ITT: Yas Forums rage bait and pet peeves

ITT: Yas Forums rage bait and pet peeves

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I hate redditors so god damn much

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where did he find it anyway?

complete massive cuckold

Jesus, that makes me mad as all fuck and I don't even like StarCraft.

Ugh I'm like so angry I literally can't even. How dare that guy turn that disc to Blizzard and get free stuff, as opposed to leaking it online where he would have gotten fuck all.

He should've leaked it after getting the free stuff.


>He didn't copy if and get free shit and give the code out
Whats it like to be a cuck dude? He got something that looked like a gift bag with like 50 bucks worth of stuff.

I'm amazed anyone cares at all.

What was the morally right thing to do, though?

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And how much would the gift bag be worth that he would have gotten for leaking it?

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It's a bunch of zoomer retards reacting to a meme. I bet not a single fucking one of them could even tell you what source code is or what it could be used for.

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I'm all for fucking over corporations but if he leaked it wouldn't he have just gone to prison or some shit? I seriously doubt there isn't some faggot ass law that they wouldn't use to prosecute him.

[Twitter Screenshot]

>blizzard literally tossed it in the bin, relinquishing ownership
there is no morally right thing to do in this case

They didn't know he even had it, so theoretically nothing.

>not uploading it with a garbage garage sale laptop on public wifi and then smashing it with a hammer after

Think outside the box people.

I know I'm missing a bunch but these are just the main ones I can think of from the top of my head.

Name me some more and I'll update it.

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half life alyx


Undertale, TemTem, BoTW, SA2

legit surprised by the amount of people here unironically discussing the castlevania cartoon, and i'm not saying this because of the recent events, it has been as bad as those marvel anime series
anyways, any fighting game not made by capcom

Honestly took me a second to remember why with XD because I feel like no one posts it anymore
It's a shame too because the improvements to the shadow purify system in there made it way more fun. Less memorable campaign overall though
Why can't Yas Forums discuss SA2? Assuming you mean Sonic Adventure

fuck off to reddit retard

Cyberpunk 2077, and now Baldur's Gate 3.

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kill yourself

That story was such obvious bullshit.

Metal Wolf Chaos XD

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don't forget

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When the fuck as Yas Forums every not been able to discuss castlevania
Series is mostly fine up until LoS and then it dies. The anime is ok, its schlocky but its simple enough and better than anything we've had from the series since 2008

if he leaked it afterwards he would've gotten into a fucking missile silo worth of legal bullshit

Kids can be total assholes; I believe it

What is this?

I wouldn't have cared if he had taken a fucking steak knife to the thing, lol.

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any call of duty ever

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He did it for free.

I'll never understand why people pretend to get mad at this story in particular.

Its less that this can't be discussed, its more so that theres nothing to discuss anymore. We at least got Final Remix on Switch and playing the mobile version controlls on switch feels way better than it ever did on DS imo
That was still sad though, that whole week of the sticky with the countdown just for a mobile port announcement, terrible read of the room by Sqaure
That was right around when Megaman Legends 3 got officially canned too. What a fucking shitty year 2012 was

>contributing important source code to people who can properly use it for good reasons
>be a shill and get $50
Dude could've even sold it for more than that.

No dank memes on the nonspace son.

I feel like Halo and CoD used to be taboo here but whether its from a zoomer influx or people having stopped caring, it doesn't hold the same weight in that sense but both franchises are also tired so being contrarian towards them isnt as cool

This. Even if the public had received the source code, so what? It's not like Starcraft is the pinnacle of programming. There's nothing there that couldn't be replicated by a decent team of code monkeys. Starcraft's value isn't in the code.

i was talking about the castlevania cartoon, not the games
surprised by the amount of people discussing it because it's a very underwhelming and forgettable piece of media, even by today's western cartoon standards
one would have thought i'd have the same reception (in terms of attention) as the devil may cry or viewtiful joe anime, i guess is the effect of being distributed by netflix and people swallowing everything thrown at them

Depends on the game and the general topic. I've seen a few nazi zombies threads that have gone without issue.

Should VtMB be included here? It was absolutely horrible for a while after the sequel was announced.

I think Netflix access helps since thats so common place, but again, the show isn't anything special but its simplicity is nice in a time where Konami has essentially thrown the series in the trash.
Tasty scraps as still tasty scraps at the end of the day. They at least have several games worth of content to copy.
They could do a Dracula X Saga arc and then go in other directions.
I doubt we'll get lucky to ever see the war of 1999 though.

No, Halo CE is a legitimately an outstanding game and always has been. Early Yas Forums sucked Japan cock hard and heavy. Good luck talking about western games. Yas Forums was Yas Forums's sister ship for years and then became it's own fucked up colony, like Australia.

>Halo CE is a legitimately an outstanding game

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man this "joke" is incredibly lame

I don't disagree that I enjoyed the first 3 games when I was in high school. Yas Forums always hated on them for being popular but old Yas Forums still talked about western games like old WoW/blizzard stuff and old Bioware/Interplay so I feel like that's a bit short sighted

replace melee with smash in general

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>Yandere Simulator
Stop shilling yourself Alex.

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It's dead-on fluidity of motion in a genre that had been between Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear and Unreal Tournament (both good games). The genre didn't know what the fuck it was doing and Halo was a breath of fresh air. It was good enough that PC players took notice, and it was basically during the PC FPS renessiance. From No One Lives Forever to some janky shit made by some dickheads from Finland in the discount bin.

>use it for good reasons
Blizzard hasn't made a good game since d2. They aren't gonna do jack shit with this code and honestly i don't want them to do anything with it. SC is a perfect game and all they are in a position to do is piss on it.

A lot of the posters back then were transplants from the WoW forums. Bunch of fucking weebs that they were anyways they took to the place.

I could agree with this. I love smash, most people here probably do but discussing smash isn't always just melee fags, roster threads and "whos in" threads have gotten tiring.

Very sad the guy didn't dump it. It's like having the disc for the Half-Life beta and not dumping it, instead, giving it to a dead company.

Well thats what I mean, I'll admit that by old standard I'm probably a newfag as I didn't really fully start wasting time here until like 2008 when I was senior but before that i remember my friends showing Yas Forums to me for memes, and those friends all played WoW, another friend was a member of something awful and LuE on gamefaqs.
I was the poorfag who just never had good internet or a PC so to me gamefaqs was just a place to save money on game guides and Yas Forums was just "le funny picture" site.
Didn't really start using this shit till I had the means to