Yas Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun
>Ignore Mariel

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

Attached: op.gif (560x420, 103.94K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Please anchor deliveries (and only those) here

Attached: anchor.png (800x900, 377.81K)

Requesting Barbara and Elysia having some quality time together.


Teasing Rayman in an assorted series of suggestive poses focusing on their rear and bust.

Attached: Szcherbab0th.jpg (858x1291, 199.04K)

Requesting Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong cosplaying as Daft Punk. Based on this: youtu.be/_zSX7GJc1i8

Attached: Metal_Head.jpg (721x1024, 109.13K)

Requesting Juri's symbiote forcing her to do the pajamas challenge going from her old dudou to her new SFV fashionable dudou. Make Juri look either surprised or teaseful.

Attached: Duduoality.jpg (960x1425, 91.08K)

Cute OP

Requesting Coco Bandicoot dressed as a Sukeban delinquent while trying - and probably failing - to look intimidating.

Attached: Sukeban.jpg (1024x842, 139.26K)

Dumbass lawyer

Anyone has any fun ideas for less often drawn Nintendo girls?

Attached: IMG_20200308_012504.png (709x800, 128.53K)

Requesting 2B and 2P enjoying a sandwich together while 9S watch hopelessly

Attached: __yorha_no_2_type_b_and_yorha_no_2_type_p_nier_and_3_more_drawn_by_mushisotisis__920e33873e56d61c2f849f458f9a2464.png (800x699, 300.29K)

Requesting the Security Officer from Marathon looking annoyed as the Guardians from Destiny pester him about their new loot.

(My search for a good reference continues.)

Attached: 1576125904270.jpg (1024x993, 111.22K)

Why can't you wait until 500? Yas Forums doesn't need two active drawthreads.

Requesting Katerina from Croixleur Sigma doing this chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/18663602
Or like this chan.sankakucomplex.com/post/show/5407730
Also requesting gangbang or rough anal

Attached: best genki collage 2.jpg (4020x2009, 1.06M)

Requesting Kyle from Dead Trigger doing the Doom box art pose, but with zombies in a ruined city instead of demons on Mars.

And he's holding an M4

Attached: Screenshot_(267).png (271x390, 208.18K)

Requesting this but with Hundred Eyes Dragon

HID: vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/7/7f/HundredEyesDragon-TF04-JP-VG.png/revision/latest?cb=20101116103532

Attached: B6B2937F-FF69-4E72-9BB3-BD9F71242EB8.jpg (480x360, 16.51K)

Schoolgirl 5-Volt trying her old uniform and fiddling how much she has grown since then.

Attached: 5-volt.jpg (739x415, 53.48K)

Requesting FemByleth in Edelgard colors (Fire Emblem Three Houses, Smash Ultimate) sitting on a throne looking smug.

Attached: byleth.jpg (750x867, 60.21K)

Requesting the Silencer from Crusader: No Remorse having just slaughtered a ton of Imperial Inquisitors and about to finish off the Second Sister like he's doing in the picture

I mean the Imperial Inquisitors from Star Wars, just so we're clear.

Attached: 1564009746543.jpg (774x1032, 192.33K)

Requesting April May from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney putting a cutesy and innocent act in courtroom over the mysterious absence of the witness meant to take her place, just as her big round and stuffed belly ominously makes sloshing noises

Attached: April may courtroom case stuffed.png (500x750, 484.83K)

Requesting Link as King of Hyrule (crown on his head, kingly garb, possibly sitting on a throne). He should be relatively young (late twenties at the oldest) and recognizable as Link (clean-shaven, lean muscle, wearing at least some green).

Attached: 723px-OoT_Link_Artwork.png (723x900, 434.88K)

Requesting the Bomblady from Majora Mask falling asleep on her desk did to how little costimers they have

Requesting Mona and Enchantress wearing microbikinis and rubbing each other down with oil.

Attached: tC6S9Jg4.jpg (1917x1973, 444.11K)

Papaya eating raw Papaya

The previous one ceased to be active - it was just another castlevania pegging thread as no more requests were made because it was the end of a thread. I prefer this one to the AZ faggot's, which is the real issue

Requesting Veronica from Dragon Quest XI pregnant

Attached: Nap time.webm (854x480, 2.65M)

Requesting Undyne taking off her pants like the reference.

