Any VR chads in the building tonight?

Any VR chads in the building tonight?

Only sixteen (16) more days until poorfags seethe.

Attached: av.png (1146x558, 679.17K)

>be poorfag
>don't buy shit at their highest price for exclusivity
>wait a few months or years
>buy for 1/3 the price
>have fun
Are you sure you're not the one seething?

>getting hyped for Time Crisis with teleports only

We aint seething bitch nigga we laughing @ ur sorry ass the only faggots seething will be you come release day when you beat the game in one sitting and find all the pozzed Campo Santo shit they did to the Half Life lore and then come back to Yas Forums to complain, despite everyone else going I told you so

Reporting in, eagerly awaiting my grapes
They will be oh so sour I am sure

City 17... Home.

Attached: 340.jpg (340x272, 22.74K)

Attached: 1583635037655.png (1146x1056, 569.56K)

Very nice.

Will Slick return?

Attached: Scientist_models.jpg (724x1300, 53.5K)

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How is Magnusson Einstein? He clearly has Slick's widows peak.

You can play the workshop city 17 map without VR glasses though

This means the game itself will likely be jailbroken from VR too and be made playable on conventional monitors

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So when's Einstein gonna come in then?

whoa you can noclip through a static map?! I guess a flat port is inevitable! it's over VRbros...

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Oh my god, I’ve never seen such funny witty trolling, these jokes are insane! I’m posting on reddit

"Hey Gordon, its me PAYNE!"

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Those lips.

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Quick question. How is Vive pro+index controllers? Can't afford the full index kit but can buy Vive pro and knuckles for 600.

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Vive Pro is good for the wireless but as far as cost goes is it really that much cheaper than an Index? That HMD gained a reputation for being unforgivably overpriced by HTC.

I dunno man but I hope he does come back. He was always my favorite.

>This means the game itself will likely be jailbroken from VR too and be made playable on conventional monitors
SteamVR is a different enviroment than Source 2 though. So I don't think that's going to be possible to do on day one, and even if people are that desperate, the controls aren't made for conventional kb/m

I know but I can get it for 350 plus sensors from someone

HLA will essentially be a HL2 episode without respecting anything from HL1 like it should since its HL 1.5

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just like vrchat?

Sounds like a good deal to me

just give me the artist already

If you can find a cheap Odyssey+ that's the way to go. I got mine for $230 back when HLA was first announced, but it seems that they are all sold out now. They are still probably the cheapest option if you can find them.

Attached: Samsung Odyssey Plus.png (710x462, 147.42K)

Ever since HL:A got announced, every fucking VR outside of phone VR got either out of stock or raised prices up. Rift S went from 300 to 550 on ebay


>This means the game itself will likely be jailbroken from VR too and be made playable on conventional monitors
Thats uh... not how that works user.
Even if it IS allowing you to talk around, it won't allow 90% of the features in the game itself, such as actually grabbing shit and interacting, throwing shit, moving shit, ect.
Any interaction with anything will be stiffed. It'll be more like noclipping around a map then playing.

It's definitely a great budget set but lighthouse tracking is really nice if you can manage the setup. Will work in any lighting, no occlusion issues, generally perfect tracking.
Plus despite the constant FUDposting, Index controllers really are great.
Here's hoping Samsung really delivers with the O2

Attached: Samsung-Odyssey-2-02.jpg (933x632, 86.47K)

That looks like Tracer's ass in the thumbnail

God damnit, I can't find the original picture.

Hopefully this drives demand so that manufacturers can start catering to the general public instead of VR coomers

Is that the real Odyssey 2? I know it doesn't effect the functionality, but not looking like a retard is a selling point too.


Sorry you can't handle next level aesthetics kid
Samsung will be swooping in for the kill

Attached: Oojvzdv.jpg (1440x950, 104.93K)

Looks like blue boobs with oddly placed nipples.

>tfw gonna have to jerk it to a VR headset now

Is this the same publication that shilled it's dumb "PS5 Prototype" renders all over social media? The one that said "SSD DRIVE" on the front of the supposed console and retards like you ate it up? Whatever dude. Keep thinking that headset is in anyway practical.

>Unironically going back to Half-Life after Newell defecated on the fanbase for 13 years

lol @ poorfags begging for a pancake port of the game. It's so embarrassing. Imagine sucking that bad

You would buy it if you could afford the headset and upgrades. I know that you're American. Americans would buy literal shit if you place a recognizable brand name on it.

It truly is fucking pathetic.

tracer's butt

first they make lies about the game being a disaster, then theyre begging for a 2d version. so sad.

Gabens been working hard on VR for a decade so that Half-Life wouldn't be a stale flop like DNF
A true Half-Life fan would know this.

>I know that you're American
Swing and a miss. A very large one at that.

this is a pretty good artist

Attached: 1563850572351.jpg (2112x2789, 729.71K)

>Toggleable between WMR and SteamVR
>Knuckles style controllers
>Keep the OLED display
>Wider FOV
>Inside-Out with more cameras
>Rechargeable batteries

Come on Samsung, you got this.

The real question is, how will the mod situation be?
I know a full SDK isn't being released, so does that mean we're shit outta luck?

Please, just tell me his name

it truly does look like her butt, doesn't it

I liked your last thread better.

Attached: Capture.png (901x435, 84.09K)

>suddenly out of nowhere
jesus christ imagine being like this

mid-grade VR is free for the taking, HTC is hurting itself in its own confusion and Oculus barely pretends to care about anything but Quest

wow, and there are so many ways to reverse image search these days. incredible

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problem flattie?

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Alexis /bestgirl/

Attached: tumblr_pbl2heqDEz1v1bsoxo1_r1_1280.jpg (1280x990, 327.89K)

Im a VRfag but I hardly care. I'm happy playing Pavlov til I'm an old man

>> 498606994
>wait a few months or years

Waiting years for things to become less valuable and everyone else has moved on to new cutting edge stuff and you scrape together for old or second hand stuff.

Definitely not the one seething poorfag

>Any VR chads in the building tonight?
yeah I'm here

Attached: steamvr.jpg (1936x655, 51.77K)

i cant wait for the no vr no knuckles mod

>Cosmos still hasn't dropped to something reasonable

I really wanna go SteamVR. I refuse to give Faceburg money and WMR is just too buggy for me but its what I got.

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Didn't he die. L

Imagine being excited for teleportation-based movement.

get the fuck out right now

What fucking place do I need to scour to find more pictures like this? The whole fucking nude on the cellphone with the girl completely normal in front? I've seen few 3d pictures like this and I need more

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yeah, like a million times by my hand

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