There is ZERO excuse for you to still continue calling them "Metroidvania" games. We stopped calling shooty games from a first person perspective "Doomclones" and we NEVER called them WolfenDooms.
Come up with a better name, you fucks
There is ZERO excuse for you to still continue calling them "Metroidvania" games. We stopped calling shooty games from a first person perspective "Doomclones" and we NEVER called them WolfenDooms.
Come up with a better name, you fucks
do you have any suggestions?
shut up fagget
2d explore and collect power ups
Metroidvania is shit, Classicvania and MegaMan clones are superior
I call them "exploration platformers" sometimes.
someone said mazebreaker which is cool but that same person was a tranny so I don't entirely want to give them that sort of recognition
Open world 2D platformer
I hate that Castlevania has piggybacked off Super Metroid like that too user but there is no going back unfortunately. Metroidvania is too ingrained.
What about "backtracking platformer"?
We've had this discussion a hundred times. Yes, it's kind of a janky name. There isn't a better term, though.
>I hate that Castlevania has piggybacked off Super Metroid like that
dead horses can't be ridden
Metroidvania makes no sense because Metroid got retooled into a generic FPS Halo clone a long fucking time ago. The series died with Super Metroid, really.
>Come up with a better name
Why bother if it perfectly serves its purpose?
Ah you mean the humble genre of Mapfill
because it DOESN'T
We still use the phrase "Rogue-Like" to describe a very specific form of RPG.
"Metroidvania" is a perfectly usable word for a very specific form of platformer.
Castlevania? Yeah it's pretty dead at this point. I meant more the widespread influence of super metroids design and the fact that most games in the genre have aspects of metroid but none from SotN
metroidvania is fine
we called them doomclones disparagingly because they tired to cash in on doom while offering little of value.
We call them metriodvaina as homage to those twp games being the forerunners of the genre.
I think the real catalyst behind the change from "doom clone" to "FPS" was that the former had a negative connotation to it ("clone" as in "perfect copy"; wholly unoriginal), whereas "metroidvania" is a bit more neutral, so people are fine with it.
When was it coined, like 20-15 years ago? It would've changed by now if devs and consumers at large had a problem with it, not just some fringe, autistic minority.
This, we have genres named after movies I think the genres named after games can slide.
We should give Rouge-likes a new name too. I doubt many people have even played Rogue to have first hand knowledge of what it is like and why it would be a good description.
We should stop calling the early phases of 3D Zelda Ganondorf battles "tennis matches"
What name could you give it more concise than roguelike that lets people know it's a top down RPG with procedurally generated maps and permadeath?
This would also help with the "NO TILES, NO TURNBASED, NOT A ROGUELIKE" autists. They're so fucking dumb. Genres are fluid and artistic mediums innovate.
>super Metroid release 1994
>SotN release 1997
>two forerunners
half of roguelikes don't even meet those three conditions
Depends on if you use roguelike to describe games like Binding of Isaac or if you use the term properly.
The most important part of these games are unlocking abilities to advance. This genre is adventure game. Next you just attach the perspective to the name. The Legend of Zelda was a top down adventure game. Metroid and Castlevania are sidescrolling adventure games. That's their literal genre. But it's boring. People like calling them Metroidvanias. Why change what works?
Anyone who is using the term "Rogue-like" correctly has played Rogue or a derivative.
We already have a word for people who don't have 1st hand knowledge: "Rogue-Lite", representing 2nd degree association to Rogue-likes, and appropriately directed to games with 2nd degree association to Rogue.
It's a personal failing if you don't understand the purpose of the Berlin interpretation.
>Come up with a better name, you fucks
The Japanese already have 30 years ago. They call them "exploration platformers." Exploration being the key pre-fix.
There's zero reasons for you to not suck my dick.
Doomclones weren't any fps, kiddo.
>Come up with a better name, you fucks
2D action-adventure.
calling them metroidvanias reminds people of the genre's roots. if the term was changed to something like "exploration platformer", that would give people more leeway to forget about castlevania and metroid, which is by no means a good thing.
Five is already a huge number of syllables for a genre title, seven is absurd.
Autism. This isn't gonna catch on. Stop making these threads you mentally ill cunt.
Open world side-scroller.
Find one (1) flaw.
I ALWAYS WONDERED ABOUT THIS FUCKER. never see him again and you can't interact with it. plus he has his own creepy pasta
we do this shit all the time dude where have you been
open world is applied to games that can be completed by doing the objectives in any order. metroid and castlevania have an "intended" sequence to complete the game.
I'm reading it right now. It's really cozy. Reminds me of the stories I wrote when I was 6.
People are even starting to combine them. I'm seeing a number of new games being called roguevanias now.
it might if enough people will repeat his mantra tantrum for long enough
If the people writing the Berlin interpretation hadn't been such elitists by insisting permadeath was required we wouldn't be in this shit situation we are now where people both ignore the interpretation because it's a retarded definition and so refer to games that aren't top down or turn based as rogue likes but at the same time have other people thinking that all that matters to be rogue like is permadeath and/or random generation
and immersion lost with "omigosh what I cannot kill it? this cannot be!"
maybe it'll get saved later but my hopes are low now
just rolls right off the tongue
The literally gay twink Castelvania
Vs the Hetero Chad Metroid
>the Hetero Chad Metroid
hell yeah
A cromulant word, even
Alufag anal simulators
"2D" is not a perspective
>top down
>side scrolling
>top scrolling
>1st person
>3rd person
These are perspectives. You list it first.
>role playing
These are the type of game.
Then there's descriptive flair you can insert anywhere.
>with rpg elements
>with permadeath
>randomly generated
>open world
Example: Breath of the Wild is an open world 3rd person adventure game with RPG elements
t. game design degree (kill me)
They are called adventure platformers or exploration platformers
Platformer shooter..