Attached: UT Undyne is a fish, Cop Undyne is a fiish.jpg (560x947, 304.5K)

Lynne from Ghost Trick in cute pajamas enjoying a cup of hot cocoa

Attached: 655.jpg (811x869, 122.47K)

Requesting one (or more) of these brown girls as a mermaid, beckoning the viewer to come closer. The respective seashells are their various boob-dressings.

Attached: girls of v.png (880x980, 1.2M)

Requesting Prisoner 849 from Unreal wasting some Fortnite characters in a fight

Attached: bruno-sa-de-araujo-gina-unreal.jpg (1920x2715, 959.3K)

Charlotta from Grandblue Fantasy being forced to run in a large hamster wheel while wearing extremely sexy lingerie to the point of near exhaustion. Leave her tall crown on please. Having her hands tied is optional.

Attached: Charlotta-Wheel.jpg (1500x1500, 1.65M)

>The previous one ceased to be active
Threads always go dead anyway

Requesting Min Min serving some drinks to random costumers and getting her butt grabbed/slapped by some dude, then punching the guy through a wall.

Attached: MinMin.jpg (850x846, 172.13K)

Only girls?
I have a few ideas but they are male characters

Requesting the dick flattening meme with Luke Skywalker (Dagobah) and Yoda from Lego Star Wars: The original trilogy

Attached: Aaaaaeeeegghhhh.jpg (743x1009, 346.78K)

Do the Switch exclusive Touhous count?

Requesting Marie Rose in her school uniform outfit on her knees sucking the guy of the "ITS SATURDAY NIGHT MOTHERFUCKERS" guy. (Sucking him off under his computer desk)

Attached: m.jpg (850x1202, 792.2K)

Requesting nude pinup of the Watcher from Slay the Spire with her floating silk scarf acting as a convenient censor. Something similar to this. files.catbox.moe/e3ozb3.jpg

Attached: Cute Watcher.jpg (967x1554, 155.7K)

Requesting this meme with Sora.

Attached: Kingdom hearts 4 soon, 12 more years to go.jpg (631x959, 292.96K)

Mad from Wario Woods using the fin of her tail as an helicopter propeller, ending up flying upside down much to her dismay

Attached: 429px-Mad_Wario_Woods_artwork.jpg (429x599, 46.26K)

Requesting Ciel from Megaman Zero as a nurse.

Attached: Cielmachine.jpg (2168x3672, 1.95M)


Requesting Jeanne d'Arc laying on her stomach sunbathing showing off her butt.

Attached: Destiny Child.jpg (399x473, 96.09K)

We meet again former friend turned rival

Please draw this cute girl.

Lailah from Tales of Zestiria

Attached: lailah model.jpg (564x920, 54.02K)

Requesting this girl i.imgur.com/oAUZYal.jpg from this video game youtube.com/watch?v=BLNIauIGy_0 [Open] flashing her panties to the viewer as this pic of Zelda (same pose and angle)

Attached: d3cd4192260a08b3322b74fbee8ea75524c1c4b5.png (682x1042, 354.08K)

Requesting Professor Burnet struggling to button and zip up a pair of too tight jeans

Attached: Eiwy731.jpg (554x554, 29.49K)

Zelda doing the pose on the left with the clothes and bracelets as well.

Attached: Zelda.jpg (2775x3088, 1.21M)

Requesting Wave with her pants off revealing her bird legs also maybe replace her arms with wings.

Attached: African or european-1.jpg (800x1004, 404.27K)

Because we need to spam our requests 24/7

Requesting 2B and 2P comparing their big butts

Attached: IMG_0760.jpg (540x540, 50.96K)

I hate how fast time flies by when you're drawing shit.

Requesting Buro sumata/teasing with those spats, or clothed paizuri
Or Bunny Buro

Attached: 1581184292313.png (494x685, 247.86K)

GIF related wasn't added to the booru. I don't have an account or know the artist so I can't do it.

Attached: Painter Momopie drawfag.gif (560x560, 342.01K)

Requesting Susie getting some upgrades. Hips and Boobs MARK II: W I D E Expansion.

