Other urls found in this thread:
YouTube shit, Married with children, and live pd
Dual core and wierd al
Grant Morrison Doom Patrol book 1 bought it the other day really like it
had sausages for dinner
Homemade soda and water
Gay shit
besides some bad anxiety just aight went thrift shopping got Sega GT 2002, a cookbook, topgun vhs, kindergarten cop vhs, and beetlejuice vhs
Halo CE
YouTube shit
Yas Forums
i will never get a gf, wanna kill myself.
What the fucks up OP?! How are ya?
WoW, got that itch again today and the scratching is feeling gooood
Some youtube bullshit on the off monitor, need something genuinely funny to watch
game noises and youtube
The Holy Bible, some great stories that explain human nature in here.
Steak + Sweet Potato fries
Awesome. Day 5 of nofap, and it's actually fucking working. Had a great day, drove around and did a lot of sightseeing, went for a 3 hour long walk down a beach walkway we've got here, listened to some tunes along the way and loved every minute of it. Feeling that buzz that comes with spending a day outdoors, now we're seguing into the evening, probably gonna hit up the gas station later for some munchies because my weed man gave me some AAA to try out. Feelin fucking amazing lads.
Ninja Gaiden
Dragon Ball GT
tendies marinara
Murder by Numbers. Never played Picross but really enjoying it and helping scratch my Ace Attorney itch.
Also playing Tokyo Mirage Sessions and Devil May Cry 3 (for the first time) while waiting for Animal Crossing.
Night Docs video on David Parker Ray
We'll see.
Alright. Backs been hurting and making my arm feel numb. Might be time for the hospital.
>went thrift shopping got Sega GT 2002, a cookbook, topgun vhs, kindergarten cop vhs, and beetlejuice vhs
Wicked haul user, enjoy!
>i will never get a gf, wanna kill myself.
Take it easy bro. Just relax, take it day by day and focus on yourself. Explore your hobbies, reconnect with old friends. It will get better!
One Piece:Burning Blood. Story mode is a letdown. One arc from four perspectives. Wish I hadn't spent so much on the DLC. Might be different if there was someone to play with physically, not getting my ass kicked online. Oh well, might start Borderlands 3 or try Ys VIII.
That FFVII demo is fucking great.
One Piece, SomecallmeJohnny,YouTube,Fate/Extra
SEGA Sound Team
Fairy Tail
Earlier Francis Drake from Fate series
Tired, sick on and off. Just want to play some vidya tonight. Son's acid reflux has had him throwing up for the past few days so not sure how much game time I will get.
Bought a Francis Drake figure off amazon.
Married with Children is fucking funny. Especially when you're old enough to understand all the jokes.
Did your Sega GT 2002 come with a copy of Jet Set Radio Future?
I usually try to find random stand up comedy on Netflix.
Cheesecake is amazing
Dokkan BAttle. Overwatch and i might start playing either god of war or horizon zero dawn.
Some dumb youtube dramas. Seeing a man loose his mind is kinda terrifying and entertaining at the same time.
[YouTube] youtube.com
[YouTube] youtube.com
[YouTube] youtube.com
[YouTube] youtube.com
Yas Forums
just eat some pizza.
it was really fucking good.
iced tea
bigdad, dabbel, rom, prostitute wife and koyanagi royal
Kinda shit and stressed. didnt get the jobs i wanted and i might have to settle for either way less pay or a decent pay with no benefits.
Mom's new business is doing somewhat well but she is too stubborn to have realistic goals.
I might have to help her out for a few days and i am kind of tired of helping out.
dad is not around to infuriate me and make me uncomfortable so it is going to be a good night.
based playan and fappan
i would kill fora cheesecake right now
>they killed the only wendy's joint near my house.
Fallout: New Vegas, Metal Gear Solid 2, and Persona 3
The Doors and The Soft Bulletin by The Flaming Lips
Dr. Pepper
Probably not
Shit. My college put me on suicide watch last week, and that made me feel worse because I was isolated from everybody I know. I would've relaxed this weekend, but my family is forcing me to do shit, and I really don't like my family. I really wished I went to a college out of state.
Based Cheesecake brethren, about to grab another slice
your college puts people on suicide watch ? colleges usually dont get involved in student's personal lives unless they are legit about to shoot themselves in the hall way in which case police would stop them and try to talk it out.
>they killed the only wendy's joint near my house.
That's fucking awful.
I need to get some cheesecake.
