Post your status
>washington state of emergency
>san francisco state of emergency
>italy is fucked
>dont go to asia

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Other urls found in this thread:

first dead here in argentina
i hope coronavirus doesn't destroy the universe before i get to play bonerlord

Corona is a meme. Based muslims are the only people that seem to be aware of this:

Corona virus scare is silly. Stop worrying. We've been through much worse.

That being said cant wait for banner lord.

And if i ever get cocorona virus im going to ALLLLLLL THE LEFTIST TURNOUTS AND RALLYS.

incredibly based

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Fucking legend

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If you're healthy it won't kill you. Problem is the complications regarding other respiratory diseases and shit, and how easy it is to be passed on.
It's just another case of the flu, only that our body isn't good getting rid of it since it hasn't been exposed to it. .

Reminder: You are an unloved and bad person who is genuinely a degenerate. While those you consider leftists have morals and are good people that want to help each other.

>While those you consider leftists have morals and are good people that want to help each other.
What a good little useful idiot you are. Keep supporting actual evil all you want, faggot, just stop pretending you're a good person for it.

>actual evil
>if i ever get cocorona virus im going to ALLLLLLL THE LEFTIST TURNOUTS AND RALLYS
You know you are the evil one.

>Taking all the people who let it easily come into the US down with him
Sounds pretty based to me!

This and based
Projecting and cringe

First cases in Indianapolis. Cases in chicago. It's only a matter of time before it comes here.

>leftists have morals and are good people
I didn't know actively trying to ruin peoples' careers because of a perceived personal slight was the good and moral thing to do.

I hate empire so much

No one cares about some racist asshole's mcdonalds job he got from his dad's child molesting friend.

There is no toilet roll I have to poop in the shower help.

>Post your status
Too poor for a good enough CPU.
I'll live to bannerlord's launch but I won't actually be able to play it.

That's not very tolerant or inclusive of you, user. Jumping to conclusions and immediately making petulant remarks about people you don't know.
Almost like emotions rule your head or something.

>hur dur tolerate the intolerant!
You are as smart as you are moral.

Who said they were intolerant? You jumped to that conclusion, not me.
I said the slight was perceived, not that it was targeted.

The make believe people you made up in your head. What a fucking retard.


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>Constant insults
>Willing to go along with a hypothetical scenario for only as long as he can twist it to his own personal view, despite the scenario already being laid out
>Called out on twisting the scenario, immediately goes back to hurling insults and being generally petty
Yeah, that's about how I expected this to go. I'm the fool for hoping it'd go differently.

You can't use reality, only made up bullshit.

Oh and I forgot to call you fat.

Going to be a very comfy April

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If we looked at reality you truly wouldn't have a leg to stand on, much less ones made of clay.
But yeah, all those witch hunts were totally morally justified. Your hurt feelings were vindicated and that's what matters.

What's the reality? Post the racist asshole tweets you are referring to. Do it fatty.

when's this shit come out?
t. desperate person too desperate to look at material out of fear of hyping myself up TOO much

Really its progs who are the problem. They declared open war on the concept of masculinity. Their tranny legions now want to remove womens rights and call anyone who detracts against this a 'TERF'. They wall want to embrace Communism as a knee jerk reaction to being unhappy with their current lot in life and blaming capitalism for it; all while using niggers as a shield and claiming they are the good guy for giving that ignorant dumb black man a voice.

90s lefties had really bad ideas but the progs who are usurping the American left? Flat out evil.

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What a VIDEO GAME thread eh

Sorry you dont get to pretend you have the moral high ground while your cabal of pedophiles literally tries to remove womens rights

never even looked at banner lord

Can someone tell me why I should play this game, what's it evn about

Can you imagine pretending to care about womens rights by pretending the people who care about womens rights hate womens rights?
I bet you have a folder full of women getting raped or some gore shit.

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I care about the rights of ever red blooded white person regardless of gender, sir. And its not my side shoving men into womens compeitions and into womens restrooms and telling them their sex is a social construct.

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I see you also have folders full of children.

sand box troop leading/ action game

Lead armies but play specifically as 1 guy

>Reminder: You are an unloved and bad person who is genuinely a degenerate. While those you consider leftists have morals and are good people that want to help each other.

Wife is an ex demoshit. She fell for the moral superiority complex and then woke up.

Am in fact loved by three wonderful children, wife and have a very happy life.

Go ahead and keep not breeding and 'helping' others tho. Soon other states will start to look just as shitty as California.

Ps highest education and philosophy education

You cant save them all/everyone.

Fuck off commie fuck

>presses enter needlessly
wew, you guys are the worst.

They do have morals, they are like wannabe christfags now with their shitty rules and restrictions.

>>presses enter needlessly
>wew, you guys are the worst.

On phone big hands.

And a phoneposter to boot. Just the worst.

What's the point, it won't be as good as warband.

>Phone posting ogre thinks he can hang with the cool kids on 4channel.

No please Princess Highground, sway me to your side. Tell me how importing low skill shit skins who funnel money out of the country and, create an artificial unemployment and leech off tax payer dollars is secretly in my interest. Im all ears.

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>And a phoneposter to boot. Just the worst.
Lemme just turn my hotspot on and get on my gaming laptop

>fat hands
what a comfy LARP

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No one wants to sway you. I know you desperately want to be wanted, but no one ever will.

>No please Princess Highground, sway me to your side. Tell me how importing low skill shit skins who funnel money out of the country and, create an artificial unemployment and leech off tax payer dollars is secretly in my interest. Im all ears.


