>single handedly BTFOs every single megaten character before him in terms of power
>is also a suave chad who slays pussy all the time
How the fuck does he do it. How can anyone else compete?
Single handedly BTFOs every single megaten character before him in terms of power
And his game is unplayable high school trash simulator for people who had no healthy teenager years, with more than one hour long unskipabble cutscene before you are finally set free.
I love ShinMegaTen, but I would rather play Final Fantasy and Tales of than to touch any Persona past 2.
>P2fags still think they're relevant
>OP is blown away by how amazing a made-up character is
What a fucking nerd lmao
I'm a ShinMegaTen bro, not a Personafag.
And if popularity of the content was so important to me, I would be playing fifa and fortnite, not jrpgs. I care about quality and finesse, and that's why I don't touch Persona 3 and beyond. If I wanted gay high school trash, I would watch one of the 20 animes about it that are airing this season.
Power level faggotry is gay shit but you're completely wrong
>than to touch any Persona past 2.
Pathetic P2fag eternally buttfrustrated.
>single handedly BTFOs every single megaten character before him in terms of power
Not really, Demi-Fiend or even fucking Door easily beats him.
>is also a suave chad who slays pussy all the time
Literally gets beaten up if tries to date more than one girls. Meanwhile Door can date all the girls in the game and get away with it and Yu gets girls to apologize to him for not being good enough.
Anyway, op is a faggot.
Relevance doesn't determine quality.
local autist extremely excited by how powerful bland self-insert protagonist.
Also, Joker's power only exists in the cognitive realm. Demifiend is ACTUALLY fucking powerful in real life, not just in his imagination.
It's simple. Send him to bed.
stop making this thread
Pretty sure in Persona, Door-kun is canonically the strongest since he gets the Universe arcana and has a Jesus stand-in as his ultimate persona.
And mainline SMT protagonists can easily beat up Persona characters since they're actually absurdly strong in reality where Persona fights takes place in cognitive shit.
>ShinMegaTen bro
even worse
Isn't P3 protag the strongest by default because of fusions and his universe arcana?
Not even the strongest Persona protag
The Universe > The World
>is loved by SEES more than her male counterpart including his version of them
>all the girls AND boys want to fuck her
>can stop people by dying through the power of pussy
>literally fucks death
How does she do it?
>implying Sataniel is anything compared to the power of POSITIVE THINKING
>fusion spells
>armageddon lmao
>universe arcana
>incarnation of death and was sealed inside him since he was a little kid
I mean you're not even trying at this. There's also Tatsuya from P2
pretty ironic that someone that prefers a shitty rpg from the 90s compared to a superior quality game to play all around is calling someone virgin. Did you play two games to get that mediocre p2 storyline? Not to even mention the slow as fuck gameplay and inferior everything when it comes to the combat. Sorry you have to twist your mind into liking a worse game, incel. Persona 5 has even better waifus if you're a gay weeb. You're gonna te me any irrelevant girl from p2 can hold a candle to Ann or Makoto or gothbabe? Coming from someone that platinumd p5 and has had their fat brown dick in plenty of white bitches.
>says liking 90s RPGs is for virgins
>his argument on why Persona 5 is not a piece of trash revolves entirely around waifu faggotry
I seriously hope your post was ironic, and a well crafted joke. If it wasn't, you are just too autistic to engage in discussion with
Gameplay and story wise it's P3 protag with Tatsuya as a close second then huge power gap vs the rest of protags
I love Haru!
Don't know the current ranking, but it used to be: 2 > 1 > 3 > 4
The strongest is Door-Kun. The Universe > World and even in gameplay he can do fusion spells by himself
>single handedly BTFOs every single megaten character before him in terms of power
He doesn't even stack up against Raidou. Much less Demi-fiend or Door-kun. Pretty sure even Aleph could kill Joker easily.
>1 greater than anything
Name one thing which makes piercy any strong
Yeah right.
>can only summon one demon/persona
>needs a persona to use magic
>can only access his persona in the metaverse or whatever equivalent for a specific entry
>he can't fuse mid battle
>9999 damages you
Nothing personal kid, come back when you can summon Two
>single handedly BTFOs every single megaten character before him in terms of power
Good joke.
Why can't Personafags and SMTards get along? Both games are good.
>all these P3fags saying emo-kun is strongest when he’s the only persona protagonist that dies like a bitch
>”b-but muh universe”
learn your arcana
>”b-but muh fusion”
he doesn’t have them in P3P and he doesn’t use them and they mentioned in any capacity in any spinoff he shows up in
Too many factors widen the divide between the two, or at least x-onlies. Too much bad blood.
You can easily enjoy both, but you're not going to see much civil discussion on this site anyway, especially when it's easy to antagonise either and kickstart an argument.
Even so, we always have a few power level discussions for megaten.
