Megaman Zero/ZX Legacy Collection

Are you getting good?

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Everyone coomed out? Let's have a non-porn dump thread.

I can never pull off this move, I always get hit
any tips?

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Yeah, reverse engineering would be the correct term for that. Since I don't have experience in these types of games it just feels like dying and dying till I get it right. I don't know, we'll see later on. I just got burned out too quickly this time.

Oh wish I could pull that off too, I ended up just nailing her at the edges then running to the opposite side to avoid the cuts then go in again.

I'm sorry you have to learn this way, user.

Public announcements
>There are no blind jumps in the airship segment in Z2
>There are no blind jumps in the factory mission in Z1
>You don't need to grind your Saber/Buster to MAX LEVEL before starting the stages. You can let them level naturally

Oh boy

I strongly recommend you watch some gameplay videos of people who do no-hit run. You don't have to do everything they do, but it helps to know the arsenal of tricks available to you as a player to bully bosses.

Just dodge those blade waves at the other side of the screen, don't get too close to Harpuia.

Recently finished up Zero 1 and 2 at 100% and started Zero 3 earlier today. Christ almighty is it good to be back to Mega Kino. Best Mega Man game in the franchise right here.

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>Prometheus has the skills of Model's F, Z, P
>Pandora has the skills of Model's L, H, X
Damn, they're pretty much perfect. Now they're free from the control of Model W, too. So like Zero, they can become the ultimate heroes and die on their own terms. ZX3 soon.. Please..

What? I thought it was a girl, like the colors, and the pink sword slashes and the graceful swoops with the slim frame. Oh well

Don't worry lad, Rule 63 has got you.


It might happen if this collection sells well, but I believe there's other stuff in the way right now

In the span of next year we are probably going to see the battle network collection, and if rumors are true, perhaps capcom of Japan is actually working on X9 since the release of both X collections so it should go like:

Battle network collection > mega man X9 > mega man zx 3

You're expecting the BN Collection way too early, m8.

Remember ZX Extremus? Neither do I.

You have to be proactive instead of reactive. If Harpuia has already started his attack, you don't have enough time to get close enough to jump over him. You have to think ahead and be in the correct position before he starts. It's not a move as much as it is an aggressive versus defensive mentality.

Why is she so perfect

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nope im snorting cyberelves every chance i get

Her design is perfect, but personality wise she's the kind of girl you'd hate irl. Opposite goes for Sonia

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Bomb mission in Z2 is great but I remember being a nightmare to S Rank it mostly because every retry meant watching that damn unskipable intro.

Was that fixed

Was a convincing fake.

>Was that fixed

Siarnaq's Megamerge is one of the coolest animations in any Mega Man game. I wish I had a gif of it.

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Megaman sure loves its kuuderes

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>game lowers your rank if you die
>have to go to the main menu, load a saved game and select a mission to try again without getting penalized
No one's gonna blame me if I use save-assist, right?

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Are there any Mega Man Zero merch on sale online? I specifically want an MMZ-Zero plush or something.

Games are kicking my butt, but I'm having fun. Restarting missions from the start is a pain, but I don't wanna use Save Assist.

Shit game

>Autistic, vengeance filled terminator reploid got the power of Model P
>A feminine shota got the power of Model L
>A war crazed tomboy got the power of Model F
>An edgy philosophy spouting boy with a katana got the power of Model H
>Model Z might have gotten Thomas'd
What went so horribly wrong?

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S Ranked all 4 games on the DS Collection. Honestly, you get used to the reset-reload cycle. But that doesn't mean it was any fun

I feel like the Cyber-Elf system was one of the most ambitious things Inti tried to do with the series, yet had no real direction in how to implement it in a way that enriched the games. They spent four games ironing this shit out, Z3 and Z4 having alternate takes on a functioning version of the system. However, at high-level play they're still nothing more than a crutch that the mission score actively discourages you from engaging with, which I find a little sad.
Finally, ZX decided to take the system behind the shed despite actually involving them in the plot this time.

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>A war crazed tomboy got the power of Model F
Sounds like something went right to me.

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So now that everyone's played the Zero series will you guys finally admit the ranking system is dogshit?

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It's specially annoying at the beginning of Z2 since you reload back in Ciel's lab and have to go to the command room every time

It totally is. Especially in the first game.

Remember this?

Use save assist

i love how the four other Megamen get these dope-ass transformation animations and you just hold a rock up and flash like a normal person

No, it's just you that's dogshit.

This. X legacy collection was released in 2018. So probably 2 years away.

It's alright but discouraging the use of Cyber Elves entirely makes players choose one or the other for a playthrough. I think if the series was made today they'd probably have the ranking system be level-by-level, and let you go back and replay missions for better grades.


Nah, fuck you and git gud.

>Rollposter is wrong

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>Dash jumping on top of the Submarine in Z1 to get the Elf

Kill me, bros

I don't know man, the legacy collections were released in 2017 and megaman 11 came out in 2018, i'm not particularly sure how long it would take to make X9, unless they plan on creating a new game play formula and experimenting with new mechanics, who knows

Yes, it's anti-fun. Always has been

The first legacy collection was out in 2015 though. All said, I would estimate within the 1-2 year window (assuming it does happen).

Reminder that if you masturbated to Cubit Foxtar, that makes you a homo.

No regrets

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Your third statement is simply untrue for Zero 1

What he said is true for the Z-saber, untrue for the buster.

Think she'd calm down if you came inside her?

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There is absolutely no need to grind to max level.

This she's my favorite part of ZXadvent, other than adult Aile.

I thought there would be an elf to help you jump higher, I gave up trying to 100% the games after I found out there was none.

>When Tech Kraken goes into his little subspace hideaway, you can punch him out with Z-Knuckle



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WHAT?! Didn't have any issue with Z4's bosses but still WHAT?!

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MMZ is chock full of twinks, sadly. At least Leviathan has a vajeen

Do I need to catch all the elves? Jackson's not necessary for an achievement or something, is it?

god i wanna cum inside leviathan

Wish no more, friend

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No because you can beat the games and enjoy them just fine with less than an A rank. If you care that much about Ex Skills either use the elves that boost you to A rank to get a bunch of free ones, or get better at the game so you can earn those ex skills.

I wish I liked PX's playstyle.

There's a few 'missable' achievements/Z Cards but nothing for 100%.


We all do user, we all do

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>git gud
Maybe if you could easily retry missions this argument would work. On the GBA you'd have to just turn the console off and back on just to try again.

i don't like X's current voice actor. JYB as Zero is fine but X sounds too nasally.

I don't know why people in these threads bend backwards to worship the ranking system. It's bordering on masochism.

PX can shoot kunai while moving, right? I wish it had more combat potential, personally. If ZXA combined all the abilities, instead of splitting them through gender, they'd have been perfect.

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I thought there would be but no.

Or just press continue after running out of lives for Z2 and beyond.