Why does Nintendo hate mature elements?

Why does Nintendo hate mature elements?

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damn that's some amazing art on the left.

Why does Square Enix hate telling a complete story in a single piece of media?

XV was hot garbage so whatever.

All this wonderful art made for a garbage story with garbage gameplay, christ

Why do people keeps judging vidya by their cover?

>white people actually look like white people

Seething NintoddIers

Attached: KingNoctisFFXV.jpg5.jpg (1280x720, 386.38K)

There's nothing mature about video games

I have XV and it was complete dogshit. Ninja Gaiden, DMC, Bayonetta, and Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae are way better action games. KH1, KH2, KH3, TWEWY, Dragon’s Dogma, Tales of Vesperia. Bloodborne, and Nioh are way better ARPGs. Eat shit, Barry.

Attached: hold x.gif (250x141, 1.61M)

good job posting a 20x14 gif so people don't see what's wrong with it

>being blind

Literally none of those are on par with XV you stupid fuck

NG has no real time wespon switch
DMC has no character switch or 15+ weapon types
Bayo has WT being a braindead win button
Mitsurugi whatever looks like Musoushit, why did you even list this literal who trash?

KH shit is fucking garbage with no directional inputs and only 3 tried weapon switching while fucking it up since it's slow as fuck and all keyblades play the same anyway

TWEWY is a gimmick QTE simulator with no real action so why the fuck did you bother listing it?

DD is slow and clunky

Tales shit are literal sandbag simulators

BB nor Nioh have no jump button

Holding only one button instead of using your full breadth of mechanics will get you killed in XV
You're a fucking retard with no argument or any clue about what makes good combat when you're shilling fucking garbage like KH, TWEWY and Tales

Attached: holdin o the entire time.webm (960x540, 2.78M)

XV being kino really fucked you up huh XCX-kun?

Attached: xcx-xv-5.jpg5.jpg (3840x1080, 1.39M)

>Barry thinks he can talk shit about games while shilling XV
At least the games posted there actually need more than one input. Also
Actual retard.

>posts a superboss added in a content update as an example of FFVX gameplay
You don't have to do anything but hold o for 99% of the fights in the game, stop embarrassing yourself

Attached: 1559866174043.gif (288x198, 1.45M)

>posting a fucking movie

If they allow mature elements into their games then the fans would expect more out of them. They want to keep their games exactly the same so they can rehash the same games every console in order to make easy money.

I’m on my third playthrough of TWEWY and I’ve had way trouble with this guy than I did with most bosses in XV.

Attached: Noise47_-_Goth_Metal_Drake.png (447x344, 47.42K)

So you have no argument

>just hold O except against the superboss!!??

Nice bullshit and lies because you can't accept getting BTFO. You'd have to be retarded to think you can "hold O to win" which is easily debunked by webm related among many examples. Try just holding attack against MA-X, try just holding it against dread behemoth, try just holding against melusine, try just holding against red giants, try just holfing against nagarani, try just holding against coerl, try hold just holding against ifrit, try just holding against final camp bros fight, try just holding against omega, try just holding against level 120 aranea camp fight? Oh wait you will fucking die.

Thanks for proving you never played the game and you're a fucking brainlet

Attached: Just hold O to win except for when you don't.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Neither do you, Barry. Honestly, how the fuck have you not been permanently banned yet?

>O = Attack button, tap for manual finishers
>Triangle = Warp
>Square = Guard button,, dodge roll, tech roll
>X = Jump button
>Up-Dpad = Weapon switch slot 1
>Right-Dpad = Weapon switch slot 2
>Down-Dpad = Weapon switch slot 3
>Left-Dpad = Weapon switch slot 4
>L-stick Up+O= Combo modifier 1
>L-stick Right+O = Combo modifier 2
>L-stick Down+O = Combo modifier 3
>L-stick Left+O = Combo modifier 4
>X+O = Aerial combo
>X+L-stick Up+O= Aerial Combo modifier 1
>X+L-stick Right+O = Aerial Combo modifier 2
>X+L-stick Down+O = Aerial Combo modifier 3
>X+L-stick Left +O = Aerial Combo modifier 4
>R1+Triangle = Warp Strike
>L1 = Party command menu
>R1 = Lock-on
>R2 = Battle menu
>Character switch=L1+L2+Dpad
>Magic = Equip on slots and aim with L stick and cast with O, or R1+O for quick casting.

this is just Noctis alone without taking into account some weapon specific mechanics such as manual gun aiming. Stay BTFO you spastic lying fuck

Attached: rULQDR1g0L2WM0gz.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

Why do you fucking idiots respond to him?