Amon Ra's Hieroglyphan, going fast, and the fact that every one of the users there could swap Persona.
Plus Maki was the strongest one there anyway, since she made her own reality. Granted it was with machinery and shit, but I seem to remember Igor mentioning that she was almost as strong as Carter as a Persona user, but I'd have to read the EPP transcripts again.
This is about individual characters and P1/2 characters are more limited when it comes to persona changing than the wild cards are
We should all unite based on our shared hatred of Atlus and Atlus USA.
>Learn your arcana
They're literally different things in game you mongoloid
>dies like a bitch
Beat the unbeatable and sealed away Nyx, who'd shit all over everything else in persona's universe including Phil and nyarly if she so much as goes to earth
>Universe is the same as the world
Play the game
>single handedly BTFOs every single megaten character before him in terms of power
There are people that actually believe this
>is also a suave chad who slays pussy all the time
All MCs are that. At this point it's just about who has the best girls.
p5 owns the shit out of 1-4 and is a game for uber chads deal with it virgin
Joker beat a YHVH tier character.
Do demons count as best girls?
You brought it up not me.
That's the bare minimum to get into these sort of discussions though.
>A YHVH tier character
Whatever you say fag. Nyx couldn't even be killed conventionally.
They serve the same purpose, just like how Adachi’s jester is the equivalent of Yu’s fool. Different card, same function
>>who'd shit all over everything else in persona's universe including Phil and nyarly if she so much as goes to earth
>he actually believes the fanbook
let me guess you also think that Nyx created all demons, right? lmao
yeah cause the blue twink is weak sauce and could only manage to put her back to sleep. A real Chad would be able to kill their baddie god and then go back to hang out with his friends in the summer
P3 Nyx isn't SMT Nyx, she is actually unkillable, like I'll use your pic related as an example, doomguy couldn't permanently beat the Schwarzwelt in SJR since it always comes back unless you fuck up the world with a law or chaos ending
You don't need a fanbook for that, Nyx just needs to exist to destroy the world, Nyarly needed a plan thousands of years in the making to do that
Here's a (You) and shove it in your ass. P3 protag is the closest thing to an SMT protag in terms of powerlevel bullshit
>can summon multiple persona
>solo fusion spells and can armageddon your ass
>universe arcana is one of kind and the most bullshit asspull allowing any miracles as said by Igor himself
>Nyx just needs to exist to destroy the world, Nyarly needed a plan thousands of years in the making to do that
That’s because Nyarly just enjoy’s causing chaos. There’s really nothing stopping him from destroying the world besides a bet, Philemon even had to make a create a whole new one because there was nothing he could do
>Different card, same function
Except when Igor explicitly states that it's not
>P3 Nyx is the same as Night queen Nyx
One is a shadow pretending to be Nyx just like Izanami and Yaldy, one is the concept of death who's presence created humanity and predates all sentient life. Can you guess which ones which?
>the most bullshit asspull allowing any miracles
>can’t miracle himself into not dying
wow really strong protagonist you got there
Nyx is death an unstoppable force that predates all existence
Even the strongest arcana can only delay it
Uh-uh sure.
>P5 crew only dealt with humanity wanting to be controlled, instead of all humanity to die
SMT Nyx is just a demon, P3 Nyx is an avatar and something else entirely. In terms of doomguy, it's his equipment that levels up, and still beats Yaldy who is an ultimate boss compared to just a final story boss for p5.
the only thing Igor states is that he hadn’t seen it before, not that it was stronger than the World or that it was the most powerful thing ever
>>P3 Nyx is the same as Night queen Nyx
I never said this, gods are a different beast altogether
keep in mind he also managed to do this without Igor’s help/the world/the universe etc.
The public did that you retard
where does he say that the Universe is stronger than the World or that it does not serve the same function?
The Igor pic is even better at emphasizing how much better the Universe is by the fact a wielder of the World is standing right beside him
I don’t recall the public shooting Yaldy in the face
Then replay P5 because that's literally what powered Satanael
Idiots saying universe is not stronger than the world. Okay, But even in gameplay part, Door beat Elizabeth and the Reaper alone without any help. And if we tried to look at anime he battled Nyx alone.
While Yu and Joker had to used every friends they had not to get BTFO by velvet guys.
Also Yu loses to Elizabeth in Arena
literally every other character could defeat him
from abel to fucking dispenser guy
None of the gods in persona are real, they're extremely powerful shadows all feeding off of the beliefs of humans. Phil and Nyarly might be exceptions to this, but the same thing applies that without humans, they cease to be. Nyx is the concept of death, and the birth off all human life
>the only thing Igor states is that he hadn’t seen it before, not that it was stronger than the World or that it was the most powerful thing ever
Elizabeth's arcana is the world in 3
>>P5 crew only dealt with humanity wanting to be controlled, instead of all humanity to die
potatoes, tomatoes, they both had the power to destroy the world