>Did your Sega GT 2002 come with a copy of Jet Set Radio Future?
Sadly no but it was only 3 bucks
That's a good price though.
i try to, some days are better than others, luckily this is really the only thing bothering me rn, im in college right now and their this cute girl in two of my classes but my crippling social anxiety wont allow me to talk to her. theres other things that upset me too but I can at least talk myself down from them, finding a GF is the one thing that brings me down no matter what.
Stop jerking off and hit that free campus gym my boy
Tetris 99 and TBoI
Random YouTube shit
Herbie Hancock
Idk chips or something
Waiting for Jerma to start streaming, drawing, and pushing off playing Dark Souls for the first time because I'm nervous. I'm no stranger to hard games, but it's still intimidating, especially going in mostly blind.
Windows 10 is a total piece of dogshit. Especially when you try to use Windows software and that dogshit store. Also for some reason even Halo runs like dogshit if you use the Games Pass. Works fine on Steam tho.
Apart from that, I've been playing some GTA. Franklin is alright when he's not surrounding himself with blacks, Michael is based and that other Rick and Morty retard is so bad it brings the whole thing down.
Same as watchan.
Flash by Waid and Johns. Rogue shit.
Chinese leftovers.
Erdinger & some strawberry water.
Some r9k bitch I found.
Chill, you?
these threads are always gay af
Yeah electronics at thrift stores are always highway robbery last month I got two of the pre lucas cut star wars movies 5 and 6 on vhs for 49 cents each
maybe i should, i would consider myself a 6 or 7 out of ten, i have that Chad Jaw going for me and i have Mediterranean skin but my personality is what kills me, i cant just go up and talk to people not just girls too even making friends with the Smash players at my college is hard because im nervous people wont like me.
some dbfz and botw but looking for something new, is there anything good on the eshop sale?
random youtube vidys
nothin now
some gnocchi my wife made
meh overall, looking for something spooky to watch
Imagine coming to this place to tell others all these shit, the absolute state of this place
What have you got to lose?
mhw with the friendo
marathon of all of Andy kaufman's tv appearences
haircuts for men and the above
pb and beetroot sandwhich
girls getting blacked
fuck the fiend
what were they thinking?
guess i don't have anything to lose i mean i dont like to brute force my way into convos but what choice do i have
agreed. WrestleMania is going to suck. its the lowest hyped mania in recent memory.
FF7 for the first time it’s great
Idk some French movie bullshit and foraging vids on wild mushrooms
Usually prog rock stuff like Tarkus
Submission by Houellebecq
No now but I like flat chested women a lot. Kissing and groping flat chest is pure.
Fucking phenomenal I was stressed as fuck for this course I’m doing and did everything more then perfect so far, a girl held my hand and didn’t want to let go. She’s really cute but I just met her. Not my gf or anything but it felt nice. Also been boxing a lot recently. Feeling proud really.
finished halo:ce MCC feels good too be home, might hit up some battlefield 3 or bad company 2 later
crown royal/coke
some bimbo named mariza lamb
fuckin decent
gonna read this thread for a while and post later i am here reading ur posts so they BETTER be good ones
I swear these threads keep me coming back here on the weekends, it's fun seeing what everyone's up to and to spread the good feelings all around
Dunno, hopping on with my buddy later for his stream so it's up to him. If I were a betting man, it'll be RoR2 or Misbits.
Castlevania Season 3 and The Witcher. Meant to watch them more today but got sidetracked. Tomorrow it is!
Rock and punk rock playlist I have
Messages my friends and gf are sending me
Just finished a good rice/quinoa bowl. Sweet potato, seasoned chicken, avocado, various beans, kale, and roasted onion, dang it's good.
Probably going to have some more stuff in a bit.
Water, tempted to have a small cuppa coffee, I want something with flavor
Fat chicks, inflation
Really should try nofap again though, I feel like I'm slipping
Tired honestly. Did cosplay work throughout the day and took a shower to get all of the dust off, ended up just sitting in there for a bit. Body feels so relaxed and just dead at this point, I could pass out any time if I wanted.
Good day today though, looking forward to going more tomorrow.
I saw VA-11 HALL-A was on sale for like $10, heard nothing but good things about it (I'm tempted myself to try it).
Tetris 99 is such a fun time waster, even if I can't win for the life of me. Hoping you're doing better in it!
Feel better man, sorry you're dealing with all of this right now. It'll pass in time, even if it sucks right now.
