What did Nintendo mean by this?

What did Nintendo mean by this?

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I don't know if I should make all my villagers wear this just for the implication but technically they would be showing less.

They know loli sells but refuse to make Ashley playable WHY


Attached: isabelle.png (430x455, 48K)

Fuck, I need porn of her.


I can't fucking wait for this game.

Anything related to Wario doesn't sell.

You are mentally ill.

You will never be a woman.

Pocahontas look like that!?

She really is, is she from the Fivel movies?

There were more than two Fivel movies?

Yeah An American Tale: Fivel's Entitled Grandchildren Shitpost on A Mongolian Basket Weaving Site

>but technically they would be showing less.
It's funny how that works.

they know

Attached: save_this_on_your_hdd_please.jpg (630x630, 66.19K)

Guess it's time to look for porn of her

Are you? You seem to be pretty preoccupied with An American Tale of all movies.

What did Nintendo mean by THIS?

Attached: made for bbc.png (1920x1080, 2.17M)

ahhh I wanna fuck that mouse

Yeah I’m thinking I want to have sex with a mouse

Bro that mouse does things to my dick

I wanna be that girl

stop spamming your shitty fur fetish

Delusional and paranoid.

That's more shortstack than anything

Just say schizo

Attached: hatkid.gif (310x466, 1.76M)

she looks like she fucks black villagers

Shortstacks are, y'know, stacked.
This is just chibi.

Attached: hat kid.gif (305x400, 461.31K)

>they made the Animal Crossing villagers fuckable now

Fucking STOP

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Gives me minus8 pac-man ghost vibes

Without a shred of doubt, they know

Yes, now. Before the villagers looked like dumpy little things but they've gotten the proportions and the faces looking a lot better this time.

I thought they were called shortstacks because they resembled of a short stack of pancakes

Yeah they've got detailed leg muscles now.

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But that's the worst one.

Oh shit.

damn didn't notice that before

oh shit it's frisk undertale


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>broken english
>totally random jab at americans

Theyre all shortstacks now

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>in a town with literal dogs
>goes for bbc instead
oh no no no dog bros...

Hell yeah

You're not gonna make a girl toon and wear this around, are you Yas Forums? You aren't that much of a fag, right?

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OP's pic is of a male

Ok, that's enough.

WHAT is Nintendo's endgame here?

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Hey man, not here to judge, if you want to look at a guys ass and thighs that's your own preference, faggot.

Even better

Nothing you pathetic coomer

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>coomers now sexualizing eyes

Attached: 842.jpg (502x450, 71.62K)

No, of course not.
I'm gonna make a boy character and wear that around.

Bedroom eyes have been a thing since forever dumdum


Is there any confirmation on Nintendo crossover items yet? (Mario Kart, Majora’s Mask, Baby Metroid, etc.)

Subliminal messaging to get smash players to bathe.

Maybe in your weird little incel hentai trannie discord group.

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How many synapses have to go haywire in someone's brain to make them sexually attracted to animal crossing animals?
They aren't even fully anthropomorphic. They're chibi



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>Remove fingers the most non sexual part of the human body
>But don't reveal the main characters are living mannequin like figures without genitals

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>cringeposter is underage and unaware