Megaman Zero/ZX Legacy Collection

Something about ranking and pleb filtering

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I lied, I'll keep posting my wives, but while I'm at it.
What's your favorite battle network? I know its a bit rough around the edges but for me, its 2

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Now user can disclose what he came here to say

2 is the most well rounded for me

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Im on 2 and ia less bullshit than 1 but still bullshit. This games are full of one step forward two steps back mechanics. I hate remakes but i would support a remake of this games, there is a masterpiece saga buried under all those retarded mechanics.

I want armor customization for MMX 9 so I can make X look like this bootleg artwork I saw on a Mega Man Power Battle arcade machine.

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>all those retarded mechanics

So for everyone wondering why Zero 4 is getting bashed lately, here's why. It's not a bad game at all, but it could have been executed much better.
>No elemental chips, on top of skills being tied to specific forms
>No real sense of reward for being a good player, since you can flop levels completely, and still get EX Skills
>Crafting System was horribly executed, as you need a guide to really make the most out of the results, otherwise it's trial and error
>Ranking System was pushed aside, and isn't that important in the grand scheme of things, since EX Skills are far easier to acquire
>Levels in general aren't that difficult, and can even further toned down thanks to weather
>Z-Knuckle is fun, but sacrificed two weapons that have been present since Z1, the Shield, and Rod
The ending was based, but damn.

I want them to salvage the MEGA system mechanic to swap armors on the fly

But the rod gets replaced every game

>Retarded mechanics
Alright user here, real shit. I was going to say, how did everyone initially react to the ZX games after Zero had such amazing closure

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>still getting upset about mechanics the game wasn't designed around
You're not clever for pointing out things everyone knows already.

For both Zero and BN, my favorite is somewhere between 2 and 3. If a collection comes out for the latter, I'll iron out my feelings on both of these.

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But it's still the Rod, regardless, and speaking of that..
Recoil, Triple, or Chain Rod?

I'm using save assist mode to S rank each game and there's nothing you can do to stop me

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Zero series down. I can see why 3 is almost the consensus favorite. 4 was a step back, not a huge fan of the Cyber Elf/Part changes but otherwise still pretty good.

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Try playing Z2 on Hard mode, it gets rid of most of those bullshit mechanics.

He's mad about rank, leveling and cyber elves.

Though I prefer the "choose your weapon" system the previous games had the Z Knuckle did gel well with Zero's apparent weapons master gimmick. Stealing a guys weapon and beating the next guy to death with it felt what Axl should have been.

Recoil rod it's incredibly useful and not janky like the chain, so I'll go with the slashy billy clubs

Probably a tie between 3, 5, and 6. My save data got wiped for all 3 when my laptop got damaged, and I haven't played since. I'll say 3, though

IF I even used a rod outside of traversal, it would be Triple > Recoil > Chain

But I just use buster and z saber

desu i don't get why you'd do that, you don't get achievements for S-ranking things

BN6. I loved the Beast-Out/Cross-Beast systems and it was a big step up from 4/5.

Elf collecting
Elf feeding
Ranks without proper replay
Lack of information for acquiring ex skills/forms
1 being literary 80% filler with repeated stages
Lots more

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>remember how they were afraid making real X evil in Zero 1 would not be received well so changed it
>but decided to show X getting fucking stabbed while Zero watches and see his X's original body explode in the very next game

SF still have ton of shit to be fixed to be shoved on a collection.

I mean, lot of stuff is tied to having another player for brotherband or physical trinkets in SF2 and 3.

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Because I already A ranked the games without save assist and want to learn better how to no damage the zones and bosses without the resets associated. It's comfy to piece wise the stages.

I think I like Recoil the best, plus Mantisk's EX skill is just fun.

Is it wrong to want to have a self-insert "build your own Reploid" mode like Xenoverse? Because I do. I want it. I wanna play as the new Hunter recruit in town with the regular cast patting my dude on the back for being such a cool guy to fight with the big boys.

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>he actually cries about ranks and elf penalties

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Oh, you mean as practice for a full S-rank run. Nothing wrong with that.

If they rebuild it to use an internet connection there's some potential there.

>still making Xfags mad to this day?
How does he do it?
I have no idea why this scene makes retards so angry, X's physical body is already basically dead and he only actually dies in MMZ3.

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So long as he doesn't sound like a total annoying faggot like Axl then why not.

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Haha, oh silly user. They couldn't fuck up the "New guy" approach a second time as badly as they did with Axl. R-right?

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I'm not mad, more so confused how showing X's body be destroyed while Zero watches unable to stop it is somehow not an issue, while making real X the villain in Zero 1 is a massive problem.
Personally I would've found it much more interesting and compelling if X WAS the villain in Zero 1 instead of some gay Copy.

Personally, I didn't like the ZX games when they were released. They kinda grew on me to an acceptable level, but I clicked immediately with the Zero games in comparison.
Some people complain from Z1 about the non-linear level design, the unforgiving rank system and others, but I liked this. Also, the music, the artstyle and aesthetic of the game, Zero waking up to a wrecked landscape in the middle of a lab... these and others kept me hooked.

