Who’s your favorite male vidya character Yas Forums?

Who’s your favorite male vidya character Yas Forums?

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You are!


For me? It’s grizzled 30 year old knights!


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John Marston because he's a cool character, not because of faggotry.

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K. Rool!

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I want to have sex with hot male vidya characters..

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Then do it

If I could I'd fuck Link and Joker on a daily basis

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why couldn't I have had a dad like him

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My husbands

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one of these things aren't quite like the other

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ded bread

he was the one

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Don't forget to finish that vydia user, I know you can do it

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What are you talking about?

About playing some video games probably

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I liked his villainous role in the original games.
Remake is going to suck with how much they take from Heroes.

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Any games featuring men with big chests and revealing armor?

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He's trying to be an upbeat positive cuteposter but failing miserably because he's attaching his posts with an ugly rejected cereal mascot

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>claims to love wolf
>posts off model bara shit

Literally kys don't ever post my husband again you fucking faggot

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then you wonder why people call Yas Forums a bunch of faggots

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wow, you are rude
Gonna steal your wolf because of that

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What did I just fucking say you little bitch

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The best twink!

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>desperately trying to recreate the (you)s he got last thread

pretty sad t b h

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>Furry tries to create drama out of nowhere

Cute beans

I said you're gay

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What are you saying? He's right, just look at that cute face!

...and not ok

Gay characters are dogshit

Starfox is straight

Fun fact gays eat pooh pooh, and cover themselves in it

I'm not sure what you mean, you'll have to post examples.

Don't even think about giving the guy up above a (you).
I'm warning you.

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Which one? They're all such flaming faggots I can't tell them apart

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Fox maybe straight, but Wolf is gay.

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That's it.
I'm destroying your crème brûlée.
How does that make you feel?

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Not for you.

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I've never had one so go ahead.

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>wolf fag kills another thread

See you guys later then I guess.

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What did they mean by this?

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Well, here's your second punishment.
I'am throwing rocks at your water, to remind you that (you) had one job... and you didn't make it.
Are you proud of yourself?

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Wait.... are we in a game?

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Not my type but based as fuck.

I can suck ya dick.

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>he was the one
You mean "she"

Did this movie get a resurgence or something.
I mean, I actually liked it(subbed) but I didn't think a fan would be anywhere near Yas Forums of all places, the board that spends more time on adaptions of series it claims to like than the actual games themselves.

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You really don't get.
Don't you, new fag?

But skipping rocks is nice to do one a sunny quiet day.

Kill how?

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Bearded Expense.

Not, not the Heavy.

Bearded. Expense.

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Haven't you seen the fit girl threads tho?

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Do females really have husbandos or only fags do that?

Like musclegirls?

Erik does things to me.

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Some females have them too, they're usually the weird ugly fujo type that write fanfiction and the script for the Castlevania Netflix series.

No, there are no girls on the internet user.
Only amelie.

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yes but they make/read fanfic instead of posting on mongolian basket weaving forums

Revali is my husbando. He's such a prissy and cocksure asshole.

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I want to bury myself in their pecs and pits!