Would you let the Aromages tend to your garden?
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Still no changes, but maybe in the future.
imagine the smell
Ante looks like fun, willing to trade?
Gagaga Cowboy is the new Freed.
Photon Papilloperative is CUTE willing to trade?
>neck hunter imba
Absolutely, I am building my deck around these cuties!
Trade Ante for what? Post duelingbook.
gotta get them packs lads
still open
Can you trade that cunning of the six samurai for a The Atmosphere or Desperado Barrel Dragon?
Looking for the following
Aromage Rosemary, Cananga, Laurel
Aroma Jar
Aroma Garden and Gardening
Blessed Winds, Dried Winds, Humid Winds
Good plants
Good cards with LP Gain effects
Good staples
I see that you rolled Morning Star. Is there anything you'd like for it?
ultimate first roll
oh yea, someone rolled Aroma Garden late last night, wonder when they're coming back
rolling for 3 packs
it's all open for trade
Ante and my Gladiator Beast Andal for your Alexandrite dragon? Alexandrite dragon fits better in my deck because it's light.
If that's a no-go maybe reflect bounder or gold sarcophagus but I doubt you'd take those trades they are kinda shitty.
meant to quote
also sorry again about shitty trades, there just isn't much I could use.
SOrry, I need normal monsters for Advanced RItual Art.
>Ritual decks
>Full Armor
The final necessary Galaxy-Eyes Xyz has shown itself at last, I see. I don't suppose you'd accept Fossil Dyna for it?
RNG don't fail me now. Rolling
How about Reshef?
Yeah that's why I offered a normal for a normal+ante.
...opps thought ANdle was Darius...Yeah lets trade.
Everything up for grabs
Wow really? Thanks a lot! I wanted to get rid of the bear for a while but couldn't because he was good maju fodder.
Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru
Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
for carrotweight champion?
already had one otherwise I totally would
it's a longshot but would you be willing to trade graceful charity or karma cut?
I'm willing to add something ontop of the full armor
Yeah Ante lets me harm my opponent while I have these high level Rituals in my hand :)
could you post your deck? not interested in six samurai monsters
Karma Cut is ultimately expendable, but that might depend on what you're adding.
anything I have interest you for Carrotweight?
sure it's a good idea to keep making threads immediately after one dies?
Might get moved to /vg/
Idk if I have anything that's interesting to you that I'd like to part with for a beater replacer. Also kinda interested in power frame, hit me up.
see if there's something you like
missing cards are adamatia which weren't up for trade anwyays
probably a longshot asking for twin twisters or bottomless but if there's anything you want in addition check out
We don't normally do that; it's just because the late night thread lasted up until now, when they usually archive after everyone goes to bed and/or get deleted.
My 2 Six sams for ROM Claudia?
Also big list of cards I am thinking of trading away:
World Legacy - "World Shield" (for something really good)
Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster (for something decent that fits my deck)
Secret Six Samurai - Kizaru (for something more suitable)
Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
Elemental HERO Avian
Artifact Labrys
Gaia, the Polar Knight
Element Saurus
Satellite Synchron
Prank-Kids Fansies
Anti-Spell Fragrance
Beat Cop from the Underworld
Crush Card Virus
Gozen Match
Spell Shield Type-8
Flame Administrator
Superdreadnought Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe
Number C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon
Number 97: Draglubion
Golden Ladybug
willing to trade power frame for gozen match?
long shot, but Enemy Controller+Carrot for Bottomless?
How about Full Armor + Enemy Controller?
Was there a Six Sam or Rock guy 'round these parts?
Pacman, wtf deck is that? Also, I need that rites
Deal. Gozen match cucks my deck somewhat even if it's saved me in the past, it's not even main deck anymore so sure thing.
pretty much mess, can't believe I got the sdb off in the first duel
I just traded away my spare enemy controller
anything else?
what do you want for Number 97
My IRL problems catched u with me, but now I'm better. Also, rolling
what do you want for that Rites and Odd-eyes?
rock guy here, unfortunately triamid cruiser doesn't fit my deck at the moment
can't really use six sams, sorry.
Swords of Revealing Light?
Two packs. These will be the packs that give me my cards.
What do you want for Child's Play?
Crush Card is devastating in action, I do hope someone gets to play it regularly
Zure, Kniight of the dark world.
Also I have Elementsaurus, it would go well with your other dinos. I'd like to have Master Pendulum, the Dracoslayer for it if possible.
Six sam guy here, would you trade for a psychic blade or The Atmosphere for it?
Red Rain would have been super interesting to have before.
know what I've already been struggling a bit to properly use my enemy controller
that still okay?
Do you want either or both of my six sams? I also have Gouki The Powerload Ogre which you could summon with 2+ warrior monsters.
Deck here:
Sure, I'll still take that deal. Karma Cut for Full Armor + Enemy Controller, then.
thaks for the dino
Deal for both you mean? Awesome!
dont really know what I'll need so Im gonna try get some packs first