What's the appeal of Wrpgs

Honestly they are boring trite titles with nothing going on for them except for "immersion'

either dull low fantasy, or futuristic sci-fi, there are rare post apocalyptic and modern settings as well

Almost always dull brown/dull grey washed over everything with hyper real graphics that look like shit within five years.. Also most of the designs aren't original, you are fighting wolves or some generic shit.

INB4 south park and undertale, they are omages to jrpgs

>fetch quests
Have you doing menial shit like getting 20 wolf pelts.

Inb4 random battles, I would much rather deal with that than the former.

stock music and ambient shit that is neither memorable or hummable

Honestly what's so good about this shit?
I honestly watched a friend play oblivion back in the day and I was disgusted more so than anything

INB4 jrpgs came from wrpgs

Here's the thing, the second generation of Jrpgs expanded off of the formula and ventured into new terriory and
implemented other things into the genre

>odd settings
>different gameplay formats such as
Srpg (arc the lad) , monster taming (Dragon Quest V & VI, as well as pokemon), platforming (mario rpgs) and drawing (magic pengel)

Also Jrpgs have many artstyles while Erpgs are the same hyperreal dogshit.

Attached: jrpg characters.jpg (2000x1952, 1.42M)

Attached: baldur's gate vs final fantasy.jpg (2000x2344, 687.73K)

>What's the appeal of...
Just stop right there. If you don't enjoy something, having somebody explain it to you isn't going to change your mind, and you're not going to get anywhere trying to convince others they're in the wrong for enjoying their own preferences.

>INB4 south park and undertale, they are omages to jrpgs
The classic "they don't count" meme.

You're boring, and should kill yourself OP.

There is nothing to explain it's like a joke you either get it or you don't.

Who even makes these?

you answered the question with your own pics, I don't know what to tell you

you are cherry picking
give me a moment and I will debunk your post.
as dark souls is built like a wrpg stop being a white girl

It’s this one gay autist named Beepzorz. He hates JRPGS to an unhealthy degree and will fervently deny that he is responsible for any of it even when presented with proof

based and bgpilled

who cares this is all that matters

wrpgs are boring and put me to sleep
jrpgs are fun and neat

WRPGs and JRPGs serve two completely different functions and basically evolved out of two different franchises of games (obviously)

WRPGs aim to be immersive and simulationist. So many of the RPGs that come out of the west highlight things like being able to drink that beer you see, attack that man you see, and whatever else you might feel like you want to do. WRPGs also care more about the feeling of building up your own guy in your own way because of that immersive nature, western devs want to make it feel like you are the MC. JRPGs aim to be combat-oriented or the main "thing" that replaces combat with a pre-determined story. Almost all JRPGs are like 80% combat or some sort of gameplay loop. Think about how unique Shenmue and Yakuza are relative to all other JRPGs, then compare how linear they are (in terms of scope) to most WRPGs.

>turn-based combat
into the trash it all goes

unbased and cherry picking
I usually enjoy all games, but these are honestly just shit.

Attached: jrpg wrpg.jpg (2000x2344, 864.89K)

>For years we had to deal with WRPG-kun
>he finally goes away
>Now we have to deal with JRPG-kun
We really can't have a rest in this shitty board, can we?

Attached: i wasn't prepared for this.jpg (929x520, 112.4K)

It's just a difference of opinion if you don't like something that is your prerogative.

Aren't you cherrypicking yourself?
Not a single JRPG has the same depth of a CRPG in terms of immersive interactions outside and inside of combat.

This, but WRPGs and JRPGs come from the exact same place.
Dragon Quest, the grandfather of all JRPGs, was unabashedly an Eastern tweak on WRPGs like Ultima and Wizardry. Namely, fixing a problem that didn't really exist: making them "simpler" for wider appeal.
Pic related
>has honor and won't steal from towns people
That's a cute way of saying "the game doesn't let me steal".
Cope, faggot

Attached: dragonquest.jpg (1090x1261, 328.26K)

They are the same guy

>a bunch of buzzwords and arbitrary nonsense
OP, learn how to analyze things critically rather than emotionally.

