>only appeared in one game (prior to her inclusion in smash anyways) >was not the main character of said game >has an entirely unique moveset, doesn't have the excuse of being a glorified alt costume that took five minutes to make like dark pit
She honestly sticks out the most on Smash's roster. She's basically the closest thing Smash has to a character like Geno. I know she just got in as apart of Zelda's moveset and was grandfathered into the series afterwards, but still.
>give Zelda two entire movesets >make the main villain a clone of a character from an unrelated series What were they thinking?
Christian King
sheik and zelda should go back to being the same character, same with samus and ZSS
Sebastian Thomas
She doesn't stick out you are just autistic. Sheik was a major character in only one game but she is allways there is lore. There is an entire tribe based on her in BotW.
Ryan Evans
Smash isn't made with dumbass quotas like this board thinks. Sakurai doesn't start making a character with the thoughts of "OH MAN This game needs representation" he thinks of a moveset, and since he could think of two entirely different one for Zelda and Sheik he made two characters, same for Samus and ZSS.
Jordan Nelson
I guess it may have something to do with the fact that "Ganondorf" was know him had only been in OOT at the time. Smash/Sakurai considers him an OOT character hence why Ganondorf is placed amongst the late 90s/N64 era characters in the All-Star Modes in Smash 64 and Ultimate and his trophies in previous games claiming his first appearance to be in OOT.
Same thing does apply with Sheik, but again, she's just an extremely weird case because she was meant to be an extension of Zelda and not really her own individual in Smash at first.
>I know she just got in as apart of Zelda's moveset and was grandfathered into the series afterwards
Then what is there to discuss?
Ryan Moore
>"Ganondorf" was know him
meant "Ganondorf as we know him"
Brandon Robinson
I kind of disagree, but I do feel both of those characters should be reworked or eventually axed. Both have movesets that are mostly made up from whole cloth and don't really represent their depictions in their home series that well.
Adrian Rogers
If he wasn't a clone, he'd be a sword user. >misses cut in Melee >gets added into Brawl >Brawl uses TP designs >Ganondorf only uses sword in TP
Be grateful for what you have
Anthony Turner
Cutfags are mentally ill
Nathan Campbell
Had to make sure Marth had a unique moveset
Dylan Long
No one used the transformation feature. Especially at high level play.
Juan Scott
Are you going to unironically suggest Marth should have been a Link clone?
Ian King
Except that would be shit.
Dylan Morris
It's not like it makes any less sense than Ganondorf being a Captain Falcon clone
Nathan Sanders
Still a retarded take desu
Daniel Russell
Works well for PT in Ultimate though
Nathan Baker
>Only in one game
So is Byleth your point?
Isaac Lopez
Read again >was not the main character of said game
Oliver Diaz
Trainer is the only character who's moveset relies on that particular gimmick
James Green
Kinda, she is mostly a Smash character turned into an actual character.
I mean, at first the gimmick was to make her part of Zelda's moveset, and that made perfect sense at the time, specially with Ocarina being still close to memory for most people... a couple of entries later, she becomes her own character, which she didn't actually deserve by her own merits, but she was a fan favorite among Smash players, so... fair enough.
Now Hyrule Warriors is a thing, and with three different versions, in three consoles, so I guess she is as valid as any other Zelda character at that point.
But yeah, Sheik by all means is mostly a by product of Smash, rather than TloZ itself.
Dominic Robinson
Sheik is fine. The issue is that he's the only one-off rep Zelda has and it was only due to Sakurai being anal about changing movesets. Ideally, you would cut Sheik in Brawl, cut his replacement in Four and then bring back all three alongside a newcomer in Ultimate. Anyone crying about one-offs in Zelda games should have an issue with Sheik being on the roster, otherwise, it's just that - an excuse.
Also what said, an alias made for plot reasons is now a character thanks to Smash, otherwise you'd never see him in HW, calling it.
Jordan Davis
Well, based on OoT Impa, who is the actual inspiration for Sheik overall.
But at the time Sheik was added, she was a very important part of Zelda's character, so it makes sense they had the gimmick to swap between each other, it was even fitting!
A couple of entries later, and even if Sheik herself wasn't as relevant to the Zelda lore at that point, she was a stable of Smash, so if she remained in the roster (before the Everyone is Here, thing) is because at that point you could argue it was more for the Smash fans than Zelda fans... though considering how TLoZ is represented in Smash so far, cutting Sheik would have been a low blow too, if there wasn't any new character from the franchise to take the spot!
Christian Collins
She doesn’t even do what little she does in OoT either. You’d think she’d be playing the harp get buffs or do magic, use Deku seeds that cause a small amount of stun or at least take out the harp as a taunt at the very minimum but no. Her moveset is 100% OC ninja crap even her final smash is completely made up now. If you weren’t familiar with the character you’d never know she was from a Zelda game.
Easton Diaz
>Her moveset is 100% OC ninja crap What do you think the Sheikah were based on to begin with, you tard?
Camden Young
I assumed the ninja in the Zelda world would actually use items from the Zelda world. Peach has a mostly original moveset that has a lot of references to Mario sports, Shiek has nothing.
Mason Wood
>I assumed the ninja in the Zelda world would actually use items from the Zelda world
Don't we literally see Impa using smoke bombs in OoT?
Levi Phillips
What are you talking about when I think legendary hand to hand fighters I think of... the dark wizard Gannondorf. Always with punching and the kicking that guy
Brody Hernandez
Zelda is one of Nintendo's biggest franchises behind Mario and Pokemon and yet it only has 6 reps including 3 clones. Sheik deserves to be in more than half the roster
Aaron Cruz
That woulda been preferable desu at least that's something he actually fucking does in his home series
Ryan Perez
Nah, Falcondorf is more fun
Charles Garcia
Those were Deku Nuts, which is used in Sheik's Up-B.
