Spend most of the game in horseback

>spend most of the game in horseback
>the horse riding isnt even that fun or refined

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Haha, anybody remember the leak from rockstar hiring psychologists to get people addicted to playing terrible games by forcing constant input? haha

I love when the game takes control of my horse when i'm trying to dodge trees.
10/10 uninstalled


Woah. Dude

This honestly really annoyed me too.

Everyone says "best horse controls of all time" and it honestly blows my mind, because my opinion is almost the exact opposite, this game has some of the most boring and tedious horse controls of all time. In open world games I often like to ride around on the horse and just take it all in, but its impossible here, because the speed where you simply HOLD X is so UNBELIEVABLY slow that it almost feels like a bug. You are tapping X to get to top speed, then hold to "maintain" it, but it slows down SO hard that its unusuable, like a fucking pathetic trot. Why did they do this? The hold speed in RDR1 is WAY faster

And even then, having to tap tap tap so much just to go a tolerable speed is so fucking annoying, it really goes against the more calm atmosphere the game is trying to establish. And even THEN there are a lot of moments where you horse kinda just slows down a bit for no reason (grassy surface, next to a wagon, on a bridge), even the relentless tapping doesn't feel that effective. It's so annoying. I dont understand how they fucked this up so hard and I dont get why everyone else seems to love it. It ruins the game for me. Every horse ride feels like shit in this game.

How would that work though? Especially now days where the majority want basic walking simulators. Why aren't fighters popular?

You're doing it wrong retard.
You are ment to tap with the timing of the gallop to maintain speed, this also reduces stamina loss.
Tap fast to speed up.
Holding to maintain speed only works when you are following another thing like a posse leader or a NPC

is it better or worse than the horse controls in assassins creed?

>spend most of the game playing it
>the gameplay is generic trash out done by PS2 games

Nothing's worse than the AC horse controls

It's a good game sure, but it has incredibly clunky controls.

i liked the horse controls except for holding a button to go. it seems like its made to silly on purpose to get you to use the cinematic camera when traveling around.

Why the fuck is the single player stuck in an infinite loading screen while I can log into the shitty Online?!?!

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the horse controls better in missions when you follow others. its weird how they couldnt translate that to normal gameplay

You need a set path for something like that I guess, your horse might just be following the npcs automatically.

>You are ment to tap with the timing of the gallop to maintain speed
It gallops like 3 times a second, how the fuck is that any different from mashing

The rhythm fucking sucks compared to RDR1, in that game it was more like "tap...tap...tap" to do the infinite stamina trick. In 2, you basically have to do "tap tap tap tap tap" or it slows down almost immediately. It sucks. This is on PS4 btw, maybe PC is different.
>Holding to maintain speed only works when you are following another thing like a posse leader or a NPC
Yeah but at the very least it shouldn't slow down as much as it does. In RDR1 when you hold it still goes a very brisk pace. In 2, its so slow that its useless

crazy how hard this game filters people. you just didn't get it. watch a few western kinos and then maybe you'll learn to appreciate it.

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Wouldn't it be contradictory to the fact that in RDR2 you can literally put the controller down and travel?

honor system was a mistake
in a game about being outlaws its too much fun to throw bad guys in jail while they swear at you profusely tied up on the back of your horse, play poker with the lads, hunt some animals to put meat back on the menu, rescue some ladies, help a nice hooker get rid of the body of the fella she killed, dig up dinosaur bones, picking up the hay in the morning and bringing it to the horses, taming wild horses and selling them, rescuing folks from wolf attacks, etc.
this game is literally a seth bullock simulator. if only dutch owned a saloon and the goal of the game was to open a tool shop with your best friend.

>help a nice hooker get rid of the body of the fella she killed

get...what? that the horse control is supposed to be shitty and tedious, far more than the first game?

I dont see why. I mean they could easily have just increased the speed when you hold and made it smoother

>crazy how hard this game filters people

You're right, it lets me know the person has shit taste if they liked it.

If you had to use cinematic mode even once to make a horse ride tolerable, nothing you say matters

...what? in ass creed (origins and oddysey) at least the mount controls are so easy, its just the analog and feels really smooth. more fun than RDR2

Normie: The Game

Appreciate what exactly? Being a casual boomer with no standards for anything that reminds them of shit that they like?

>help a nice hooker get rid of the body of the fella she killed
can't tell if you're joking

the horses in the first game just felt like they propelled a lot more easily. you really never get any feeling of momentum in 2

This is a lie. You have to hold A/X. Regardless, it just proves the game is shit if you're not actually playing it. You can actually fail missions three or four times on purpose, and you'll get the option to skip the mission entirely and go straight to the cutscene. This "game" should've been a movie. We've seen the same cardboard cutout all before.

