The last game you played is the next Netflix series

The last game you played is the next Netflix series

>who plays the main characters
>how is the lore ruined
>what show would you want to see?

Attached: netflix.png (620x380, 114.81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hotel Dusk Netflix series
>Kyle is gay and in love with Bradley
>they have at least one sex scene
>Louie is black

Attached: kyle wtf am I reading.jpg (434x575, 161.33K)

Fucking finally

Attached: 1564503861849.jpg (480x360, 44.1K)

>dave chappelle as counter terrorist
>bruce willis as terrorist
>nobody in the series has hair

Here's a given:
>Raceswapped characters
>needless swearing
>bad voice acting
>low action

Castlevania circle of the moon

The last game I played was Castlevania 3...

>Flower, Sun and Rain
Jazz is replaced sad pop covers of 80s music. Mondo is now a proud homosexual, instead of math puzzles he has gay sex with different guest. Catherine now talks to you, voiced by Awkafina and makes Trump jokes. Mondo always responds with #notmypresident, he says the word "hashtag" when saying it.

If you don't like it, you are a bigot.

If you like gay sex and Castlevania, then do i have a show for you user.

>Civilization 5
not even sure...