I want to get into FFT and Ogre, what are the best versions of each?

I want to get into FFT and Ogre, what are the best versions of each?

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War of the Lions for PSP or phone

PSP for both.
Funny how PSP always had the best ports.

There's a hack for the PSP version of FFT that makes the game much better called Final Fantasy Tactics Kind Of (KO).

FFT's original PSX translation is maximum SOUL

Is it true the gba one sucks?

PSP for Ogre despite the terrible crafting system they added
FFT PSP vs. PS1 will depend on picking your poison between overdone Ye Olde Englishe or a typically shit 90s videogame translation that becomes increasingly gibberish as the game goes on.

Only if you don't like the new rules system (there's a hack that removes it entirely). I liked the game.
War of the lions is better tho.

Every single TRPG that matters or that is worth your time has a PSP port or can be played on a PSP via homebrew.

FFT phone edition

The PSP or Phone versions are the best because they not only add more characters as well as new jobs and update the graphics but they are given fully animated CS's in the game that look fucking lovely with the art style.

I have heard the PSP version does suffer from slowdown but a hacked PSP does fix this, I have heard some issues with the phone version but I haven't looked into it much.

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>PSP version
>No spell/special attack quotes
What were they thinking?

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ff tactics A2
seriously not joking anyone who thinks otherwise played tacticas or tactics a1 first.
A2 throws you into an amazing world you have to work out on your own, don't worry about meme design pizza cutter boi, I never levelled him and had a strange long dread tentacle hair dog thing DRAGOON play as the main character, the perma death is super fun, I personally have a strange addiction to games where the world is unkown and you have to make sense of it on your own, tactics and tactics advanced explain it all A2 expects you too know or figure it out. LABIAS are sexy too

the gba one is a good time waster but really it is actually aimed at kids so the story is fitting for the age group

I have strong imagination so I like shit like going to a bar on an easy mission and it turning into a tough brawl, and afterwards that's where yous recruit you different classed units, like you owned the place now you kicked the losers asses.

Avoid the PS1 version got it

>Yggdra Union

Yeah I guess so.

This is the MAN he was also a monk for a long while, a very cool sprite, but he become a dragoon, I was quite young playing it and I found a spear called KAINS SPEAR, a callback to my fav final fantasy, so cool

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Unironically the mobile version is the best out there since it has everything without problems. The PSP one has more jobs and new scenes but also slowdowns, that can be patched. The original PS1 has a clunky translation but it's completely playable.

PSP all the way.

doesen't the PSP version of TO force upon you some extra lives bullshit on every character? Are you all fucking gay ass munchers or is there a mod to remove that?

There is a mod for ogre battle: let us cling together that you should use

If you've never played FFT before, play the PSX or PSP version. Then play one of the modded PS1 versions, like FFT 1.3 and War of the gods

the psp retranslation of fft is trash because the hack cut the queen reference. either he didn't realize it was a reference or he was so pretentious he thought it was out of place. either way it's shit.

FFT on PS1. Tactics Ogre SNES with translation patch

FFTA? no, it's much better than the original FFT

Fucking why? It was a hot mess made of mechanics nobody asked for or wanted, framed by a game that nobody wanted to hold them.
Original LUCT isn't amazing or anything, but holy shit it's a far cry from PSP LUCT. Shit, man.

War of the Lions was just some fixes and added content. While LUCT PSP adds dope content, I just can't in right mind suggest that it's worth slogging through the mechanics for.

I was having fun with the android version until it crashed during an hour long mission and i lost all motivation to play. Dunno if it was just a fluke or its crash heavy but it killed the game for me.

>you will never be this user
Feels so fucking good bros


one vision? that mod isn't even finished yet, is it worth playing as is?

Well is it PSP or PS1 then? I'm getting mixed messages.

Is TO worth getting into in the first place? I love FFT but TO seems like an absolute mess of too many systems and mechanics
Also is there even a “story?” It seems like you just create an army of mooks as your units

Is the phone or psp of WOTL better? Does the psp version lock content behind the multiplayer?

play the original ogre battle game first. then play all the other ones because it's a great series.


ps1 for soul
psp and mobile for souless

Definitely PSX for Tactics.

