Really makes you think

Really makes you think

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i just got back from bootcamp and play video games
check mate boomer

haahahaha fuckin' recruitment sargeant is like, why the fuck is this kid saluting me hahahahahaha
get the fuck out of my office boot


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catching pokemon creatures

i hate my wife

>greatest generation
>died by the boatloads for wars fueled funded and started by the rich
>gamer generation
>not putting up with that shit

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It's hilarous that zoomers hate this comic because deep down they know it's right, they're the worthless generation. Wasted beings unsuited to live.

phone bad. book good. video game bad. military good. wife bad. liberal bad. student debt good.

>old men you've never really even met don't agree on something
>go die in a cold forest and end your one chance at life

Shut the fuck up, boomer. Don't you have any economies to ruin?

>WoW being played in console
I wonder how many triggered incels get offended by this detail

>Started by the rich
Oh yeah, who could forget all those rich folks in USA making Hitler declare war on everyone, causing many of the wealthy people to lose their money?

Playing WoW on a Genesis/Saturn pad with the dpad on the right would be a hell of a feat

nice strawman fucktard

The wars of today and yesterday are not the same. 22 ex military individuals kill themselves every day in the US.

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>Not a strawman
>The guy who actually DID arm his country and invade everyone

>being a disingenuous fucktard on an anonymous video games forum

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What the fuck is wrong with boomers?

The dangling cord in the right panel looks like a wiener haha

Meme made by the NWO gang

Recent vet going to school on the government's dime.

Getting paid 3k a month to play video games and click through online classes, and go to one lecture a week, it's pretty great. Also FYI everyone in the army is a complete fucking nerd that either sits in their barracks room and plays video games, or accidentally got some slut pregnant.

Not an argument. I accept your surrender.

Good. Fuck dying in the desert. If I wanted to do that I'd go walk out into the Mojave.

Sorry, I don't argue with idiots.

Yes go die for Jews zog bots. Remember the six gorillion.

>playing WoW with a controller

This motherfucker

why do boomers love war so much and dedicating a large amount of resources for other countries that don't help back?

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Yeah it does.

>the gamer generation is smart enough not to be used as cannon fodder

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22 vets a day is absolute bullshit. The actual number isn't half as high.

>dying for jews and billionaires is great and honorable
I thought retards thinking that died out.

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Then stop talking to yourself


>n-no u

Extreme bitterness over the fact they had it harder and can't be young again. We have it easier and we still complain, yet instead of taking some of those critiques as valid they brush everything off as "muh ungrateful children"

literally me on the right, except i would be fapping too

Yas Forums pls

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Dying in a war is cuck-tier.

He has the nose! Finally we can get a real anti-semite in the white house

This again...

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Except the greatest generation was drafted to war, if there wasn't a fucking world war going on and video games existed they too would be the "gamer generation" and vice versa, this comic is fucking dumb it's literally just a difference of circumstances

The only reason USA got involved is because they realized soviets are gonna conquer the whole continent in their retaliating march, so they had to get involved and secure certain positions as their "allies" to prevent that.
USA deployment cattle literally died for nothing in this war and the only thing they did right is nuking insects which was done without any losses.
Same as they die now, for imaginary bubbles of power, oil refineries and other stuff which makes their overlords richer.

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A fucking sega genesis controller, except it's backwards and plugged into what's probably a wii

All these spineless little underage cucks without principles and morality.
Don't come crying when the chinks stand at your gate, blowing the heads of your parents, siblings, pets in front of you, all because you're an egotistical coward. Satan will accept your worthless soul as their bullets penetrate your eyes, as pain blackens out your meagre short life, your tortured body molested by your conquerors. Just because you were weak and too entitled, too coddled. And we won't shed a single tear as everything you are disappears in that moment, your name and history wiped from existence.


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Gamers truly are the most oppressed race

What an npc reply. As expected from a pussy too afraid to admit he's acting retarded. Or is that normal among inbred retards?

Greatest generation started the war at the first place, so I guess they are the last people to make an example of.

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>implying enlisted and ex military members don’t play vidya
Kek, I used to work around a ton of jarheads, they were fucking obsessed with fps games

you sure love deepthroating the rich mans cock dont you

Almost as much as you love deepthroating the dick of the guy who singlehandedly empowered everyone you hate. There's a word for that. Cuck.

ok boomer

>United States government embargoes Germany and Japan and restricts their supply of oil
>Warmongering Roosevelt regularly sinks German and Japanese trading ships for trying to break the embargo
>Roosevelt masks much of the deployment of the navy as a "search" for Amelia Earhart, when in reality they were used to harass Japanese vessels in the Pacific

>Japan counter attacks and bombs Pearl Harbor
>Rallies dumb ass "greatest generation"
>Sends hundreds of thousands of them off to die
>Kills millions of Japs and Germs in the process by starving them even more.
>Causes permanent damage to Europe.
>Meanwhile props up the USSR and straight up gives them the nukes.

I spit on the "greatest generation". They were uninformed masses that got suckered into the Anglo conquest of Europe. Just remember, Germany was not part of any central bank. Neither was Saddam, Khadafi, Kim, or Iran. We are run by the Empire of globalist bankers.

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>implying implications

i just noticed he looks like that one politician who killed himself inside a session with cyanide or some shit while being filmed

All boomers read is newspapers and cheap, braindead novels.

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History is for retards

Why should I care about what happened when I can care about what's happening?

Boomer seethes that we aren’t at perpetual war, seems about right

boom-booms can't meme

>Can't refute all the arguments people use to hit on Yas Forums so have to use a strawman comic
Fuck you and get off our site

Reddit is bad because it shits up any community it touches, doesn't have a single original non-shit meme that doesn't come from other sites and is generally the modern equivalent to ebaumsworld

fellas fellas no need to argue so much, you both look like total retards

To learn from pasts mistakes and successes? Are you actually fucking stupid?

good, let’s pump those numbers up

No it doesn't you fuck, this is old as shit. Everybody already commented on it

words cannot express how much I have come to hate this word since discord became a thing

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>Extreme bitterness over the fact they had it harder
Kek, boomers lived some of the easiest lives in all of human history. The reason they despise newer generations is just typical "our side is better than yours" bullshit with strawman arguments that even the millennials on here use against zoomers