I think you don't know what the difference between low fantasy and high fantasy is.

I could find more if need be, the person who posted the original image based his assumptions off one game.

Thing is I am not trying to escape, also crpgs lac music, art and general feel.

There is no point in doing that, that's stupid and evil.
You are being white and 12.

I am not trying to escape, I just want an interesting story to play.

Jrpgs aren't really even rpgs, they are adventure games with stats and light rpg elements. There is no ability to actually role play and no real player agency and rpgs mechanics. In wrpgs there is also a greater degree of environmental interaction and they also tend to have better game play. There are multiple ways of finishing quests, stats and skills are relevant beyond combat, and generally there is more attention to detail.

So really, you just don't like rpgs.

Also, fetch quests are also a thing in jrpgs im not sure why you mentioned that.

>I am not trying to escape, I just want an interesting story to play.
So you are saying that you don't like rpgs, basically. JRPGs are not rpgs, just story oriented games with very light rpg elements. You are making a false comparison

>There is no ability to actually role play and no real player agency and rpgs mechanics.

I am not trying to escape, I just want an interesting story.

>s. In wrpgs there is also a greater degree of environmental interaction and they also tend to have better game play.

well sometimes, but not all the time, most of the time they are in dull settings, have lack luster designs, and don't spark the imagination.
>Also, fetch quests are also a thing in jrpgs im not sure why you mentioned that.

They aren't as prevalent, usually a one and done thing
You are being a white girl, there are variant degrees of high and low, and most wrpgs are on the really low end.

>interesting story
>video games
Read a book, every video game story has the writing complexity expected from a high school dropout. Even films have better stories in both writing and presentation than 99% of all video games. Immersion or fun are the only excuses to play video games because if you play games for the story or the writing you have never challenged yourself intellectually and are doing yourself a disservice.

>I could find more if need be, the person who posted the original image based his assumptions off one game.
Yeah, but the image aside, there doesn't exist a SINGLE JRPG that has the same amount of immersive interactions like Baldur's Gate, Arcanum, DOS2, Deadfire, etc.
You can claim that there are several JRPGs that each fulfill some of the criteria, but I've been searching for a CRPG made in Japan for a long time and I couldn't find any because it doesn't exist. This is why any argument against Beep's charts fall flat. The supposed "cherrypicking" is double-sided.

WRPGs trace their lineage to tabletop games whereas JRPGs evolved from other computer games. The design philosophies and goals are fundamentally different.

Literally all the protagonists in pic related sound interesting and are characters I hold close to my heart.

I'm sorry that your mom only fed you paint chips and glue, to the point you prefer cherry picking over playing the games you love so much, but I have no idea how you think this is our problem. Both genres are fantastic and anybody who thinks otherwise is a bonafide turbo-autist.

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>I am not trying to escape, I just want an interesting story to play.
then play a JRPG (I personally dont even like most JRPG stories), but that's not what everyone wants

>Read a book
Most don't do it for me, growing up I read quite a bit, but these stories never captivated me.

>Lord of the rings
>Harry Potter
>Various 20th century novels
>hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
>warhammer novels

These are just bland to me.

>Baldur's Gate, Arcanum, DOS2, Deadfire,

truth be told, I just don't like the middle ages.
Also these games lack music and art. '

>read youn adult fantasy
>these never captivated me
lol go back to playing your video games buddy they seem to be right up your alley after all.

meant to reply to

>Baldur's Gate, Arcanum, DOS2, Deadfire,

truth be told, I just don't like the middle ages.
Also these games lack music and art. '

I don't want to be the character, I want an interesting story

>>different gameplay formats such as
>Srpg (arc the lad)
how is that a japanese invention? srpg-style combat on a grid, with seamless transition between exploration and combat (a feat no jrpg has ever achieved) has been the default style of combat for wrpgs for more than 30 years

>with seamless transition between exploration and combat (a feat no jrpg has ever achieved)

seiken densetsu series, stop being a white girl

Most WRPGs I can think of have elves, wizards and dragons in them user. Again, I don't think you know what the difference between high and low fantasy is, regardless of what assumptions you want to make about my race and gender.