So PS1 is the one faggot underages play who say soul and PSP is the one for people who actually play games

the phone version has better sprites and fixes the slowdown but you have to play the game with a touchscreen
the content locked behind multiplayer is just lots of really powerful items that you don't really need since the game is so easy anyways. I believe you can buy those from shops in the phone version

I coulda swore those are in the psp version though

FFT is tricky. The PSP port has more content and a much better translation, but the game is forced into a stretched wide screen so the aspect ratio is wack, and theres a lot of slow down and audio bugs

The PS1 version doesnt have those issues but the original translation is garbage

The mobile version has the best of both but it's a fucking mobile port so that alone sucks ass

The PSP version of FFT drove me nuts with how off a lot of the little sounds are but it probably won't bother you if you didn't play the original, otherwise everything else is good with the slowdown patch on it.

You shouldn't use One Vision for a first playthrough.

>This thread

Games for this feel?

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this. PSP version has weird and forced dialogues, it really is kind of awkward


none. The games are glorified "grind X to cheese the game" if you dont have fun getting shitted on.

I seem to recall there being a patch for the PSX rom that gave it the PSP translation.


That cover is soulful as fuck.

It's a castrated version of the original game with a story that is going to shove it's massage about how bad is escapism up your ass

No, it is based. Escapism IS bad. The game was probably played a lot by 10-12 year old children, this is the age when escapism usually starts. If this game saved only a few kids to not become losers and manchildren like us it was totally worth it. I wish someone told me how bad it is to not socialize and not go outside that age.

Harvest Moon Back to nature

l i t t l e m o n e y

the best version of *any* classic game is *always* the original version

playstation version's translations are cooler than the homogeneous on-model psp translations

How many levels of contrarian do you have to be on to defend shitty inaccurate PS1 translations?

job system was completely butchered
missions were boring
story was shit
law system was both annoying and completely pointless
at least you got to see some bunny pussy

original japanese: That Monk has a nice ass.
ps1 version: The martial artister is a nice a-a-a-ass!!
psp version: Forsooth, thine yonder Pummeler's assets are remarkable, verily. Dost thou not agreeth?

Dont you want to defeat dycedargs older brother or blame yourself or god?

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>Forsooth, thine yonder Pummeler's assets are remarkable, verily. Dost thou not agreeth?
Based and red pilled
Fuck uncultured swine

fuck off a majority of people played that version and it was quite adequate

Literally this. When I was younger I always had a deep hatred of niggers, but was told to pretend they don’t exist. Once I got older I realized all of them needed to killed and that’s what made me who am I today, FFTA follows the same principal; playing video games will never help you experience the real world, you have to experience it for yourself.

PSPfaga are fucking retarded the forced Ye olde shit completely kills the atmosphere of the game.

Tactics Ogre:
PSP has better presentation BUT it's casualized to the point of not being fun at all
I'd recommend playing the original on PS1/SNES first, if they're too hard for you (PROTIP: recruit enemies) try the PSP version.

PSP version adds cutscenes, new jobs, and some other shit, BUT there's slowdown and the dialogue isn't as memorable as the original. Overall both versions are fine.

In response to Agrias saying that there's no need to kill the attacking party, but simply to rout them

>PS1: That's impossible!
>PSP: I find dead men rout more easily.

Some other ones

>PS1: I'd rather die here than get taken prisoner!! Besides, if we get caught here, we'll be executed! Fighting is the only way out!
>PSP: If I'm to die, I'd sooner do so swinging a sword than swinging from the gallows! I'll not be led away in chains!

>PS1: OK, all we have to do is kill these kids! Then, we can escape! Don't you worry! We'll kill every one of you!
>PSP: Cut through these ones and we're good as fled! We'll make quick work of them! And don't be leaving no squealers behind, neither!

The ps1 script is just not very good, and the complaints about the dialect in the PSP port are grossly exaggerated

how is the ps3 port?