There isn't a gravitational aura around objects and people in Odyssey. It's way more engaging and fun in AC. Horses are suicidal in RDR. And no, they're not realistic at all. Don't even bother commenting unless you've rode horses before.

Played it on PC and it was all stimulant and decent horse saddles. Glad I did despite the PC port being a mess because I could just hold, and controller horse controls were better in RDR 1 since they were fast.

>ywn play a saloon tycoon set in Deadwood
Press 'X' to kick hoopleheads out of bar.

>this is a lie
no it isnt you dumb motherfucker you can literally set a waypoint and put the controller down.

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Don't get how anyone can say the horses in this game feel realistic. On a real horse you are not constantly mashing/spurring it at all times to keep the speed up. I honestly dont know what they were going for, but having the input feel the same as sprinting feels awful.

devs have been doing this ever since WoW.

Not him but he probably means you can't do that unless you go into the really stupid cinematic mode

If the horse controls have to be garbage, would be nice if it could auto-path on roads like witcher 3 or BotW, so you can adjust the camera any way you want. Instead we have to use the ugly cinematic mode with ugly forced angles and even then it crashes

You're a lying piece of shit. You have to hold A/X while in cinematic mode. Keep damage controlling for your shitty movie game.

Red Dead is dogshit, 1 and 2

Does the PC version really have an option to just hold on the horse to go top speed? PS4 version still does not have this which blows my mind. There is a "tap assist" option and "hold to run" option but these do no affect horse controls whatsoever.

idk what goes in their heads but my interpretation of it is how the horses will often swerve without your input as to pretend they have a mind of their own, which sounds fine and realistic on paper, but in practice just pisses me off when i'm trying to go around a tree and end up going straight into it because my horse decides to go left instead of right

>you need to watch movies to get this game
are you sure we're still talking about games here

Nope. You have to hold A or X while in cinematic mode. If you let go, you stop. This is a fact.

Its actually not. I hate the horse controls too, but in cinematic mode the horse will go on its own if you tap A and few times and leave it with a waypoint. It still looks ugly though

that's the default, just hold w and shift

You are wrong. Stop making a fool of yourself.
I believe so, you go just as fast as tapping but with more stamina drain.

>isnt even that fun or refined
you just described every aspect of the game

On console you literally have to mash X/A at all times or the horse slows to a snails pace. Its unbelievable, I dont know what they were thinking.

Not arguing with you, kid. We both know who's right. Have a nice life.
What am I supposed to appreciate? Black loving cucks like Arthur that turn down working girls? 1899 isn't the wild west either.

>mash to sprint/gallop
Wouldn't that basically force you to take your thumb off of the stick that controls the camera?

You're a bitch and I miss my horse

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yea i realized that one time i connected my controller so i could play from my bed in comfyness, got up 10 minutes later because i prefered to sit in the cold than to fucking use that shit.

pc users might have waited a year for a shit port but holy shit i can't imagine playing that game with a controller just on that fact alone

Yes, unless you play claw.
I'm loading up the game now.

Yeah, thats why it sucks ass

Everyone says this game is so leisurely, but how is that even true when on console it forces you to mash all the time? Lol its so retarded, I would love to just sit back and hold a button and go a nice pace on the horse but the game doesnt even let you

Why did it feel like in RDR1, they just controlled so much more...easily? Like I honestly never even thought about how they controlled because it felt so natural. I never fast traveled because it was fun. But in 2 I am constantly annoyed and want to fast travel all the time

wait what

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im guessing due to this genius idea they implemented

prove it

What the fuck does "time it with the gallops" even mean? What is a "gallop", is it when the front hooves hit the ground? The back hooves? Or what? And at top speed it gallops so much that you might as well just mash and even then it doesnt do infinite stamina like the first game. what a joke

The horse riding wasn't that bad, I just wish that they gave you the option to turn all of the automatic steering off.

All 4 hooves strike the ground at around the same time, you can pretty much tap it any time during that to severely slow stamina drain.

what is bad about AC horse controls. they are basically effortless.

>On console you literally have to mash X/A at all times or the horse slows to a snails pace
im playing on pc with a ds4 and when get on the horse i hit x to increase horse speed. like two hits of x makes the horse trot around slowy and pressing 4 times or so will start it running then i hold x to maintain whatever speed. if i let go of x the horse will just coast for a bit before slowing down so i have to constantly hold down a button.

MGSV had way better horse controls

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The game isn't cracked.
If you played it then you bought it.
And if you bought it, Rockstar already won.
What is the benefit for them to create "something addictive", when you already bought their singleplayer game?