>seiken densetsu
>srpg-style combat
not to mention all the stuff you can do in wrpgs, like being able to attack npcs and start fights in the middle of town

>white girl
Just admit you're a roastie who likes weebshit, nigger
you've never played a WRPG

Attached: lookeveryone.jpg (490x333, 33.58K)

>it’s a Beepzorz thread
You faggots never learn, do you? Stop replying to him for fuck’s sake.

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You're even more retarded than OP if you think this is a Beepz thread.

>lying about easily verifiable facts
The thief on the right is Lutz from Arc the Lad 3. He can't do any of the thing mentioned there except 'can refresh and remove status' (which obviously has nothing to do with being a thief)

Attached: 1553432076796.gif (680x499, 1.64M)

>won't steal
convincing stuff

>unironic twewy avatar
>accuses others of being faggots

>implying Beep wouldn’t try to falseflag just to start shit
user, just how new are you?

A reaction image isn't an avatar you filthy, disgusting newfag.

JRPGs tend to be just as dull as WRPGs in terms of setting. Infact, they tend to be more dull. They are very derivative of tolkien, and very rarely have interesting elements being introduced. WRPGs tend to be more original, with unique races and settings. I cant think of that many JRPGs set in a sci fi setting, for example. Morrowind is more imaginative than the vast majority of fantasy jrpgs. Even in terms of story, the vast majority of jrpgs are mediocre. But i guess if all you want is a semi linear story oriented game stick to jrpgs. You clearly aren't an rpg fan (jrpgs are not rpgs)

If all you want from a game is story then you shouldn't even be playing games, games are about interaction.

>and most wrpgs are on the really low end.
Oblivion is low fantasy? Baldur's gate is low fantasy? Do you even know what low fantasy is?

>Beep thinks he can accuse others of being faggots
How’s your barber, buddy?

who would want to do that.

their magic is rather tame and most of the time you are fighting wolves and stupid shit. As oppposed to jrpgs where you fight all sorts of crazy nonsense.

you're underestimating how stupid the average jrpg fan is

Because everything is a falseflag nowadays.

>he says when falling for obvious bait

Then don't play western rpgs, play JRPGs (which shouldn't even be called rpgs). WRPGS and JRPGS are completely different in terms of design philosophy

You tend to fight wolves in the beginning, yes. You also tend to fight demons and monsters towards the end. Seriously, what do you think the difference between high and low fantasy is? Protip: TES, Baldur's Gate and LotR are all high fantasy.

Says the man who got molested by his barber.

>who would want to do that.
RPG fans. And even normal gamers since it adds so much replay value. You are not an rpg fan. Stick to you retarded jap games (they are NOT rpgs)

Skyrim has great music, plus plenty of other wrpgs have decent music. In terms of art, most jap games are either anime or realistic, no real variety there either.

why does the WRPG thief look like a total mutt? look at these eyes closely.

Attached: american23.png (427x487, 26.47K)

stop being a white girl.

>WRPGs tend to be more original, with unique races and settings.
Now you are really trolling, it's etiher scifi, dull brown fantasy, modern day or post catastrophe

JRPGs set in a sci fi setting
>star ocean
>phantasy star
>any digimon game
>arc the lad 2
so stop being 12

>orrowind is more imaginative than the vast majority of fantasy jrpgs.
dull brown setting, and fighting wolves

What about that item guild quest, stop being a white girl

white girls who live boring lives

>art, most jap games are either anime or realistic
>Mario RPGS
>Vagrant story
>Tomato adventure
>Megaman battle network

stop being a white girl

>why does an american game feature american-looking people

of course whenever some jarpig says some dumb shit its a falseflag
I see this excuse on Yas Forums every single day, it's really tiring

>dull,brown,fighting wolves
never played morrowind and has no idea what he's talking about but her'e your (you) for the bait and the falseflag thread retard

Looks like an inbred jew though?

The Beepz is immunized against all dangers:
one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, falseflagger, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him Beepz and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out'.