What's good in Dokkan now? I deleted the app after Christmas after playing off and on since launch. Might come back for the anniversary to pull and then bail again.
Great LISTENAN choice
Take care of yourself man, hope nothing too serious is happening.
summer of 92
Rune Factory 4
Nothing right now, waiting for Romero vs Adesanya
The Occult history of the third Reich
Some old cookies
not today
Got fired a couple of days ago, so meh.
no ding is ever truly dong
no dong is ever truly diddly
eu3, atom RPG
VA-11 Hall-A trailer
outside noise
Yas Forums, steam user reviews
'boutta have breakfast
tired, haven't had much sleep last night, it's Indochina timezone
why the fuck would /asp/ be raiding this thread ?
is this benji
>kevin nash
>What's good in Dokkan now? I deleted the app after Christmas after playing off and on since launch. Might come back for the anniversary to pull and then bail again.
Sayan day is almost here and we might get a bardock crew team like the ginyu force. it will also have gt related content for some reason.
anniversary in japan is crazy good.
Star Trek TOS
Weeb shit
Pretty good
user,.. plx, what was on it?
you seem like a cool person. i wish the best for you and yours. keep dem head up
not as gay as you
imagine coming to this place for civility
>Andy kaufman's tv appearences
thats a gud boi. based intergender wrestlan champ
Johnny Gargano? more like Johnny Garga-no-dimes
Nier Automata
Spirited Away
Yas Forums
Pretty good, met a qt last night and I want to see her again
mussurela, peperoni and another one with chicken and catupiry
>the bruiserweight pete dunne
>he doesn’t stiff his opponents
Becky Lynch SUCKS
Return to Castle Wolfenstein, one of the best FPS ever
Ed Edd N Eddy
classic rock
Tuna fish sandwich
Diet Mountain Dew
idk yet
pretty comfy
Hoping that someone streams jackbox tonight, last night was a blast. Playing magic arena atm.
On Cinema
vanilla coke
the steamin hot summer of 1992
Oh shit that would be cool to have a good team Bardock.
But yeah the anniversary in Japan was insane from what I saw, they really upped their game.Hope you can see that girl again soon, user. You two swap numbers yet?
You could atleast shitpost using a good wrestling promotion
Take a bump.
>undisputed era
more like undisputed manlets kek
>beastie boy
what did Braun mean by this?
oo boi. that sounds good
i thought you were kidding with 'catupiry' at first..
never heard of that
mozzarella is one of the best cheeses
Hells Kitchen and Twin Peaks
A bunch of different stuff. Hella, Lightning Bolt, Beyond Creation, and Battles
Rereading Ubik. Still one of my favorite novels. Philip K Dick was a mad genius
Long tongue women and mouthcam stuff
Really damn good
>Ricky The Dragon Steamboat
>wasn’t a dragon
>wasn’t a steamboat either
Dawn of War: Warhemmer. I played this and space marines a while ago when I was kind of into it. I just started binging the fuck out of lore videos on youtube and my interest is sparked again.
Warhammer lore videos
Yas Forums
Some pineapple pizza from this local pizza place.
BIG titty milfs
Pretty good, spring break for the week and im just chillin playin vidya.
Panzer Corps, Halo 1 and Darkest Dungeon a bit at a time
grape juice
Bored as fuck and can't even lie on my stomach and wait time pass thanks to this surgery i've done wednesday. Just wanted to fall asleep and wake up this monday already
I'm playing through a few Thief Gold fan missions; I highly recommend Catacombs of Knoss, it's absolutely fantastic. I think I'll start either Baldur's Gate or Shadow Tactics tomorrow.
Mind in Society by Vygotsky
Chicken Curry
Vitamin Water
I just applied for my first job ever, hopefully I'll get it.
>Jerry The King Lawler
>isn’t part of a royal dynasty
what did they mean by this?
Paper Mario
Rev 2 tourney
Hitbox reviews
Chicken paninis
Plum juice
Good taste. I'm glad the show went out the way it did, but I still miss it.
>Spirited Away
Enjoy your Ghibli kino. Must've been almost a decade since I last saw it.
Kevin Nash was raped at gunpoint by six mean negro in the hot summer of 92
post Mickie James’ feet
the new units are quite the power creep.
lr goku black has like 5 mil without support on turn one.
lr brolly and crew can 100% dodge and support depending on how many ki spheres you get.
lots of eza events and areas too. shit is good.
it is a Brazilian cheese. it is really good.