Seems like it really was PG's fault after all. We can finally put this whole thing to bed. It just wasn't meant to be.
im fuck!
>vaguetweeting and subtweeting kamiya
>by JP, who was a low-level employee
AND Kamiya said that he still wants to make it but he needs MS approval for it and encouraged us to send emails for microsoft
seems we need some kind of fan campaign if we really want the game
Oh hey. Look. It's the faggot who thinks he was remotely important to Platinum games talking shit about Platinum again after he was forced to step down and get bought up by EA or help make sports games.
When all the dipshit did was essentially translation work.
He's just Salty he got basically fired.
People just blame MS because they're an easy target.
>Seems like it really was PG's fault after all.
He doesn't really say much in those tweets but good work reading what you wanted to see in there, you got me to reply to your bait thread.
>it was everything...
Why do numales make tweets like this?
Wouldn't you?
Scalebound was Kamiya's dream game that Microsoft owns the rights to now. Microsoft forcing him to make it into a multiplayer game and breathing down his neck to constantly make changes and forcing platinum to stop working on the game when the changes weren't satisfactory enough for them.
Kamiya just wants to complete his dream game. Microsoft ruined that for him.
>this faggotassnigger is still talking
poor baby's mad he made a bad decision and quit at the wrong time wah wah wah
The way he says he wants to finish scalebound and to message Microsoft comes across like he didn't do what he was originally told to do but is now saying he'll do it. It's like if a parent tells their child to clean their room but they don't do it so they get their gameboy taken away and they suddenly start saying "nooo I'll do it!!".
I still find it amazing that MS takes the blame for this when they're the only ones who lose out from the cancellation. Platinum were still paid for their services the whole way through. MS lost any chance of recouping the investment they made into this game when it got cancelled. It's clear as day to see it was platinums fault based on all the evidence we have.
>its not MS's fault scalebound was cancelled
didnt microsoft cancel like five fucking games within the same year?
pretty sure its a microsoft problem, faggots
Yeah and if we look at that Granblue relink game it was suppose to be from Platinum and it was announced years ago to only recently have their entire names scrubbed clean from everything. Now whatever is going on in that regards we have no clue but there are pieces to a narrative starting to form
I don't think you realise how dirty corporate politics can get. It's very possible MS strung Platinum along before canning their project to try and force them into accepting an acquisition to pay the bills. It wouldn't be the first time in the industry. Not that I'm saying this is definitely how it went down because we'll never know the true story, but we do know that Nier Automata's unlikely success saved the studio from imminent bankruptcy and let them remain independent.
MS fuck up every project they're involved with. They most likely agreed to make a large scope singleplayer RPG then dropped a co-op requirement on Platinum years into development to push their online shit. Kamiya has only made greats and Platinum have been successful with every other publisher out there. It's a matter of track record.
This was platinums biggest game they've ever made and even now after the cancellation it still is their biggest game they've attempted. Nothing kamiya has ever made comes close to scalebounds scale. I have no reason to doubt what the guy in the tweet claims and also there's no evidence from anywhere including anonymous sources suggesting that anything MS did caused this game to fail. Every piece of evidence we have including multiple people from within PG have said they were the ones at fault or they were the ones who failed. It just sounds like this project was too big for them to handle. It was in development for a whole 4 years before being cancelled when games usually only have 3 year development cycles unless they're huge scale games like GTA 5 which had a 5 year development cycle. It's not like MS didn't give them time based on that either. 4 years is a hella long time.
Also kamiya wouldn't have constantly begged to finish the game multiple times in these last few weeks alone if he had some grudge against Microsoft which would be the case if MS fucked him over.
Not to mention that Platinum were able to make and put out Nier Automata, Star Fox Zero and others during the same timeframe. The theory that Platinum used their time and M$ money on those projects is plausible.
Did EA Lose out on titan Fall 2's Flop?
No. They deliberately made it flop so that they could put Respawn in dire straights so they would accept EA's proposal to be bought up by them.
Everything Microsoft has been involved with in the last 5-6 years has been garbage. They just bought out a bunch of basically defunct devs to bolster their next console generation.
