Is anyone really mad about this?

Is anyone really mad about this?

Attached: alucard-castlevania-symphony-of-the-night-8.1.jpg (210x240, 19.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

non degenerates are

Stop spamming your z tier Netflix trash. Nobody gives a shit commie.

Just Yas Forums.

Thank god its not canon to the games and can be safely ignored.

That's where you're wrong.

>fujos are degenerates

I don't get mad at video games


Exactly too bad v is filled with em

Yas Forums

I'm annoyed because it's clearly some left wing propaganda ret con.

Be glad these faggots can’t ruin the games. Let’s hope netfux goes out of business in the next 5 years before more characters are destroyed.

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I would just like to say there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with being gay.

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discord trannies raiding so hard filling the board with this faggot shit for their stale dead trannyflix series that will be forgotten in 3 days max

Why'd he not fuck the twink too? What is he, gay?

>Here's my other spam threads before they get deleted and my gay ass banned
Again, KYS. Nobody gives a shit that a worthless adaption of Castlvania made by a non fan featured a character with the same name as Alucard and had him perform a gay sex act. Now, if it was the original producer of the franchise and an official OVA by Madhouse or some shit. I might take few seconds to call them faggots that sold out, but this isn't even worth a raised eyebrow.

I wouldn't say I'm mad, just disappointed. But it's not surprising, the writers have the subtlety chops of a bus bomb, and it's been this way since season one. Expecting the story to be mature and """adult""" without resorting to LGBT propaganda or poorly written modern colloquialisms is forfeit. It's just an overall shit show built from the ground up to appeal to the lowest common denominator.
C'est la vie.

>Literally incest
>But with a bisexual dude in the triangle
>WOW That's so progressive omg I love this, conservative triggered amiright guys
The absolute state of leftists. They are scum holy shit

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Cope with that prolapsed anus

This doesn't happen.

That's because you are a degenerate, but that's fine, AIDS will cleanse as God's equalizing force and punishment

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reminder that amongst zoomers the LGBT acceptance rates have fallen from like 95% in 2015 to 50% in 2020
put faggots and trannies in concentration closets

not really
its inconsequential and doesnt affect the original game in any way

>Is anyone really mad about this?
Yas Forumstards and r*ddit tourists are triggered and assblased so they keep spamming Yas Forums with this

>Trannies and SJW keep hoarding IP's and cultural media with jew dollars
>They put in propaganda everywhere
>They still lose the elections and keep committing suicide as sane people keep turning against them
What happened HIVbros ? Why aren't we winning

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Reminder that poll is outdated fuck off

Are you high on tranny juices or what ?

It isn't a 2020 poll retard I know what poll that is kys rerard

die false flagging faggot

Ya it left a really bad taste in my mouth.

Gays got marriage and widespread acceptance so I'm good. I don't really care to fight the trannies' battle for them.

>wins all elections
>deprecates liberal media
>owns meme/youth culture
Yas Forums has you on a leash

>I can be a faggot in my room without yelling it
More faggots should be like you

i attribute all the threads to Yas Forums not knowing what a bisexual is.

It goes even deeper
If Trump is a Nazi, and a Nazi is in charge of 90% of the western military power, Nazis won.

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nah, dont really give a shit

>calling people degenerates
>on a website famous for child porn

Like that faggot in front of you in the fast food that was queuing since minutes yet he still needs to decide what burger to pick when asked by the waitress

dude what?

It's not okay, because Alucard isn't topping me.

anyone that complains about degeneracy on Yas Forums needs to be fucking permabanned. please gookmoot

>on a website famous for child porn
You are confusing ResetEra user

He barely had a character or sexualization before. Granted this is very clear pandering to progressives considering how many gay characters have been in the show so far.

Trannies like you brigading is all jokes and games user, but stop projecting the fantasies of your demented circlejerk of degenerates here.

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Pretty much this.

Nice try 2016 tourist. Yas Forums was pretty well known for having CP and loli threads. Funny how hard the loli shit has died off in the last few years, like cunny threads on Yas Forums are dead.

Take a look at the constant threads about it and take a wild guess

>Literal discussion and justification of real life pedophilia and "hurr durr it's ephebophiliaahshh" and protecting real life pedophiles qhile banning those shitting on them
>totally fine
>Anime girl with short skirts in user board

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>just anime girls
>he hasn't seen actual CP on Yas Forums

Hello newfriend :3c

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SotN Alucard? No, never was, never will be.
Kikeflix, though, they need to go.

Gays got their rights and left the rest of the letters become a small but vocal minority.

I always thought Alucard was gay. There’s just something about the way he is that makes him seem like he’d be gay.

if only.
the trannies took up the torch and fucking threw it off a cliff with all the gays in the party down with it. and now alot of previously normal gays have been pulled into this modern trans degenerate circle

Alucard always looked like a fag, so it was really fun to rub it in these last couple days.


Yas Forums never tolerated real life pedophilia. We joked about it, because it's edg to joke about that kind of thing. But when real CP started getting spammed by Kimmo, we all came together to fight against it.

Remember, captcha was put in place in order to stop CP.

It's strange self parody at this point.


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An adaption is just an adaption.

Anyone who has looked at that face over the last 20 years and thought that it is the face of a cis gendered male is an absolute retard. Nobody is actually mad except for user's dad.

he has a daughter canonically dumb discord tranny

>fag has a daughter

Not that much of a shocker, you dipshit. Alucard has always come off as being gayer than the blazes.

>cis gendered male
Are you high? Being bi doesn't mean you are a tranny.