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Still would need some rework, dropping a huge list of white cards isn't exactly good. Not mention shit like Acid ace BB/ Dread Joker RR having 20 consecutive wifi battles requirement.


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So long as it's a spinoff and not like X9 I could see it working. Add in a feature for ZX3 to detect your save data and shit out a bonus biometal of your guy when that game comes out as it's secret unlock

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>Ranks without proper replay
This is what bums me the most about the series.

Would've been a cheap twist that doesn't really make sense and a slap in the face to everything X is like in his games if they just went "it's been a hundred years and by the way X is suddenly evil now"

Question for the anons with gba's
Did the games on the console look sharp or like more like how they look with a bilinear filter? Because I'm pretty sure all forms of shaders/ filters are bullshit

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I'd settle for it as an alternate playable character in X9. Allow players to play the full game as X or Zero (or Axl if someone somewhere wanted to for some godforsaken reason) and just provide the option to go through the regular bosses with your OC Donut Steel.

Maybe invent a few weapons only he/she could use so it's a unique playstyle. Couldn't be that hard, right?

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Looks like we need to settle who is the best reporter girl.

Rule # 1 no touching of the hair or face... and that's it!

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user I...

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The story goes that they had to rewrite Zero 1 because of the fact that Capcom authorized the creation of X6 behind Inafune's back when X5 was supposed to be the end, not that they were scared for X to be the villain.

They looked pretty sharp but tiny, it's a smaller screen resolution

However I played on the original GBA fat model with no backlight so there's probably some levels I had to play sitting under a lamp so I could see the goddamn screen.

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Axl needs you to kill 9 dire rats in the sewer level before you may speak to X.

>Power Form has best aesthetic
>pretty much overshadowed by the other forms

Why yes, Thena's my favourite Mega Man character.

>yfw you'll never be this casual

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X4's ending sets it up and the idea was more that X would be so jaded after 100 years of fighting alone that he'd consider retiring all Reploids would ultimately be better for humanity in the long term than allowing something like the Elf Wars to happen again. All more grey and not quite as evil as the idea might initially seem, especially when compared to Copy X in Z1 and Z3 especially.
Athena isn't that bad, the hate for her is overblown and the worst thing about her is that the mood matrix is probably the most boring trial mini-game in the series.

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and? in the X series they dropped hints all the damn time that X could go maverick at any time.
X4 as well had a heavy implication that X could go maverick in the ending where X himself asks Zero to put him down if he ever goes maverick. Would've been pretty in-line for Zero to put X down in Zero 1.
Can easily explain it as "X got sick of trying to stop mavericks and just decided to start scrapping reploids in an effort to reduce their numbers, thus reducing the amount of potential mavericks, thus needing to be put down."

I think removing the open-ish world was a jank idea. In Zero 2-4 you either explore at your leisure or are forced to replay a stage twice (Once to get S rank and twice for all the Elves and goodies). Even worse with the grinding mechanics in the first couple games. In Z1 you could learn the lay of the land in your own time, pointless yes but it felt more natural with the games habit of forcing you to skip missions if you failed.

I guess if you want to be technical the hub of 4 is just the intro stage and the first interim stage mashed together. Makes fighting Craft easier.

3 will always hold a special place in my heart. In terms of plot it actually have some substance that is more than just your usual Shonen plot. It was a great ride from the beginning to the end and the end game content is one of the best I have ever seen. 4-5 feels like they were just milking it at that point but never the less still fun. 6 gets a honorable mention because it’s rare to see series actually having a satisfying conclusion.

Command Mission X is probably my favorite design in that series

people always spout that, but the truth of the matter is that Inafune left his position as megaman series producer BEFORE X5 was completed. He left pretty early on in development in fact. And had very little say in X5's story outside of telling the team to "finish the X series". But it was less Capcom, and more the remaining X5 team that felt they still had at least 1 more story to tell, and made X6.
because let's be fair, X5 is a pretty awful place to stop. There's way too many loose ends. There's absolutely nothing, first off, to implicate why Sigma was dead for good this time. That was all stuff that came from interviews and really, X6 implying the implication that Gate actually had to revive Sigma, and even then Sigma was still half dead.
They bring up Wily being around somehow and just leave that there, where X6 at least tied up that loose end, even if it wasnt in the best way, and not to mention, Why did the X series have to end? X was still alive. It was literally just ending because Zero was dead.

Also, I suppose they felt that there was something to be told about the aftermath of a catastrophe as big as X5. And at the end of the day, again, inafune had no say, he doesnt and never did own the franchise.

And either way, X6 at least had the decency to add a better tie in ending for Zero, that made a bit more sense, and allowed for more expansion down the line. (with the reveal of why he sealed himself away and all the bullshit that led to)

they will never know the joy the original Zero moveset.

I agree and I do love Z1's map but I think they would've really struggled to string the maps together like that again in the later games.

So in Z2, the order you do the missions affects stuff in other stages, right? Like doing the train or factory first reduces the number of enemies on other stages. Or am I crazy?