-the left


Can't wait to see all the stupid dumbfucks seethe about the limited content the early access has.

please tell me the game has proximity voice chat

>>fat hands
>what a comfy LARP

Im 6' 210 lbs, i have big boy hands. Not larping.

>lost the culture war decades ago
>still thinks they're the chads
might is right faggots
seeya in line for the mandatory estrogen injections

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Makes life intresting, every time you leave your house you could be party to a exciting clash of cultural ideas or a diverse gathering of energetic young men.
You also get spicy food, HOW NOVEL!

No voice chat when I played. Then again who gives a rats ass about multiplayer

>Im 6' 210 lbs
Imagine just straight up admitting you're a short fatass
Even your LARP life sucks

Then dont sway me, sway the lurkers here who are so clearly on your side. Make an argument why the complete destruction of western culture is actually beneficial to them. I wont even rebuttal, go ahead.

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its time to unite the tribes

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>complete destruction of western culture
Yes you are so oppressed. You poor man, you need reparations for having your history destroyed. We need a UBI for anyone who lives in the west for their hardships.

No one cares about swaying you.
They care about saying "white genocide now" because it fucking triggers the shit out of you, you frothing nigger

>first case just announced in my county
can’t wait to die, although it would be cool to watch my 2012 pc struggle to run bannerlord before that happens

>please tell me the game has proximity voice chat
Should be standard in all games with voice chat >>Im 6' 210 lbs
>Imagine just straight up admitting you're a short fatass
>Even your LARP life sucks


Oook cuck enjoy seething. Id offer to be your bull but, married and happy.

And you're gay

No. They are spiteful and hateful of other people's cultures and ideas. They are destructive and want only their own ideals to survive. They shame European culture for their imperialism, but themselves invade, annex, exploit, and eradicate communities foreign to them because they cannot stand their existence. When conquerers claimed land, they at least used it. In the video game industry, you have feminists criticizing games they will never pay money for, making those who'd appeal to their strange desires in truth appeal to nobody who actually participates. Their ideas are not ones that they hold themselves, but are merely the opposite of what they do not like, because being contrarian gives them a good excuse to fight. They say they fight for diversity yet also for globalism, two fundamentally conflicting ideals, entirely because their positive sounding names make great weapons against people they deem disgusting.
They are toxic, abusive people who want the world to be like them. They should be treated like the invaders they are.

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Unite my sword with your skull horsefucker.

This is so overt I can't believe anyone actually believes this was anything but the libtard post-college teacher having a melty.
Boomers are so fucking stupid.

Corona-chan is in my county. I work in the local walmart.
I'm fucked now, boys.

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Aussie here. Coronavirus is mostly under control-ish with only three deaths but once the Grand Prix starts and our government lets the bloody Italians in we’re probably fucked.

Good thing I’m able to work from home if need be. April will hopefully be a very comfy month.

That article is on an alt-right site and full of lies. No museum ever keeps all of its materials and if you look at the stuff they destroy, its not artifacts like in that image. That image is actually from the Vale of York Hoard, in England. The stuff they destroy is badly degraded and generally the sort of stuff there are already tons of or better representations of. Here are two actual archeologists talking about it.

>wife is definitely cucking him with black dude
Gimme some more line breaks, your posts could stand to scream fat reddit boomer a little more

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You explain in your post that the people complaining aren't the real enemy but the people with power who listen to this strange minority group. You're campaigning against a symptom.

>>wife is definitely cucking him with black dude
>Gimme some more line breaks, your posts could stand to scream fat reddit boomer a little more


Soi boi

Trump has been mauling the CDC's budget, are you retarded?

>uniting a whole nation under one banner is dividing

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What is the actual source for this though? It seems to come from nowhere. All sources are fucking conservative meme sites.


>greentexting my entire post
t. reddit boomer
I'd say neck yourself, but the type 2 diabeetus is doing the job for you
Seeya in the coronavirus casualty statistics

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Don't you critically analyse our ideology you bigot, that is our thing. The right is not allowed to think or talk about anything, don't make me cancel you.

The people who listen do so because they've been convinced that they shouldn't be "wrong," and they need to take steps to be "good people" like how they've been told. Perhaps they felt like the left had good intentions, or perhaps they didn't have the spine to say no. They weren't taken as the ideological imperialists they are. Now they're under control, because it's wrongthink to be otherwise.

Flips here. Kung flu is kinda under control with only two officially reported infected. Some middle class bastard hoard the whole foods, waters, N95 masks, and medicine supplies (good thing the hoarder were busted), thanks to them the city's economy is crippled for a day

Now if they insist to start Formula E here...

What do you think, idiot?

>cost some faggot his job with twitter posts
>get him blacklisted just by screencapping his facebook memes about niggers
>all from a comfy desk chair
Based as fuck

>lost the culture war
>Gamer gate not only won but has been dead for years and is STILL the eternal boogeyman for the left.
You guys have media, we have government. Culture is still going strong; only differences is we dont have a group with a 40% suicide rate

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literally one dude but hes in quarantine

Please cancel my ass, senpai

You are right about the left having the media and the right having the culture of the general public.
But you don't have the government, no one does. They will use whatever gives them power left or right.

It's called utalitarianism and it is the objectively correct moral philosophy
>B-But muh Aristotle said-
Aristotle was a fucking FAGGOT like you

>Culture is still going strong
Dont you constantly complain about being genocided? Your culture/heritage/history destroyed? Your lands invaded?
This guy hilariously says "eradicate communities"

You are always super powerful, and always teetering on the brink of extinction. Like with every single thing you people ever believe, doublespeak.

This, Realpolitik is also based. Everything has its place and should be used for the good of the nation.