Saturday Night Bionicle Heroes Thread

Aight lads, time to talk about some REAL gaming here. Who's your:
>fave toa
>fave zone
>fave level
>fave boss
and as an added bonus:
>fave piraka playground activity

For me it's
>avak's stronghold
>forgotten shrine
>piraka dance floor

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Thread theme

Absolutely bonkers soundtrack on this game, boys

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Just listen to this shit, truly some spider-man shit right here

Fantastic thread, I'll bump with best toa

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Thread's looking a bit thin, boys

Aight trying to get some of the boys over at /toy/ to come join our party

Absolutely based and underrated game

Mighty fine thread you got here!
>thoks mountain
>hakann's pit
>sand castle

Indeed. Loved that you got snippets of lore after you killed the bosses.

>bionicle games
>literally every OST is kino
how the FUCK did they do it?

>you will die having pic related leaked and in a playable state
blessed timeline

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I spent so long looking for this game as a kid sometimes I still have to pinch myself when I see it running. Not only do we have the Beta, we have an Alpha too.

I think the guy who made the music for the first bionicle movie actually won an award for it or something like that. Just listen to this shit, it's fucking fantastic. Really captures the mystical yet heroic mood of mata nui.
Postan' a banger

The movie scores suck because they weren't done with real instruments and sound like cheap keyboard shit.

I'll have to disagree with you there, the chord progressions are god tier, and for a straight-to-vhs release, they're not bad quality wise either imo

You suck and sound like cheap shit

The Bionicle games generally had better soundtracks. I think trance/techno music fits Bionicle better anyways.

Depends I'd say. For a setting like metru nui it fits pretty well, but the first toa weren't really in a "techno" setting per se. I still think the music from the games is fucking great, though

Bonkle bread?

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All the music in every piece of Bionicle media up until the Mask of Light movie was techno.

Yes it is, my good friend

It was, but I don't think it did the whole heroic theme of the series justice

>be toa mahri
>minds get enslaved by Golden Being

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So what the fuck were they thinking with this buttfuck ugly ass villains in the reboot? How do you go from something like the rahkshi or barraki to this stupid shit? Even the fucking vahki looked better than this

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Member that time /d/ had a bonkle thread that was up for over a month?

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What golden being are we talking about?

Oi don't be dissing my skellybois, I love them even if they're a bit plain.

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What the fuck
>The Skakdi retrieved five of the Piraka after the destruction of Daxia where they had been imprisoned. They also retrieved a Zyglak, a Vortixx, and a Steltian laborer. They brought these beings to an underground chamber in Zakaz placed all of these beings in a large tank of Energized Protodermis. Unbeknownst to them, Zaktan was hiding nearby, and he willingly entered the tank after the others.

The golden-skinned being emerged from the tank and promised the Skakdi a gift if they would feed it. They approached and the being began to "feed" on them, drawing energy from their hopes and dreams and making them real. The Toa Mahri, who had been spying on these events on a mission from the Order of Mata Nui, were mentally enslaved to the Skakdi as a result.

Wasn't this game like lego but different and with bionicles? it was fun as fuck but i disliked the camera, but i still should have finished it

why the fuck are they wielding the weapons of the Toa Mata

I'm kinda pissed about how the reboot ended up. It started with some neat designs for the toa. They weren't all 10/10, but at least they had some resemblance to the old toa. Then they hit us with the dumb villains, and then they change the toa for the worse. Honestly sad to see.

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>being enslaved by the fucking skakdi
Thinking about what they could have done to poor Hahli makes my dick look like

That's their default weps in-game. you can upgrade it to the Toa Metru's weps, and then finally to the Toa Inika's weps.
I blame it on Hero Factory. the Bonkle reboot had some weak fuckshit lore that was more fitting for HF.
Roodaka's almost objectively better than Hahli.
Weren't the Skakdi meth'd up by parasites that amped up their aggression, by the way?

They really did hit it out of the park with each one, I'm shocked.

It was basically a bionicle TPS. It was pretty fun to play when I was a kid, but it was far from perfect. It wasn't canon either, but for every boss you killed you actually got some lore snippets, which was neat.
You start with the mata weapons, then upgrade to the metru weapons and finally end up with the inika weapons. It was actually a pretty neat system instead of just making every weapons look the same when you upgraded it.

Something like that. They were fighting each other non-stop at least, and pretty much enslaved every matoran on Voia Nui

Hero factory did a number on the reboot, but I also blame it on Lego for making everything more "childish". Yeah it's a toyline for kids, but god damn if the whole Greg saga didn't get dark at times. In the reboot, every villain seems to be some kind of goofy fuck, which made the whole thing less interesting. I miss the edgyness of the original bionicle. Shit got grim.

that's weird as hell but it's a decent way to implement it instead of having them all with their laser rifles from the start.

Greg probably browsed a board or two, he took bionicle lore with a perfect and autistic passion that people should be envious of.

>ignoring the one that got uploaded in HQ by the composer themselves

The game really didn't give a fuck, but that was the beauty of it. Killed a piraka? He'll be imprisoned in you playground of hell for the rest of eternity, where he'll fail at everything he does. It was nuts, but in a good way.

Greg had to be on some shit to write the stuff that he did. I can just imagine what he and that dude who wrote morrowind on acid could come up with if you put both of them in a room with and endless suply of shrooms. Now THAT would be a game worth playing for the story alone.

Hahah holy shit that's actually wild. I haven't heard the DS soundtrack before, but this is some good shit. I could imagine hearing this stuff at some experimental basement rave set or something.

>Farshtey and Kirkbride on a shared shroom trip for the purpose of writing
This is potentially the best idea for a story I've ever heard.

Just a reminder that Krika did nothing wrong

Punished Krika
A Makuta denied his existence

He was the only good set that year, so I guess

Reminder that Takadox did everything wrong.

>The journey to kini nui music
>The toa nueva journey music
>Bionicle The Game soundtrack

Takadox is a fucking bitch

If you are a manipulative jewish fuck you can get away with everything
Such is the way of the BIONICLE

The DS version is a legitimately good game and what I would consider one of the best non browser-based Bionicle video games, I recommend giving it a try.

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Never had a DS. Is it possible to emulate it?

I think so. I played it on an R4 my uncle left with a semi-busted DS.

Reminder that this mix exists

Dope, I'll have to check it out.

He's a big guy

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Poor bastards are already tits, now they're dickheads. What did the Rahkshi do to deserve this?

Smaller than I expected, Ironically.
They make pretty decent breast plates, though.

It's cuz they're nice and round
You can try other heads if you'd like

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They broke free when Annona (the legendary dream eating monster) attacked it, then they hightailed it out of there.

But please tell me they made Hahli showe a kraata up her ass before she snapped out of it?