Nintendo Direct Leak

The Date of the direct is currently unknown

The list of known reveals are:
The Legend of Zelda: Ganon's Wrath
First fighter in DLC Pack 2
Super Mario Party 2
Pikmin 3 Rebloom
Updates to the switch UI
Persona 3, 4, and 5 ports
An update to Super Mario Maker 2
Star Fox Revolt

Loz:GW will have Zelda as the main character. At the beginning of the game, Zelda will have a weak Bow of Light that gets upgraded over time, and all runes from BotW, excluding the master cycle. One new rune will be added to replace Revali's Gale. There will be new enemies, including new humanoid guardians, mimic enemies, and Earth elemental enemies. Also, guardian scouts will now appear on the overworld. Three new weapon types will be added, flails, gauntlets, and staffs. An enchantment system will also be added to the game. It will release on December 10, 2020.

The first fighter in DLC pack 2 will be Toxtricity from Pokémon. The stage will be Wyndon Stadium. The DLC will be released on May 3, 2020.

Super Mario Party 2 will have a story mode and a full online mode. There will be 4 new and 2 returning boards. Many features from SMP1 will be removed. There will be DLC for the game. It will release on October 10, 2020.

Pikmin 3 Rebloom will be a port of Pikmin 3 to the switch with all DLC included and an added epilogue. It will be released on July 13, 2020.

Updates to the UI include folders, new themes, and new icons.

Persona 3, 4, and 5 will be released on December 15, 2020.

Mario Maker 2 will have an update announced. The additions announced will be a Super Mario Bros. 2 theme, fuzzies, shyguys, chargin chucks, and the ice flower. The update will also add some items exclusive to the 3d world style to other styles. The update will be released on August 17, 2020.

Star Fox Revolt will have the main characters from Star Fox 2 return. The game will be in the Star Fox Zero engine. It will be released on November 13, 2020.

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Other urls found in this thread:

didn't read lol

heh ok fag

>Trust me, my dad works at Nintendo!

>Ganon's Wrath
Is that the best you could come up with?

>Zelda is the main character
>let's completely ignore that Link got his hand fucking imbued with ancient energy, that has nothing to do with him gaining different abilities and everything to do with Zelda being the MC
I am going to find you OP, and I am going to FUCK YOU IN THE ASS.

Attached: you should have thought about what i am willing to do in order to get the job done.gif (360x248, 3.23M)

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Imagine how hard OP's dick was when he wrote this fanfic out and pressed 'Post'. He must have thought he sounded so convincing, that maybe, surely some schmuck offsite will read it and screencap it believing it to be a legitimate leak.

On a serious note, can we start having Nintendo leak larpers banned? They are giving lazy YT e-celebs infinite ammo for videos to make and get paid more dollars unintentionally. This seemingly harmless larping into the void is actually tiresome and very damaging.

>On a serious note, can we start having Nintendo leak larpers banned
if it was that easy to prompt mods to do their (unpaid voluntary lmao) jobs, then there'd be a long list for them to get to


This was never proven.

but it's "more believable" so it's totally legit! hurr

Hey op, are you gonna come out of my computer screen and stuck my dick? huh? IS THAT ON YOUR LEAK LIST?

You know what, I hope every last stupid mistake here gets pointed out so people like you get SCATHED for your pathetic fake leak shitposts

I hope you feel like a PIECE OF SHIT RETARD by the time they're done with you

g-get t-to it, g-guys!?

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Honestly, the one thing that sounds appealing about writing a fake leak on Yas Forums is being able to laugh when some dude on youtube makes a 15 minute video analyzing the shit you made

you're just as much of a retard as the next user for believing totally legit employee info with no source whatsoever, sorry bud

>The first fighter in DLC pack 2 will be Toxtricity from Pokémon
Imagine genuinely thinking they will start off with a fucking Pokemon after the blunder that was Byleth.

>Ganon's Wrath
Why would you make up a name when the title is already known?

I don’t believe it, I just appreciate it being posted to derail retarded “leak” threads.

>The next Zelda will have Zelda as the main character
Seems legit

Imagine genuinely thinking they WOULDN'T do that

I'd rather believe attached image in why I don't believe any of these posts.

Attached: FutaOnShota4Lyfe.jpg (413x1024, 106.86K)

You basicly just made a wishlist.. way to go faggot

Fuck off
This is who we are getting

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This is the worst leak I've seen yet, literally all you listed releases way too late for it to be a leak anytime soon, if it was that late why wouldn't there be MP4 news or XB1 remaster news? Low iq speculation

Animal Crossing was the Direct. See you at e3!

>no Metroid
>no SMT V
>no Bayo 3
Yep, it's real.

>getting a direct at E3
He doesn’t know

how are shitty leakers so bad at making up names for zelda games?

fuck off schlomo

Rebloom is alright

Sounds great so it's fake

Only believable part of this fanfic.

Super Mario 3D universe is coming soon. Source: My dad works for nintendo

Directs have nothing to do with the E3 showroom, nothing stops them from putting one out around June.

There is no direct. There is no direct. There is no direct. There is no direct. There is no direct. There is no direct. There is no direct. There is no direct. There is no direct. There is no direct. There is no direct. There is no direct.

Fake and gay

Please, I'm so fucking thirsty

>starting the second fighters pass with a pokemon
Nintendo's almost stupid enough to do it

You guys need to actually try when you make these up. A direct will never ever be this good. it will be 90 percent filler and maybe 10 percent interesting

I think you're confusing the smash-playing Yas Forums population with the smash-playing population at large.
Sword and Shield sold 16+ millions. Any Pokemon character would sell like hotcakes to normalfags.

Attached: 1457632375601.png (1672x1672, 1.53M)

Did you even try?

>no fire emblem

fake and gay

Seems legit

Thanks Epik XD

Super Mario RPG 2 never feelsbadman

pokemon swsh 2 announced at e3 cap it

The nips are under lockdown because of the memevirus. Prease understand baka gaijins (translation: dumb foreigners)

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I'd expect a starter evolution over Toxicitry, but I can't see them starting with a Pokemon. The only character I can think of that would get the normal population and the internet people to go insane would be Master Chief. I honestly think they might do it.


There's already been a Pokemon SwSh spirit event, you fucking idiots. A character is deconfirmed, if they were adding one they'd have saved the SwSh spirits for its reveal.

Unless we're all in agreement that Resident Evil, Astral Chain, Daemon x Machina, etc. are back on the list for characters as well (they're not).

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>Star Fox Zero engine
Fuck that

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This just sounds like a shitty wishlist, fake as shit.

this is based cause you didn't even try

Don't forget

I got a little intruiged when OP said persona ports. But then I read this.

>Loz:GW will have Zelda as the main character

You're a dumb nigga.

hey, worker at nintendo here. for proof, i got reggie's number. it's 4. here's the next direct leak, we don't know when it airs but it'll happen at some point i guess

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