Because I’m bored and there’s a chance that this isn’t even him. Probably one of his copycats.

I just want more of the same. I hate when they add things that change how something plays. The only exception is JRPG's moving away from Turn Based, but now I enjoy was less JRPG's due to hating some and loving other systems. I don't want to just stick with Galaxy if the next Mario tried something new and fucked it up for me.

>j-jannies save me!?
Shitposters on suicide watch because they got btfo lmaooo

Come back when you have an argument

Attached: knightshield.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

Don’t you have a chick to stalk or something?

Fuck off kh shill you sad cunt you never have any arguments to anyone criticising 7R and just call everyone barry/xv-kun bogeyman shit
get fucked

Attached: kh3 and xv doing nothing comparison.webm (640x720, 2.98M)

Don't you have an on-topic post to make? Oh wait all you can do is deflect to some boogeyman because you have no argument

Get lynched you cunt

Attached: xvarmiger2.webm (700x404, 2.86M)

>posting shit from the base game
Now post the ReMind bosses.

You mean the bosses which can be beat in one hit on crit level 1 which is an intended game design mechanic by the KH3 devs?

Attached: hardest boss in all of kingdom hearts series.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

They're shit and can all be oneshotted

Attached: xion guard fail.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

Nintendo is basically owned by a small board of directors who have the final say when it comes to everything. Maybe they've considered funding some mature game at some point but they've all turned it down in favor of pumping out sequels to established IP instead.

Zelda and Metroid used to be pretty mature.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x384, 72.39K)

Seriously this is the main reason i havent bothered to play ffxv
>You have to watch a movie
>And an anime
>And a book
>And then you can finally play the game
>Also we didnt even finish the game's story lol
>But dont forget to buy the DLCs

>I’m on my third playthrough of TWEWY and I’ve had way trouble with this guy than I did with most bosses in XV.

to be fair, when you can Hold O and spam items against bosses in XV, anything is harder than that crap.

You only need the base game

The core story can be resumed in three main points:

Noctis ascension to kinghood / reclaiming the throne
Ardyn's revenge

That's the essential

And it's well-told.

The brotherhood theme is well explored, it's one of the best depictions of friendship in gaming.
The entire story is basically by Noctis' view point so yes you see his struggles as he mature to become the king
Ardyn is a great villain that is there interacting with your party since the beginning, you can see his manipulations on-screen, big screen-time, and Ardyn completely succeeded in his plan (only FF villain to do so).

The dlc are just parallel sidestories from other characters perspectives that aren't crucial to the main story, the characters are all set up and ended in XV. The campfire scene at the end, Noctis becoming the king, finding the crystal at last, the first time you ever summoned Ramuh or any summon, Gentiana freezing Ardyn on the train etc. All since launch, all of the essential were in since launch. Dozens of weapons, countless enemies, a huge explorable world etc since launch.

Attached: 1488886697810.webm (800x180, 640.83K)

Fucking CHRIST is there a single fanbase Barry won't go to war with? The man's autism knows no bounds.

Attached: biden why.png (1053x1031, 870.25K)

zack death was not in ff7 jp launch and only added in international version, and the ending of 7 is still unfinished and needed a movie, novel and a billion games to fill in the gaps to what actually happened after defeating sephorith and for things before the game
xv had a finishdd ending since launch, the dlc are just parallel sidestories and it has better characterization than anything in 7 and the retarded comp

Are you genuinely retarded

> the ending of 7 is still unfinished
You didn't get it.

>Hold O
where? winning like this? wow bro did he win?

twewy is gimmick touch screen qte shit, its literally tap the screen to win

XV requires actual player input not casual fucking touch screen gimmick shitfest made by kh com devs

Attached: muh hold o.webm (960x540, 2.58M)

Wow that hitbox is worse than Dark Souls 2 at release.

>Are you genuinely retarded

He thinks watching Advent Children and playing Dirge of Cerberus, Crisis Core, and that Before Crisis are mandatory to understand FF7's plot.

why did you use an edited picture

Attached: xenoblade-chronicles-2-main-character-hd-png-download.png (860x1596, 1.15M)

Barry just kill yourself man, this can't be healthy

And yet you only need O most of the time.

look at the thread, it's the infamous FFXV troll cherrypicking.

