Spend most of the game in horseback

>spend most of the game in horseback
>the horse riding isnt even that fun or refined

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Haha, anybody remember the leak from rockstar hiring psychologists to get people addicted to playing terrible games by forcing constant input? haha

I love when the game takes control of my horse when i'm trying to dodge trees.
10/10 uninstalled


Woah. Dude

This honestly really annoyed me too.

Everyone says "best horse controls of all time" and it honestly blows my mind, because my opinion is almost the exact opposite, this game has some of the most boring and tedious horse controls of all time. In open world games I often like to ride around on the horse and just take it all in, but its impossible here, because the speed where you simply HOLD X is so UNBELIEVABLY slow that it almost feels like a bug. You are tapping X to get to top speed, then hold to "maintain" it, but it slows down SO hard that its unusuable, like a fucking pathetic trot. Why did they do this? The hold speed in RDR1 is WAY faster

And even then, having to tap tap tap so much just to go a tolerable speed is so fucking annoying, it really goes against the more calm atmosphere the game is trying to establish. And even THEN there are a lot of moments where you horse kinda just slows down a bit for no reason (grassy surface, next to a wagon, on a bridge), even the relentless tapping doesn't feel that effective. It's so annoying. I dont understand how they fucked this up so hard and I dont get why everyone else seems to love it. It ruins the game for me. Every horse ride feels like shit in this game.

How would that work though? Especially now days where the majority want basic walking simulators. Why aren't fighters popular?

You're doing it wrong retard.
You are ment to tap with the timing of the gallop to maintain speed, this also reduces stamina loss.
Tap fast to speed up.
Holding to maintain speed only works when you are following another thing like a posse leader or a NPC

is it better or worse than the horse controls in assassins creed?

>spend most of the game playing it
>the gameplay is generic trash out done by PS2 games