What's to say they weren't attempting to knock down Platinum to buy them up for the Sexbox?
>>Also kamiya wouldn't have constantly begged to finish the game multiple times in these last few weeks alone if he had some grudge against Microsoft which would be the case if MS fucked him over.
Possible. It's also possible they just knew what they were getting into and weren't surprised when things went south.
They just did models and music for SF0. Contract work.
>The theory that Platinum used their time and M$ money on those projects is plausible.
No way in hell with how powerful Microsoft is. If there were any hints of funny business, Platinum wouldn't exist today.
Its more like because they already cancelled like 3 other games before hand.
Why did he leave Platinum?
>What's to say they weren't attempting to knock down Platinum to buy them up for the Sexbox?
Because they literally had the opportunity to buy platinum just a couple months ago yet they didn't go through with it. If that was their end goal why didn't they buy them when they were presented with the golden chance? We have verified sources saying they had talks with platinum a few months back for a purchase but they pulled out so platinum ended up selling themselves to tencent instead. If MS wants someone they have the money to get it done they don't need to do any of this manipulation shit. They bought ninja theory when they were at their most successful ever with hellblade. I think that idea is outrageous.
He was a "Creative Producer" For a single game which also happened to be Scalebound Who resigned Japanese version of fired since nobody gets fired unless they openly disgrace a company
He was just on the Localization before then.
If anything, hes probably the reason Scalebound tanked and is shifting the blame out of spite for being fired.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Platinum have always wanted to remain independent, it's the entire point of their company. They won't sell to anyone and they didn't sell to Tencent. They took a equity-free loan. If they got bought out by a major company Inaba and Kamiya would just leave to start another one.
Platinium probably wanted to keep some independance and I'm pretry sure they didn't get bought by tencent.
>just a couple months ago
No, They didn't. Platinum has been riding high since Nier Automata success which landed them countless contracts and jobs to work on their own games from other publishers.
Microsoft attempted to assassinate them. Then shortly after the cancellation of Scalebound. A few months later Platinum made bank on Nier Automata.
Oh no not the poor millionairino
His dream? Noooo why didn't Nintendo do anything!!
I heard that same rumor that PG were using MS money on other projects and weren't dedicating time to scalebound hence why it was taking so long and why it looked like shit when they showed it off. I tried searching for a source but as of right now it's an unverified rumor. It makes sense though.
So like a 10 thousandaire?
Who knows. What we do know is they were in talks with some companies in the last year including MS and presumably Nintendo but nothing came of it and they went to Tencent for funding instead.
Kind of doesn't.
Platinum has like 3-4 teams working on games at all times.
Kamiya and Shitbird Kellam here were working on only Scalebound.
Only games in production at the time they were working on were Scalebound, Nier Automata, and contract work for Star Fox Zero making only 3d models and music.
One has Mario one, One has Microsoft money, and the other has Squenix money.
I don't see why or how they would have to blow Microsoft money on any of the other two.
Yeah I wonder what happened with that. Another case where Platinum is getting heavy blame.
all the concepts for Scalebound went into Astral Chain
Cygames supposedly went back to developing it, but it's been nothing but dead silence. They did the same thing with Project Awakening.
Man.. poor guy.
Was thay also around the time they started taking contract work to make ends meet? Then that would make a lot of sense.
>JP is now at EA Orlando
>Because Platinum are hacks
Who gives a shit.
Scalebound would be pretty huge if they put that on Kickstarter. Also PC release.
Dont Forget Ninja Turtles and Transformers. It honestly sounds like they bit off more than they can chew.
You're fucking idiots, there is documention talking about MS shoehorned in countless changes to Scale bound that made it unmanageable. This included contrived multiplayer amoung other things. MS is the king of fucking up projects, like they constantly did with Rare and other companies.
If that were remotely true, Platinum would have most definitely have been taken to court.