Attached: KPR_Susie_artwork_4.png (410x588, 201.03K)

Requesting Popuri from Harvest Moon in an exercise outfit consisting of a tank top, spats and jogging shoes.

Attached: Popuri.png (510x702, 370.94K)

Requesting a femboyish Kris from Deltarune in this outfit, in a lewd pose. Showing off his butt or legs
Sword would be nice but not nessecary

Attached: Kris (heart bikini 2).jpg (584x1000, 112.7K)

Then draw cooler.

Requesting Seraphina from Disgaea 5 wearing this nun outfit danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3656677

Attached: Seraphina +thiccbaseball.jpg (5464x3640, 1.94M)

Requesting bara requests.

Requesting Busty Pearl and Loli Marina wearing Mini Milk and Mega Milk shirts

Attached: Heart and Soul.jpg (850x833, 151.34K)

requesting files.catbox.moe/e4tspi.jpg files.catbox.moe/neklst.jpg with Caleen, or a passed out drunk nip-slip drawing either files.catbox.moe/0kjzh4.jpg

Attached: CaleenKeemosn01.png (1024x1024, 614.01K)

Requesting this with the Crusader from Darkest Dungeon gamepedia.cursecdn.com/darkestdungeon_gamepedia/5/53/Crusader4.png?version=3b6bf98311ff5b7e3d2347dc43faca73

Attached: We are the flame.jpg (683x1024, 153.39K)

Requesting Gamby as a Porter in Death Stranding

Attached: Gambier Bay.jpg (500x600, 32.47K)

Who do you think we are?
Fujoshis? Get our my house

Obese marina emaciated pearl.

Requesting Octoling in a microkini and sneakers taking a selfie. Please keep the shades.

Attached: __octoling_and_takozonesu_splatoon_and_1_more_drawn_by_isamu_ki_yuuki__sample-29fbdcd2724f9c1ae9126d4890909e0d.jpg (850x1159, 145.52K)

Bowsette wearing wearing any of these two outfits files.catbox.moe/mx8mt1.png

Attached: bowsette.jpg (1280x720, 169.2K)

Requesting motherfucker Sonic eating a CHILLIDOG while someone let's say Tails shots fireworks behind him

Using a napkin of course.

Requesting Rumi taking a break enjoying some burger(s) and soda looking comfy and relaxed.

Attached: rumi.png (531x276, 399.98K)

Requesting Aradia and The Cuter Aradia, or some variant.

Attached: Untitled-.png (765x927, 781.67K)

Make your own damn request
God fucking damnit

Requesting CD-i Zelda with her hair down laying on a couch in a tank top and shorts smoking a rather fat joint of weed.

Attached: CD-i.png (827x1000, 911K)

I am calling the police right now

Requesting a fusion of all 5 of these Neptunia CPUs or just Neptune and Vert Included their normal forms in the picture too.

Attached: nepu fusion.png (3637x957, 2.6M)

Requesting this Genie enemy from Spyro giving a veiled blowjob. Can have the veil be partially transparent or not see through depending on your preference.

Attached: Genie-0.jpg (1920x866, 251.38K)

this but they're both obese

Requesting Seth in a carnival outfit or a Playboy bunny costume.

Attached: cm332u3.jpg (850x1142, 227.42K)

Hapu riding a big fat Stick horse

Attached: Sun_Moon_Hapu.png (483x869, 324.65K)

That's not an excuse at all. And it certainly doesn't justify the 99% of new threads that are created before 500 that are still perfectly active. Creating new threads before 500 is Spamming and Flooding.

Requesting Squigly tongue kissing Leviathan so hard her tongue pops off with her feeling embarrassed and trying to apologize.

Attached: Sq857.jpg (850x900, 173.58K)

>a rather fat join of weed
Potheads really are the cringiest fucks on the planet.

I'll need S.W.A.T for this one.


Requesting Charlie in a tight corset, garters and heels blushing and surprised with user smugly smacking her on the ass

Attached: Charlie.jpg (983x1024, 124.16K)

Last day of gathering ideas for the spring collab.

Attached: spring collab.png (824x600, 168.29K)