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What's it's pronoun?
I'm not getting this game now. THANKS Yas Forums.
we're reaching mii levels of customization
la barba perfilada..........................
A bearded lady (or bearded woman) is a term that was historically used to advertise female sideshow performers with naturally occurring beards, however, the term is often generically applied to any female with substantial male facial hair growth. Women who exhibit this male facial hair trait have a condition known as hirsutism, or alternately, hypertrichosis. Hypertrichosis causes people of either sex to develop excess hair over their entire body (including the face), while hirsutism is restricted to females and only causes excessive hair growth on the face.
...to this.
I recognize this smugness from somewhere ...
source of this gif?
As in who made it? No clue. It is a reference to the "Please pass the egg salad" scene from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy.
Not everything is porn you fucking faggot
Remember when something like this would be a funny little joke? I remember.
Did the other user that was gonna draw her ever get done with the drawing?
It's bizarre seeing people getting worked up over the character customization of a game wherein you walk around talking to animal people and is primarily marketed towards children. I've seen weirder shit from Bethseda games.
Reminds me of the wolfman
don't know
remember when animal crossing was a soulful examination of loneliness and overcoming it through community?
now it is just a soulless globohomo tranny game that is only about "ME ME ME ME ME ME ME" shit fuck trannies fuck JANNIES
for the love of god shut the fuck up nobody cares
based schizo
Yes, saw it, didn't save it though.
>primarily marketed towards children
this makes the globohomo tranny push even more satanic
fuck trannies but that sperg user is even worse when his rethoric and boomer tier 'member when groan inducing posts, not even giving him (you)s
fuck you then zoomer faggot
Now soiboys can have their signature look in animal crossing.
actually demented
>gatekeeping animal crossing
so glad you'll die alone
I can have a fucking beard this time? Sweet
>crying about gatekeeping
kill yourself cancer
>a white noise poster incapable of discussing vidya calling me cancer
kek the irony
>a white noise poster
based schizo autist homo fag zoomer cancer
That's a shame. Was it any good at least?
Whats the big deal?
but he's right
I want to fuck that söyjack
This can't be happening CIS bros!
one of the things that annoyed me about new leaf (a very minor thing, but still) was the inability to have long hair with a male character.
hopefully they've corrected that.
They know their audience.
If you kept getting haircuts at the hairdresser, she'd eventually let you use the other genders hairstyles. Although you had to visit her 15 times or something before it was unlocked. Now they're going to just let you choose whatever face and hair you want, and you can change that as long as you have a mirror.
thats annoying but i suppose its a pretty niche section of the userbase.
still, i think this is better.
satan's not real hon
Yeah the way new horizons is doing things is better. I liked the questions Rover gave you, but being able to just choose how you look is a nice change.
nintendo has crossed the line... I look forward to seeing the abysmal reviews and low sales after the initial hype dies down and folks start realizing how pozzed this game is
>tfw animal crossing has become tranny dress up sim #272734
you've been able to wear mustaches for several games but apparently now its a problem
Obsessed and cringe
tfw to cis bf to play with me on my switch
>beard options
>obsessed with trannies
Sasuga 2016 Election-kun
why are the shitposters so fucking desperate to bitch about a new game in a series they've never fucking played
ever since it was announced they've been grasping at even the tiniest of straws
you will never be a woman
>you insulted me therefore you are [GROUP I DO NOT LIKE]
Election-kun please
what the hell are those semen droplets next to it
there's usually some passive aggressiveness to that post
basedtendo at it again
Why would a tranny use the word tranny, Yas Forums has rotted your mind.
then why do you enact his will, demon?
I'm going to play as the boy but make him look like a girl. Not a tranny, just a cute boy.
It’s because the Direct gave fans pretty much everything they wanted, so seeing genuine excitement totally pisses off those who revel in their misery. Same shit happened with the DMCV announcement: the entire board was pretty much united with hype for the game and making memes of the goofy trailer song, but then you had the sour sacks of shit doing everything they could to say the game was going to flop.