He will go trough any hoops to make ANY game look worse compared to FFXV

I found that there are a lot of late-game enemies in TWEWY that kicked my ass for while like Fifenfrogs and elephants (it doesn't matter which one I always hate fighting them, At least they look cool). Which is honestly a nice thing.

Calm down on the particle effects I can't even tell what's going on.

and the 7/7r/ shills show themselves

FF7 was incomplete and needed a prequel about zack, prequel about the Turks, sequel about cloud after meteor, sequel about Vincent and yuffie, novel about tifa, barret, nanaki, yuffie, shinra etc, plus added cutscenes to explain how cloud got to midgar and zacks death which wasnt in the original launch ff7

also how cloud got to midgar and zacks death was literally not shown in the original Japanese launch version of FF7, that only got added in the international version because people complained it made no sense how cloud got back to midgar

everything you needed to know for main game xv was told in game, we didn't need to know what gladio did to get a scar or the exact cause of ognis ignis going blind because he already says it was a sacrifice in the greater battle and gladio fighting gilgamesh has literally nothing to do with the main story, we dont need to know what the kingsglaive did for 10 years waiting for noct because we can already surmise that from context, you don't need to see insomnia getting destroyed because you already know that happens and it literally says it on the back of the box, all that stuff for FF7 however is directly the main story and the aftermath with Sephiroth being confirmed as never truly dead and can just come back through the lifestream whenever he wants

remember how rufus didn't die but not explained in the game? how zack death wasnt in the original launch version nor how cloud got to midgar? remember Sephiroth doesn't even appear until the end of the game and has less dialogue than luna? hey remember how noct can do more through weapon switching than the entire ff7 party could ever do and how you cant even move in combat in 7 and how in xv they added 3 brand new unique combat systems which also is far more than the pick words from menu shit ff7 had and how none of the diamond weapon, ruby weapon, emerald weapon etc fights were in the launch version?


Attached: Holding O to win.webm (960x540, 2.84M)

>MP and HP isn’t even halved
>level 1 crit
Barry, who the fuck do you think you’re fooling?

that's the point.

The flashy particle effects are there to blind you to the fact you had to pay $15 for that button mashing upgrade

Cope with what?

They all have tells and good hitboxes, you're just dumb.

You want shit hitboxes look at kh where the fucking guard doesnt work


Attached: behemoth swing.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

I said it can be done on level 1 crit

level doenst affect the one hit mechanic which is an intended game design mechanic by the KH3 devs

with the webms that prove your lying bullshit wrong which you have no argument against

you keep replying despite no argument because you're coping

Attached: Hold O to win amirite.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

>$15 for one attack
Please say more was included.
>with the webms that prove your lying bullshit wrong which you have no argument against
Pretty sure we said MOST (fully capitalized so you know it's being emphasized) can be won with just O and you're misinterpreting again.

>literally easy mode
Uh huh. Now do it legitimately.

So you have no argument and no idea what it is you are trying to say you dumbfuck khfag, you didn't beat omega or naglfar or MA-X angelus or Cor or Bahamut or Ifrit or level 120 aranea or Cerberus or the fierce or the rogue or the mystic or ravus or quetzcoatl or dread behemoth or nagarani or red giant or etc without making proper use of weapon switching with shields for proper parries and perfect blocks, impervious for tech rolls, warpstrikes and warps for better evasion than phase ever could, blink for attack cancels into a dodge roll etc. Aranea 120 fucking wrecks you even if you are level 120, Cerberus fucking wrecks retards like you who can't git gud, quetzcoatl destroys shitters, MA-X will fucking pin you with its rockets even if you try to spam warpstrikes you dumb fuck, literally every single one of those bosses shits on your retarded memes, hell a fucking basic enemy like Magitek Assassins require warpstrikes, parries or block stunning to counter them first then attacking, and this fucking webm which you can't refute.

that isn't easy mode
one hit ko can be used on any difficulty in kh3

Attached: Just hold O to win.webm (720x404, 2.71M)

Attached: sensible chuckle.gif (250x250, 1.14M)

Fuck KH and fuck XV. Why would I play some mediocre game past the ending and then buy the DLC? Again, MOST of the game is easily beat with just O like we've been saying. Sorry your super bosses aren't the majority of the game.

>this isn’t easy mode

Attached: Screenshot 2020-03-07 at 6.27.42 PM.png (1136x640, 377.66K)

How mentally ill do you need to be to be at barrys level of severe autism?

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why are you using an improved edit of the design you're trying to shit on?

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