Not a randomfag.

How do I into more draw power? Can't use Extravagance, Desires or Duality for obvious reasons.

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Hyper Librarian.

I managed to summon CED, Chaos Sorcerer and Thunder Dragonduo in the same duel. And I thought I lacked light cards in my deck, guess not? Also rolling for a pack.

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you want predaplanet for scapegoats by any chance?

Slash draw. Destiny draw magnet.

Would you trade that castor for a karakuri shogun burei?

Smile Universe
Hand of the Six Samurai
Token Sundae
Servant of Endymion

Who wants hand of the six sams and smile universe?

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>Smile Universe
Throw that away right now.

Structure Deck soon anons.

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I can't make space for him though, I use every single card in my Extra Deck at least 4 duels out of 5

Also I'm trying to keep the cost down, that thing is like 15 bucks

>Slash draw
>Destiny draw magnet

I think you quoted the wrong guy, I don't have Link Streamer


Hosting tags.

You don't. Give up on the idea and just accept that your starting hand has to give you what you need. Modern Synchron is a swim-or-brick deck, and anything that you draw is going to be off Librarian.

Also, stop running Avarice. It's winmore and counterintuitive to the gameplan. It's dead in your hand unless you've already popped off, in which case you shouldn't need or want it, because ideally your combo has resolved and you've already won by setting up. Avarice in modern day is only helpful to the grind game. Combo decks should be concerned about winning on their first turn, not about trying to recycle resources for a game they've probably already lost if their board happens to get broken.

I'm not running predaplanet
Can't synchro or run synchro
>Smile Universe
It has appeared before me...

I think I'll keep it. Someones probably running pends.
Post deck and I'll trade it.

Castor for tenma sky star then?

>can't synchro
Another here, would you be interested in Abyss Dweller, M7, Magnaliger or Isolde for Catastor?



Sorry about that.

Would you be willing to trade Link Streamer?

You will ask for my bls
Non earth and warrior user here
Preferably rank7. Not enough lvl6


Yes I want my 4th chaos card. I also have 2 rank 7's one of which is a pend. How about smile universe and Dark Anthelion Dragon for your BLS?

>Would you be willing to trade Link Streamer?
Yes, for Victoria. So it may never again be used against me.

The only Rank 7 I have is Ebon High Magician and that's spellcaster locked, so unless you're playing DM I doubt you'd want that. I'll also throw in Eternal Soul on the off chance you are.
My deck's here if you want to have a look but it doesn't sound like I've got anything you're interested in for Catastor. duelingbook.com/deck?id=4970048

I have ebon illusion as a rank 7 if you'd trade castor for it. He's good if you have even one normal spellcaster to activate his banish
