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What's the problem with Alucard being bi? Vampires are pretty fruity by nature.
Based librarian
it's not about him being bi, it's about him getting fucked in the butt
>it's not about him being bi, it's about him getting fucked in the butt
>It's not about him being X, its about him being X
if the roles were reversed it wouldn't be nearly as funny
With pajeets and bongs, prepare for dongs.
he's not just a faggot, he's the real deal
And that being dumped on the character 20 years later
And moaning, blushing, and crying about it.
in other news, bottoms are subhuman
Can you imagine being an Alucard fan who was asleep during the S3 premiere, waking up and having this dumped on you out of fucking nowhere.
The first thing you see when you wake up and refresh Yas Forums is a picture of some freckled twink pounding Alucards open legs.
Can you fucking imagine the whiplash.
>Alucard gets a blast in the ass
>Yas Forums gets mad because Hitler says gay people are Evil
>starts dozens of threads telling everyone how much blast gets Alucard in the ass
God damn It, is just a non canon cartoon. Stop spreading your very own gay agenda.
Sorry fag, nobody likes you. Nobody ever will. Keep pushing your luck and you'll see what real oppression looks like.
It’s pretty shitty bro, and a sign of the times. Iceman too
He's not even bi in game canon. His being bi is only canon to the Netflix show. They're different characters so getting upset about it is a waste of time.
Around Netflix expect gay dicks
>just let them emasculate all your media characters or youre [group i dont like]!
>Sorry fag, nobody likes you. Nobody ever will. Keep pushing your luck and you'll see what real oppression looks like.
pretty hard to emasculate something that already is the epitome of fujoshit bait
Regarding Konami, you'll get sodomy
You act like he didn't to get fuck the Jap's sister as well.
Pfft its niggers you have to watch out for. They hate queers and are disproportionately responsible for most fag murders (and fags, but that's another story)
>he's not just a faggot, he's the real deal
He acted like a bottom fruit from moment one. It's not that surprising
Are woman not attracted to men with masculine personalities.
I'm a bit confused here, user.
Is Lenore /ourgirl/?
She's a psycho.
Being so obsessed with a prisoner to the point you want to fuck them is not healthy at all.
No, not fujoshits due to brain rot
>Watched season 1 and 2 with my dad
>We enjoyed it because it was dark, decently-animated, and had some decent action
>Just got a call from my dad who told me not to watch it because "some white faggots got on the writing staff and made Alucard a pillowbiter"
But yea, another show for fags and women to latch on to.
God forbid you have an action show without at least a scene or 2 of gay sex nowadays.
Silly me, I forgot my face.
Your dad sounds based.
Perhaps even a bit redpilled, but I don't know him personally, so I don't know.
Trevor was an absolute Chad though.
I mean if he was bi in the actual games then there wouldn’t be any problem, Yas Forums is using their usual accusations of ‘leftist propaganda blah blah blah’ but the problem is that they want to be Game of Thrones and they are just taking stuff from it for the sake of taking stuff from Game of Thrones.
Yeah the whole season felt like filler, which I can understand because the studio is working on DMC and He-Man.
I get the feeling Castlevania will get one more season then dropped.
Fuck off mentally ill subhuman SJW, you aren't welcome in this fanbase. You don't know shit about vampires that aren't featured in the twilight series. Kill yourself, discord tranny.
>He's never read Carmilla or Bram Stoker's Dracula.
Read more books normie.
>the studio is working on DMC
Nico's already Bi, so the other characters might be safe.
Just the animation.
Basically this. It was awesome to see Legion and the Cthulhu like monster from the games, also the fights were awesome... But there is so much talking about whats happening, what's going to happen, stupid stuff like the mayor of the city being a pedofag because who the fuck knows or the reason why those Japan brothers want to kill Alucards heterosexuality and his life...
I mean, Alucards bleeding ass is the least of the problems of this show.
>or the reason why those Japan brothers want to kill Alucards heterosexuality and his life...
It was a brother and sister, maybe you should watch it to know what you're talking about.
shame about the god awful dialogue
I hope your not telling lies, I really hope so.
>I mean if he was bi in the actual games then there wouldn’t be any problem
Why is it a problem otherwise? Why would it be more relevant if Alucard said "I take it in the ass" every time he attacked?
Some sassy black girl is gonna peg Nero while Kyrie is crying, because heteronormative shit isn't allowed.
>It was a brother and sister, maybe you should watch it to know what you're talking about.
Oh you know what im talking about you fucking incestfag autist...
If it's Nico. That's fine.
It'd be gay to NOT let her peg you and talk dirty in her gross accent.
That boomer filming on the right irritates me, for some reason.
But Capcom told them to fuck off
>why does a first generation immigrant speak with an accent
There's no way he writes for Castlevania. Fuck off.
True, the romans didn’t think it was gay if you were the one doing the buttfucking, only if you were the buttfuckee, as it was considered shameful and weak to let yourself be dominated like that
No Warren Ellis is the writer.
“DescriptionAdi Shankar is an Indian-American film producer, YouTube personality, and occasional actor, who is best known for Dredd, Castlevania, and his "Bootleg Universe" One-Shot series of unauthorized pop culture satire films which include The Punisher: Dirty Laundry, Venom: Truth in Journalism, and Power/Rangers.”
He had a heavy influence in the direction of the show and the story and is the reason they made Castlevania of all things anti religion.
>executive producer
You mislead me a bit, but that's still nutso.
>non canon
Citation needed
>Hitler ever saying gay people are evil
it's really weird how Isaac of all people got the most interesting parts of this season
The only good part with Isaac was the legion enemy fight, everything else was shit.