Edelgardfags will defend experimenting on innocent villagers and turning them into monsters

Edelgardfags will defend experimenting on innocent villagers and turning them into monsters

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To be fair, by her own claims she did not expect them to do this.
But that was ridiculously naïve of her. And then Edelgard proceeded to carry out experiments of her own anyway and by the end of it all it was still Edelgard who invited this disaster.

So what you're saying is that not only is she evil, she's also incredibly stupid.

this is now a lysithea thread. edeltards cope and dilate.

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If Rhea gave a shit about people they could have got their sooner and actually saved them.

And what would doing after the slithers first accomplish? She'd get a light javelin up her cunt and that would be the end of it for her. Only reason the VW/SS crews can go after them was because they weren't expecting it.

More or less, yeah.

I'll stuff your mouth if you don't shut it, cur.

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>it's your fault I killed them, why didn't you stop me in time?

Well to be fair, Edelgard is a retard.

why is she smiling


Literally buttmad rheafags who who mix up logical and moral arguments.

That's the smile and dead eyes of somebody who's resolved to kill themselves and is at peace with the decision.

or there's only one art asset for the little girl model.

Yes. Fuck the plebs.

seething sjw blu nigger

Seethe harder Hubert.

Why didn't she get a Light javelin up her ass at the end of CF then?


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Because that would be inconvenient, please understand and enjoy the epilogue.

She's right.

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Remember the Edeltard cope for this one is >it's a mistranslation, she was talking about having support and friends
When in reality she didn't want help from Dimitri, and all Hapi had to do was say "some bad guys hurt me" and Dimitri BOARED them in the epilogue as soon as the generic mad emperor's war was over.
And in reality when she has friends she lies to them anyway lol. About nukes and experiments and stuff.


She's breaking the fourth wall and is enjoying the attention.

Edelgard is retarded, but there's literally nothing wrong with human experimentation.

>And what would doing after the slithers first accomplish?
Even if she didn't go after them first she
1. Didn't have to actively assist them.
2. Didn't need to wage war against all of Fodlan to begin with.
3. Actually could have chosen to wage war against the slithers instead of all of Fodlan first. Just covertly and carefully. Like the Church was doing.

>It’s another thread where people falseflag and shitpost in order to force some artificial war between the houses
I know Three Houses writing is absolutely dogshit, but people must really not give a shit about the gameplay either since this is the only consistent thing you retards come back to.

I like to think of it as immersive meta regarding the Agarthans, Nabateans, and Fodlan.

What's the point in caring about the gameplay after you have already beaten the game? All that is left is talking about the story and characters.


They're just gay peasants.

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>kills everyone in village you lived for years
>kills your father
>nothing wrong with it

>Edelgard is the best for the people goy!
>based Edelgard murdering people!
t. TWSITD shills

Based and Duscurpilled

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Dedue is the best.

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There really is only so much you can talk about as far as the gameplay goes. Yeah yeah we've all figured out how to build a Alertstance/Desperate Avo Falcon Knight, but some people still haven't figured out that Edelgard is a villian.

>kills everyone in village you lived for years
I don't care about them.
>kills your father
Faggot put my life at risk and forced me to become a mercenary because he didn't like his mother-in-law. He can burn in hell.


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>waifu dies
>son doesn't have a heartbeat, or shows any emotion
>Pope just keeps telling you "Don't worry about it"
>user thinks this isn't cause for concern
Also you'd have been a faggot if you hadn't been trained to me a merc

>That resemblance
What did they mean by this?

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Why does she look happy?


If he wasn't a hypocrite that's exactly what he should have done.

Probably the only official art of that little girl in the game. Or that girl is seriously that fucked...
Meh probably the first.

>defending your kingdom from a invader makes you a hypocrite

And they'll also defend her basically aiding and abetting the murder of your father and her basically telling you to "suck it up, faggot, and do what I want" afterward

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>Seal of quality
>ever mattering
Four decades too late mate.

Jeralt was a retard and his death was well deserved.

It's okay if the villain makes my peepee hard

gotta crack some eggs to make an omelette

>trying this hard to justify your waifu working with the people who killed your dad

There is no need to justify it since it's objectively a good deed.

Funny thing is, you’re not wrong. The man has a shield strapped to his back 99% of the time he’s on screen. The one time he doesn’t is when he gets shanked in the back. What was he even thinking?

Is this the thread where insane people seethe about a video game character?


>trains their kid to fight
>their kid jumps in front of someone swinging an axe and stands there, letting it cut through their spine and kill them in a dumb attempt to save female hitler
Jeralt and his teachings were vastly overrated and also church propaganda.

>>Pope just keeps telling you "Don't worry about it"
Did this happen? Because it sounded like Jeralt made a very hasty and rash decision in staging a fire in order to swiftly and covertly snag the baby and run away from the Church's eyes, before Rhea really had any time to explain.

When they're finally reunited, Rhea claims that she has waited a long time to finally reconnect with Jeralt and was very much looking forward to doing so and that she wishes that she could have spoken with him much sooner. She was just giving Jeralt time to settle down.
And I don't really see a reason to doubt her. Rhea loved Sitri and Sitri loved Jeralt and even Rhea thought highly of Jeralt and even saved his life.

Like Jeralt panicking kind of makes sense, but it's not as if Rhea would have just ignored Jeralt. Unless maybe Sitri mad her promise to keep him in the dark about everything.

Yep, that happened. Jeralt immediately figures out something’s wrong with his kid when the baby never laughs, cries, or gets upset. So when Rhea gives him a non-answer, he goes behind her back to have the baby looked at by a doctor who tells him that Byleth doesn’t have a heart beat. In hindsight, yes, everyone should have just trusted that Rhea 100% knew what she was doing, but I can’t blame the man for doing what he did.

>lysithea thread
Lysithea is an excellent mage but she still makes a fine warrior.

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I mean I can only assume that not even Rhea was entirely certain what would happen to the baby at first, and yeah while Jeralt panicking kind of makes sense, Rhea trying to calm him as she investigated further kind of makes sense from her perspective too.
I am still convinced that Rhea would have shared more with him if she had just gotten a little more time. Maybe not everything about them being dragons and everything, but more nonetheless.

So she's unironically that naive and in the same breadth also thinks she can be a ruler

Just epic

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