Will Prinny for Switch save NIS? Probably not but let's have a Disgaea/NIS thread anyway, dood

Will Prinny for Switch save NIS? Probably not but let's have a Disgaea/NIS thread anyway, dood.

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since nobody posts in these threads without best Disgaea girl, here she is.

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NIS is fine now that DRPG dropped.

Will they all be dlc for the next title pf disgaea one day?

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What are some comfy NIS rpg's?

if you haven't played the other disgaea games, the first one has the best characters

Do you know what would unironically save NIS? Disgaea in Smash. Normalfags will know what the series is if it gets a rep and all of them will immediately pretend to give a shit about it

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why does the official page of nintendo doesn't post this games? is because of this that all third party developers hate them

what is drpg? explain yourself

4 complete or 5 complete?
How's labyrinth of refrain?

disgaea 1 mc design is so shit tho, who would you put?

Labyrinth of Refrain was pretty good, I hope NIS finishes Galleria before going bankrupt or something.

I almost broke my fucking arm from all that button mashing while trying to beat the final boss, what were they thinking?

the 3 are good games, 5 is the best disgaea but 4 is just very close as well, labyrinth of refrain is a good dungeon crawler, but the prinny games are absolute kino

I'm looking forward to the prinny games, I used to play that shit in college. I've played disgaea 1-3 and I'm still waiting for my never ever of getting a Soul Nomad remake/rerelease

they should put a prinny


etna but with a shirt on

Why isn't there a dynasty warriors collab/ripoff? Theres plenty of fodder enemies flashy attacks and characters to pull

prinny mii costume at best

He's referring to the Disgaea RPG, a smartphone gacha game.
Such games are, of course, very profitable and so it could save NIS from their financial woes.

It's quite good actually, as gacha games go. I've been playing since day one.
There's a lot of content, which is nice, and it's a lot less grindy (ironically) than other gacha games I've played.

I wish they would add more characters though, and the ones they have added since release are quite unusual choices.
The game started out with basically the main two or three characters from each game. Then they added Usalia, which was sensible. Then they added Gordon and co. from Disgaea 1 which was unexpected. Then they added a couple of original characters and next was Rainier from Disgaea D2.

what happened to that jack the reaper game? murder detective



prinnies are worthless garbage but I love them anyway

Huh? They've been steadily adding the main characters from all games, Axel, Fuka, Artina, Yukimaru, Fubuki, Zeroken, Fenrich, etc. Only Rainier stands out as weird but she's coming with Vyers and Krichevskoy, which makes sense.
The only actual DRPG OCs are Noelle, the christmas mage girl, Christmas Laharl, Christmas Usalia and the New Year Rozalin, everything else has been from a Disgaea game.

Attached: RozyNewYear2.webm (426x686, 2.8M)



I got to the carnage dimension/endgame of 5 yesterday, do I just autistically level up to 9999 and reset over and over?

Resetting is pretty weaksauce in 5, you wanna max out all your subclasses and capture a million Asagis and eat their stats.

I always hated how my entire inventory became practically useless the moment I unlocked LoC, since even the weakest rank 1 LoC weapon was already better than my rank 40 normal weapons.

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We have to save Nippon Ichi Software anons, please buy the remake of the with and the hundred soldiers and also its sequel, it is exclusive to the PS4 and it is very cheap right now and they are fun great games

What does Etna's vagina taste like

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Buy the games, they are fun

Do you guys look down on people who use the cheat menu? I had to use it in 5 for exp because some maps we're just hard as fuck. Didn't touch it in 4 though.
Other thread was for coomers my b

can you post the other OCs?

Why create OCs for a gacha mobile game? Do the game has a story?

Any chance Prinny and Disgaea 1 and 4 complete will come to PC?

Again, there's really only one OC and she's the chistmas girl, the rest are just other characters in holiday clothes. The story is basically that all of the antagonists have gotten together to cause trouble and (you) are lead by Etna and Flonne to help. There's some interesting stuff though, for example there's a reunion between Laharl, Etna and Krichevskoy and also the cast of Disgaea 5, minus Christo, all froze themselves for ~6000 years in case they'd be needed again, so Killia and Seraphina and co are all tumbling around with the Disgaea cast from the other games.
The story is fanservicey as hell outside of that, there's a fight where you take on Angel Trainee Flonne, Fallen Angel Flonne, Evil Flonne in a mask, Archangel Flonne and Pure Heart Flonne, followed by a fight with a ton of Etna recolors named players 3 through 8.

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nah, it's there for a reason. not like you can just pump everything up to 500% from the start.
the real cheating is knowing where level 99 enemies are for shit ton of experience early on to break the story.

The "Cheat" shop is there to be used. I don't consider it cheating in a traditional sense. To be honest, if you're playing Disgaea without trying to break it a little you're probably doing it wrong.

Man, being an EOP hurts sometimes.

>minus Christo
Is Lamington in it? Does he meet the 5 cast?

The story happens in increments so it hasn't happened yet.

so we can expect all these new characters/costumes/pallete swaps in Disgaea 6, right?

No, NIS will go bankrupt and we will never get Disgaea 6

Gonna go out on a limb here and say this is based.

I don't think they'll sell very well but I'll definitely get them.
Maybe they'll actually make a couple of fucking sales off of 2 this time since nobody wanted to walk into a Gamestop and bring a copy of "Operation Panties" to the cashier.

Salt, from the great salt flats

I want a new prinny game so badly. I don't even follow the rest of the series.

Ask Cheech Marin.

>these characters as a Disgaea unit
How the fuck will they work? Overpowered or just trophy units?

Not gonna buy it since it's not on pc.

No because they only ports non-nis games on pc now. Not even kidding.


>Will Prinny for Switch save NIS?
How would a port of a PSP game save a company? Not gonna lie, it was some pretty decent news, but still...

Who the fuck knows.

not disgaea related but are there any switch games worth getting that aren't fucking expensive

Phantom Brave & Soul Nomad > any disgaya

Has a game series ever actually been saved by being added to Smash? I know people often point to Fire Emblem but at best that helped them get a foot in the door for the first western release, after that the games progressively sold worse and worse until waifufaggotry saved the day.

So what kind of pussy do Etna and Flonne have?

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