>every other FF game after this is dumbed down
Every other FF game after this is dumbed down
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Why do all the women have faces like Lalas?
Pretty much.
For once OP was not a fag.
>dumbed down
Final Fantasy was never hard.
that is true but FF games after that have been a bit too easy.
For fuck's sake FFXV has a one button combat system AND the ability to spam potions at 0 HP.
Yeah pretty correct assessment OP, well done
Totally true.
dumbed down in tearms of world creation and gameplay
FF12 has 0 button combat.
FF is a brainlet series since the beginning.
except you need a brain to program a good gambit set-up and need to adjust on the fly
honestly if you're able to program the game to play itself then obviously all the decisions you make are already made just not automated
ff12 has the best combat in the series desu
What are you talking about? this game was garbage.
personally after getting 100% completion i have to say the following.
i dont understand why people pretend this game is deep, you basically set 'if x happens do y' commands that are simpler than programming 101 and you can watch the entirety of the game play out while you put your controller down.
this is literally how i finished the whole game, while fighting yiazmat i practically left my room to play some piano and went back every few minutes to check how it's going, even in the omega fight where i will admit i died a couple of times, i figured out what to do and after i set the commands i just chilled and browsed shit on my phone while occasionaly lifting my gaze to see if everything is going alright.
this game and it's gameplay fucking sucks, if you believe otherwise then you must have some kind of degenerative brain disease
>still no definitive edition of the game
which one is the best one anons? doesn't zodiac age make things noticeably easier, with no difficulty options?
is izjs the best version?
All the best FF games are set in Ivalice
Why don't we get more Ivalice games?
would you like it more if you had to do all those actions manually?
how is it any different? the decision is already made
doing the same thing over and over isn't deep if what you're doing is so simple that it could be programmed
perhaps ff12 just exposed that the entire ff series was shallow and could be automated
Is the Switch version of this good? I stopped playing FF after 5 for no particular reason and I'm getting a hankering again. Saw a lot of FF titles on the eShop.
the only thing zodiac age changes is that there each character can take 2 jobs instead of every job which was game-breaking in the original, also the 'break' skills like addle, shear etc work even on superbosses which is retarded, there is also a new version of masamune called khumba, i think these are pretty much all the changes. Oh and Vaan's abs no longer look like the fake spray painted abs from meet the spartans
if you don't mind the shitty resolution and no mods (to make the game more challenging), it's perfectly fine
15 is the only bad FF
It is good. Sure it won't run like PS4 or PC, but still better than the PS2 original.
15 was good but should have not been a mainline game
13 is the worst FF by far
why isn't Basch in this art, that's kind of rude
>Oh and Vaan's abs no longer look like the fake spray painted abs from meet the spartans
This is a system seller right here.
but how does it compare to IZJS?
pretty sure in that characters can only take one job whereas in zodiac age they can take up to three (i think, I really need to find something that lists all the differences between versions)
>I have not played FF2: the posts
each character can take only two jobs both in izjs and zodiac age
The HD remasters also fixed the shitty queuing issue from the PS2 versions that only had it because of technical limitations. It really doesn't matter what version you get because not even Square knows what this game is suppose to be like since every time it gets ported, they change the battle system a bit. I would say go for the HD remasters but there's already 2 iteration of that.
FFII is better than FFXIII, FFXIV and FFXV.
No, International you can only have 1 job, Zodiac Age is 2. Also Switch and Xbox One versions are the only ones where you can reset and switch jobs, something that was never updated in the other versions.
you forgot about 8 and 13
>if: then: programming for healing and removing debuffs
>requires a brain
XII is probably the absolute least strategic game in the franchise
so not only is there original, izjs, and zodiac age
but there are differences between ports?
>I really need to find something that lists all the differences between versions
There you go
you're right i just double checked it, thank you for correcting me
did it require a brain before when you did it manually?
the only difference was that you were the one executing the if, then commands
>what is Final Fantasy II, a SaGa clone
>what is Final Fantasy XIII trilogy, a treatise on how not to create video games
>what is Final Fantasy XIV, a garbage bottom of the barrel WoW clone
>what is Final Fantasy XV, a Kingdom Hearts clone
Guys you're misunderstanding the OP.