Also, JP is a cuck who around 2013, when TW101 was coming out was shitting on Japanese games using his "hamburger analogy"
It's a Microsoft game so it would be on PC regardless because of their policies. Also the "interest" for this game is mostly just fanboys taking shots at xbox fans and/or Microsoft because this is an L for the Microsoft portfolio in a way. If they put this on kickstarter nobody would contribute because the interest in it isn't legitimate from the few people who claim to be interested and outside of those people nobody knows this game exists anyway.
JP is now at EA Orlando because he botched scalebound and got fired.
He calls himself a "Ex-Creative Producer of Platinum games" but he only produced Scalebound. A game that got cancelled. very disingenuous title seeing as all he did prior to all of that was fucking localization work for them.
Turtles I'll give you. Transformers came out 2 years before Scalebounds cancellation.
but as we know Activision are shitheads and it's honestly a miracle that Transformers was any good in the first place. Seeing as they gave Platinum all of like 6-8 months and no money to make games for them.
Look at the development of the Phantom Dust reboot. There is ex-developers who have said that Microsoft would constantly request additions and mandate changes without giving either a more budget or deadline. This killed TWO DEVELOPERS.
Source on said documentation? I assume its straight from PG internal documents right and not fanboy drivel from twitter right?
Have you ever been truly passionate about a single thing in your life? Genuine question
>Scalebound was Kamiya's dream game
Turtles got the THPS5 treatment. Activision was losing the license and cut a deadline short. It's why the game got delisted...what two months after release
>director can joke about game
>some low-ranking employee gets all pissy about it
Wow, that's actually pretty pathetic. Talk about trying to ride coattails.
Ninja Turtles and Transfomers were made because Platinum was out of money. Microsoft literally almost killed Platinum by cancelling Scalebound. There's interviews about how Nier's success saved the company
I doubt it because once the money is paid to platinum they can do whatever they want with it unless it was explicitly stated in the contract that all the funds were to only go towards this game. I don't even think contracts work like that anyway.
Good thing a lot of the gameplay concepts for Scalebound made it into Astral Chain
Considering that Square will give Yoko Taro whatever the fuck he wants, why would Platinum need more money for Nier.
And yes. Sega took Gearbox to court over their bullshit.
Kamiya looks serious in the video, though he is probably drunk. I'm sure he really does want to finish this game he's said it multiple times previously too. It's a shit joke if he keeps mentioning it without it actually being true.
Yoko wasn't an important figure at Square Enix until the latest Nier game
>Did EA Lose out on titan Fall 2's Flop?
>No. They deliberately made it flop so that they could put Respawn in dire straights so they would accept EA's proposal to be bought up by them.
No, EA bought Respawn was because if they don't do it, Nexon would buy them, it's panic buy and EA spend a lot of money to get Respawn(400 million).
>Drakengard games all get bad reviews and sell like shit
>we have three
>Nier sold like shit and got middling reviews
>it got a MUCH bigger budget sequel
>a budget title by platinum is a bigger budget
Its surprising though that EA hasn't let Respawn go to shit that yet. Supposedly Apex was their own idea and it was successful, and Jedi Order got great reviews and sold well enough to meet EA's sales targets. And then theres that Medal of Honor VR game, I thought EA would kill them like Visceral with Dead Space 3.
Bigger than a Cavia budget.
Respawn keeps telling EA that if they interfere they will purposely make shit games
Fuck this resetnigger
EA literally made the Titanfall 2 fail though.
They gave them no time to make it and then had them release it on the same month if not week as CoD and Battlefield. so nobody was going to buy it anyway because they were getting similar products on the same week.
Respawn always did what they want. It's why Titanfall 2 flopped, they deliberately decided to go up against CoD
Internally Yoko has a strong following at square. What i mean is, he is highly respected for his story telling and attention to detail. He just sucks at gameplay design (comparitively)
When the higher ups saw how much people loved everything about nier except the gameplay, they decided to try their hand at having someone else handle the gameplay while Yoko focused on what he accelled at.
Honestly, people don't give square enough credit. I know ff13 and 15 sucked but they both had other issues that lead to their suckiness. Really looking forward to a capcom style comeback from squeenix this gen.