Best dystopian games?

best dystopian games?

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Outer Worlds
Pokemon Coliseum
Fire emblem: 3 houses

Half Life 2


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It kinda goes without saying, but Half-Life 2, and likely Half-Life: Alyx soon

Just go on Twitter for 5 minutes and look at the trending tags.

Real life.

We live in literally the worst possible time to be alive.

manager is still a slave.

what are today's? i don't go on twitter

The king of the slaves.

I worked for walmart for over 2 years and the entire time they never did these retarded chants once

More like a baron, slightly better off but still a slave to a king. Still a bad comparison because being a manager is almost as bad if not worse than being a regular employee.

Nier Automata

How do you know you currently in some Amazon VR sim, browsing the corporate created Yas Forums in attempt to trick yourself in believing you have some degree of freedom?

employees are whores and managers are bottom bitches keeping the stable in line
glorified whores

Does this actually happen or is it a caricature?

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what are these side bars for?

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I'm legit planning on killing myself if my plans dont workout.
I'd rather blow my brains out than to live as a mediocre wageslave

Horse blinkers.

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It hurts every fucking time

I have no mouth and I must scream
I have no money and I must sing

Real life

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Agreed. Managers know they're insignificant shits in the grand scheme of things but they have to boss around their fellow employees and cause them to be stratified from the main group if they want to keep their job

look rad, gonna try it

I fucking hate living in the US.

Do people seriously think like this? Jesus, the day of the guillotine can't come soon enough

Capitalists need to be genocided. They're all socipaths and psychopats. Kill them and you kill the cancer that holds humanity hostage.

>the day of the guillotine can't come soon enough

eat the rich

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You contribute nothing and expect the world to cater to you. Womp womp. Sucks to be cattle. Better luck next time. Oh wait, this is your only time.

>Do people seriously think like this?
No. It's obvious satire.

cannibalism gives you dementia, dummy.

deus ex

Why do NEETs cope so much?

It really isn't.
If you have dinner with capitalist bosses you will see that this is precisely how they think. They're demons in human flesh.

wagie, wagie..

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This. Grew up in a well off family with a dad pretty high up on the Exxon totem pole. They have no fucking clue how much people despise them and think that they're just complaining

Cool fanfic

>American work culture

christ, imagine having to work in a shithole like this to live


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They don't know because wagies around them will only nod and smile at every shit they say since they're hostages. Capitalism is slavery.

lol amerislaves

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When you look at the backstory, Marathon has some genuinely fucked up dystopian shit that humanity does.

>Civil wars abound
>AI abuse
>Desecration of corpses in the absolute worst way possible
>Overkill riots
And that's just off the top of my head

I'm sorry, every manager under the store manager is as much a slave as any other clerk in the store, save the ASM and the secretary.
Manager pepe should be a feels wojack.

>dad pretty high up on the Exxon totem pole
Your dad is literally a criminal

but I've spent a shitload of evenings drinking with my CEO and he's a pretty swell dude (company of ~120 employees)

Do canadians really?

I thought Canada was better than this.

>neets/low test males BTFO

@topic: Deus Ex

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This is why accelerationism is based. Anything and everything to collapse the world economy and global order. If you're going down, might as well take the rich bitch and their kids with you.

Nature abhors a vacuum.

There are a luxury variants without bars

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Who gets an hour for lunch and a half hour for coffee?

Sounds like projection. Let me guess, NEET incel who used to play video games every day but has replaced video games with shitposting on an anonymous image board. Good job, cattle!

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Any generality is stupid but agree to disagree; The proper label is "billionaire"
There is objectively no such thing as a "good" billionaire, old money or no.

((Nature)). I don't need no wolves in Gods Paradise.
Then you need to be thrown headfirst over the bridge as well.

better off being a NEET if you can, retail is the worst situation you can be in. luckily my parents have enough to pay for my college but if i had to go NEET i would.

wtf i'm a commie now?
Go Bernie!

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>Given the chance to keep working here, I would gladly accept a cut in pay!
jesus christ

wagie wagie get in the cagie

better neck yourself then because life is a trial before reaching paradise

"Ive been found out" you recoil.
Tell me how bad your boss is paying you minimum wage. How about you find a new job? Oh wait you cant, youre not marketable or useful. Automation will replace you. You are a number.

NEETS and the unintelligent always whine that life was not handed to them on a silver platter. Sucks to be you.

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