He's saying ZODIAC AGE is the difficult FF. Obviously FF12 vanilla is not difficult in the slightest
Almost everything true, except for the bottom of the barrel part. XIV is better WoW clone.
the ONLY time when i had to change my gambits was for the omega fight.
for the rest of the game i set up a
>if x do y
>else do z
>else if a do b
and so on
if your gambits looked anything other than that then you're probably just not good at constructing logic based algorithms there is no other explanation
>have to actually respond to and recognize things happening on the screen
Yes you fucking autist
beating Yiazmat was literally as involved as unlocking Mewtwo in melee back in the day, ie turning off your tv and waiting a day, whereas LITERALLY every other superboss in the franchise actually requires you to learn patterns and respond to them
user, i don't know how to say it in a polite way and believe me i tried to think of a way to do it but this argument is completely and irrefutably retarded
ZA is easier than vanilla
No way. If XI was their benchmark standard then they are way off the mark. It is probably one of the worst games I have ever played in the genre. Clichéd story (which is the focus for some reason), a mind-numbing progression system that doesn't even feel rewarding where you're incentivized to pay for a skip to get to ""the real game"" (it's easy enough to hit level cap in Warcraft and painless to progress), so many systems that fall by the wayside and haven't been improved in the 7 odd years the game's been around, drip-fed content that's cleared in a day and you're left sitting on your hands for a whole year for something new. kek
XI is excellent. XIV is gutter trash for chimps.
13-2 is one of the best FF ever made
i actually enjoyed it before the 891302119380731 dlc's came out and made it feel like some cheap whore that would suck your dick for a line of coke.
before that it was a comfy roadtrip adventure with your bros : the game.
feel free to roast me
said no one ever
what did you like about it?
If you count the XIII trilogy as a whole, it's one of the best and it can be enjoyable.
XV is fucking garbage
It's a good game underappreciated by non-fans.
It fixes every criticism that FFXIII had. Even makes Hope a decent character.
Every game can be automated retard
Really underrated gaem. The Emperor’s body count probably exceeds Kefka’s
ffxv had the best ability in every game in existence
>ignis saying 'ay lmao come here cunts' heals your entire party
>incentivized to skip
Here's your (you) blizzdrone
oh yes? automate russian roulette then
This one was pretty dumbed down. Starting with 7, every FF is simpler on all level than the one before it.
Yeah, 1-79 is not an enjoyable journey retard where the only feasible leveling sentence is to grind dungeons or the Palace ad nauseam. And heaven forbid you run out of daily roulette bonuses.
Game is awful. Zynga tier design that is needlessly protracted and doesn't reward time investment, the antithesis of what a MMORPG should strive for. At least FFXI kept you involved every step of the way.
no that would be 9
there's two elements of gameplay: decision making and execution. in turn based games, the execution is never the hard part, leaving only decision making
if you could literally boil down the decision making as a short list of if then commands then the decision making was never complicated anyways
in ff12 you're still the one behind the decision making, but now the execution of them is automated
do you at least understand what I'm saying? if the games were always so easy that they boiled down to such basic decisions then it never was deep, you just had to manually execute everything
I'm not even arguing that ff12 is the best game in the series or that it's deep, just that the gambit system is not a flaw
it would require an exceptionally complex A.I. to automate some whereas FF games boil down to a short list of if then commands
it's an okay game but I hated the way you improved your character stuff
>>what is Final Fantasy XV, a Kingdom Hearts clone
it wishes it could be a KH clone.
I don't think I used that
I played 12 at the time of its release, and I didn't care much for it. I for it again on a whim on the Switch, it was cheap.
I gotta say, the speed-up option makes the game tolerable. This time, I finished it.
Xiii is dumb and makes no sense.
Change my mind
15 isnt good. But 13 is literal garbage tier.
Well they fought to stop something and end up doing the exact something they were supposed to do if they didn't fought.