Even though it was a shitty fanfic it was an extremely public one

even though it was a shitty fanfic it was an extremely public one
how will this character ever recover from this humiliation?

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He's a bisexual vampire. Haven't seen one of those before.

he was nevet bisexual up until this point

>it was real on my head cannon

the fanbase has had Alucard and Richter fucking since SoTN's release so it's really not a big deal

What's important is that the show saved Isaac from being doomed to an existence of being an insufferable flaming ginger

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Why care at all?

who fucking cares you easily frightened jew? stop making these lame ass threads

I never noticed how pretty Alucard was before...

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Is everyone seriously butthurt over this or are you all just pretending?

Alucard's seriously butthurt from this.

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I'm just checking if this is significant enough to affect the after market price of the Neca figure, it's trash just like the Select, but at least has somewhat decent articulation.

Imagine being more butthurt than the vampire that took it up the ass.

Because being a self flagellating we wuz devil forgemaster with a history of being abused as a child is better than being an insufferable flaming ginger with a half decent weapon.
Honestly they massacred my boy Hector and that irks the fuck out of me.

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I dunno man, alucard got really mad about it.

Why isn't there a webm of the scene yet?

>tfw your headcanon was real

best feeling


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have (butt) sex

Because they tried to kill him afterwards. You'd be pissed too.

never heard of it

>You'd be pissed too.
I actually wouldn't. Had a threesome with twins AND they are going to kill me after.
Sounds like a pretty good time

Do you get and when you see guys eat dogshit? No it's just cringe and embarrassing. That's how gays are seen by normal people.

Video game characters can eat fictional dogshit. That's what homosexuality means. I've talked to gays,99% eat pooh straight outta the asshole

Imagine being so powerfully heterosexual that even your centuries-dead body can still impregnate a woman. And the only son you end up having is a faggot that takes a brown lover.

How did things go so wrong for Dracula?

>wants to die after being laid
Who hurt you?

Fucking westerners have no respect for anything.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying prostate stimulation

Konami doesn't care
warren ellis doesnt even play the games.
he's a fucking fraud only known for writing the third iron man film

>THAD season 3 Hector
>gets to be sex slave for beautiful vampire girl

Soma is officially our guy now. We have no other choice.

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Even if he's quite a far cry from the same character, I like Netflix Isaac. That being said, I feel as though most of the entire series could've just been its own thing. You can tell the majority of the writers don't care about the games. The animators seem to though, judging by the monster designs in the show

Should D be embarrassed by this faggotry as well? Alucard was obviously based off him.

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>for writing the third iron man film
Huh? Warren Ellis didn't write Iron Man 3, that was Shane Black and Drew Pearce (still horrible though).

>Watch a shitty fanfic written by a degenerate poseur
>Be surprised that it rewrites characters and hamfists in the writer's fetishes
You faggots deserve this for supporting this shit after seeing how shitty the first episode was.

He's too busy being irrelevant and forgotten for decades

>Implying Dracula was not gay with Death
Also game Alucard is fine(both of them)

I hope Warren Ellis gets raped

No doubt for the best.

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Hey that's not true.
He's also the guy who made a gay edgy Batman knockoff

>when Charlotte's husband exists

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>You can tell the majority of the writers
How do you people miss the WRITTEN BY WARREN ELLIS in front of every episode? How do you people not know who Warren Ellis is?

>pretty boy, looks and acts like an otome love interest
>large fujo fanbase
Gee, who could have seen that coming?

This will never happen to characters like Trevor or Richter who look and act straight.

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>watched the first season
>unimpressed with the often repetitious dialogue, and the potentially best fight scenes were about 6 FPS
>dropped the show a couple of episodes into season 2, having only started because a friend wanted to watch it with me and then we never had the fucking time to continue
>start to wonder if I should catch up on the show because I've finished everything else on Netflix that's worth watching
>now hear about how Netflix put a gay rape/sex scene in this cartoon based on a side-scrolling action game

Just so I don't waste my time watching it, could someone explain what actually happens? Is it rapey or consensual? Is the buttsex just implied or briefly shown, or is it explicit and drawn out? Did it advance the plot somehow or was it just meant to be Stunning And Brave™? I mean, did it make any sense in the context of the show or were they trying to hit their yearly LGBT character quota?

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He gets fucked by a man and a woman. He cries when getting buttfucked in the missionary position but you really don’t see much at all.

you know what's weird?
griffith has done worse and anons still reveres him because "he did nothing wrong"

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Griffith was doing it for power. A means to an end.

How can someone that gay looking not be gay

I know it's Netflix and people have no taste or gauge of quality anymore, but what I don't get is why the show is as popular as it. Everything about it is objectively shit: animation, character designs, action, story, writing, etc.

>griffith as written by the original author
>alucard as adapted by netflix

African isaac is so fucking based its unbelievable.

is it actually popular?

Catchin', not pitchin'?

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Pleb-tier nerds and normies fucking love it and it's gotten 3 seasons now,.

>Is it rapey or consensual?
The sex is consensual, but after the fact they try to kill him.
>Is the buttsex just implied or briefly shown
It's as implied as any basic non-explicit sex scene is. We see the guy move Alucard's legs.
>Did it advance the plot somehow or was it just meant to be Stunning And Brave™?
Nothing about Alucard's side story advances the plot of the series overall, but the point of the scene is that Alucard is alone and vulnerable and somewhat desperate for connection. Not a bad idea, but in a season that's constantly spinning its wheels in place it's kind of tedious.

It made sense because alucard was ronry, but then they did an asspull betrayal and alucard implales them on spikes. Watch it for the two forgemasters because their story is actually good.

Not the same user but yes, I even know people who are quite fond of it.
It's worth noting that one of these is also a fan of Sword Art Online and the other loves Naruto.

The art of Richter in SoTN was effeminate as hell

Most of Kojima's art of men is.

Effeminate as hell is the only mode Kojima knows.

yea, because he has such a deep and vast characterization before.
jesus fucking chroist

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By being playable in the next Super Smash Brothers

you can't, he's fucked from now on.
if the Netflix people wanted to make him bi they should made him do the actual fucking.

Funny, I remember someone saying almost that exact same thing in defense of DmC.

If you haven't already come to terms with the fact that every media franchise you've ever enjoyed will be drug through the mud by petty vindictive Jews you're in for some real pain and suffering

Some things you just don't come back from
Castlevania was already a dead series, just let the homos and pachinko have it


Yeah I was actually shocked to find people unironically liked it, it's complete crap and was from the start

>Make your main character gay
ok. Gay, but ok.
>Make him take it up the ass
This character has now lost any and all credibility they had as a capable protagonist.

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