David Morales
What's the character's name? Anytime someone uses the grateful excuse, it's because they don't have what they want.
Benjamin Cox
Marth actually uses sword 'n board in his game though. The series is named after the board in question.
Luis Reed
Sheik is named after Impa's tribe in OoT, which is actually a part of future games' lore.
Sheik should honestly just get replaced with HW/SS Impa. Impa is one of like five characters that has appeared in more than two Zelda games and unlike Beedle or Tingle isn't a joke.
Julian Sullivan
Not the most deserving, but far from the most out of place. She was the form Zelda took for most of the game in the most iconic Zelda game, and represents the Sheikah tribe in general. Impa played an important role in Skyward Sword, and Sheikah are a big deal in Breath of the Wild. She wasn't very deserving back in the Melee days, but she is now. Better than the several blue haired ads that everyone is sick of.
Keep in mind that Melee was only 3 years after OoT came out. Most Zelda games before that had Zelda herself as a minor character, whereas Ocarina was the first one that really gave her a bigger spotlight. Sheik being playable was a interesting pick and gave a character that was pretty eh some variety in their moveset.
Not to mention Shiek was supposed to be in TP but was cut, and is still pretty popular in the fandom. On one hand, I would not mind if they swapped her out for Impa, but I have no problem with Sheik overall.
Cameron Myers
And your problem is...?
Jordan Perez
Are you feeling okay?
I don't understand.
Levi Stewart
>Sheik should honestly just get replaced with HW/SS Impa. No. Either add Impa as her own character or not at all, and no "muh relevancy" is not a valid argument here.
Jordan Wright
>half of the zelda characters are cloned >when HW exists ???
>sheik >he I thought your breed of autist went extinct. Do we call Link a she because he dresses like a girl to get into Gerudo town? A disguise doesn't change your gender, quit pushing your tranny propaganda.
Wyatt Barnes
I don't see a problem with Sheik. Roy was put in Smash before his own game was even out, Corrin and Byleth were put in to promote their games too. Promotional fighters are way worse than a gimmicky fighter made legit. Zelda's problem with representation is that Link is in every game but Sakurai refuses to differentiate the Links' special moves, so the next best alternatives are the secondary characters in each Zelda game. The Sheikah are constantly referenced in most games so Sheik is just as valid as someone like Toon Link. Midna+Wolf Link would also be a perfectly valid fighter despite not being the protagonist because Zelda is so huge that secondary characters in Zelda are just as if not more notable than protagonists from character from lesser franchises, Midna is wildly more recognizable than someone like Chrom for example.
tl;dr Sheik is a weird case but there's nothing wrong with her, there's worse in Smash.
Justin Nguyen
As a Ganondorf main and fan of the character I love that he uses his bare fists yet he's one of the strongest characters in the game. I care more about him just being good than having a faithful moveset.
Alexander Cox
Nothing, just pointing it out for the user who said Sheik was 100% OC.
Come on, what's the character's name? Tell me why we should be grateful for a shitty Ganondorf that didn't get cut in your own words along with the character who you want that isn't playable.
Sheik the alias is male. That was the point of the disguise. >Tranny Rent-free my man. Seek help.
Carter Powell
>I don't understand. by sword n board he means a sword and shield, marth uses a sword and shield just like Link. and the name fire emblem has something to do with the shield he uses, or something. that's as much as I know, I don't play that gay series.
Noah Moore
I'm actually extremely happy with the Smash Ultimate roster as it stands. Don't know why you feel the need to project this hard, to be honest I don't think Ganondorf would be nearly as popular now if he wasn't in Melee is all.
Alexander Evans
Oh, I mean I've seen Marth use a shield in artwork but for the most part he was always meant to be a fencer.
Logan Bennett
So why call that user ungrateful for wanting a more accurate Ganondorf? Ocarina of Time was and is still a big game, him not getting in wouldn't have been the end of the world. Wario was way bigger than Ganondorf and look what happened. Ganondorf debuting in Brawl could have made for something interesting.
Adrian Price
If there's any Zelda character they can add that would be a representation of the series as a whole, it would be one of the Zelda races that appear in multiple games. Sheik represents the Sheikah race/tribe. Gorons have a perfect attendance in the 3D Zelda games, but the Sheikah are starting to get more attention in the series, and play important role.
Kevin James
Thomas Collins
Pokemon Trainer (especially in Ultimate) proved it can work.
Carter Rodriguez
A character like Ganondorf will always be hard to balance because strong heavies tend to be noob killers although they do poorly in higher level play. The current Smash Ganondorf seems like a good compromise.
Thomas Jenkins
>So why call that user ungrateful for wanting a more accurate Ganondorf? Clearly you didn't actually read my post and started jumping to conclusions, its okay I forgive you.
Jason Sanders
I really didn't know either till that user mentioned it.
Carson Hernandez
>Sheik the alias is male source
Josiah Hughes
I want to stick my penis in her brown butt
Aiden Lewis
>Be grateful for what you have
Michael Jackson
>what is context So are you retarded, or what?
Samuel Anderson
Ocarina of Time, in-game dialogue.
Jaxon Perry
I'm not the one crying about muh swords
Benjamin Barnes
I feel like he was an odd pick at the time. Most of the Pokemon beforehand were either significant to the series or easy clones/model reuse. He was just from the most recent game at the time. At least he ended up being the popular one, having Chestnaught or Delphox instead would be even more strange.
>as her own character Sheik (Zelda in OoT) literally learned her techniques from Impa. Impa is Sheikah and actually uses some ninja techniques in SS and OoT.