How do/would you set up dual monitors?
How do/would you set up dual monitors?
I'd use a single monitor
1. Play/work with one straight on, music and movies on the left.
3 is less necessary these days now that view angles aren't going to fuck up the picture on your flat panel
4 it is
I use 2
I use 3 right now
I stack them.
I only have room for 1 so I guess I would go with that
For work, 3
For games, 1
1. czechem
is that loss?
I like having games on left and web browser/whatever else on right
1 or 2 depending on the desk placement
1. but the angle isnt nearly that extreme
I use 1 for when I'm drawing and 3 for games.
It's good to have two monitors, I use the second layout, helps me focus on the main monitor while the side monitor has some useful distractions.
This made me think. If we were birds, we'd probably set it up like this.
Just because the colour no longer distorts as much, doesn't mean viewing at an angle is preferable to straight on. You'd still be viewing one part with slightly more detail, which is retarded.
1/2 or 4
I'm torn between these but I'm not sure if these would give birth to some kind of eyesight issue later into future
At home I use 1.
At work I have one above the other-
How fucking ADHD do you need to be to have more than 1 monitor?
1 or 4.
Less extreme version of 1 would be ideal, but my desk is pretty small so I have to do 4.
Single monitor with my laptop to the right side. I prefer to multitask on two separate machines.
Somewhere between 3 and 4 (smaller angle) but direct my chair and align mouse+keyboard towards main monitor
Not all birds have side facing eyes.
This is a trait of prey animals.
didn't get it until filename,have I reverted to newfag
>but direct my chair and align mouse+keyboard towards main monitor
So, 1 or 2.
objective answer
I go midway between 2 and 3.
Like this:
3 general purpose and work
1 for gaming
1 for video/music
1 for communication
1 for performance monitoring
set up as if you mixed 1 and 2 together with the remaing held up behind and above the rest.
This is the only answer
2 because I'm lefthanded, the angle wouldn't be that extreme though, closer to the angle of 3 but with the main monitor directly ahead.
Even then the 2nd monitor doesn't do too much, I'd mainly have it to keep wikis open while playing games like Stardew Valley or Darkest Dungeon where information is important and memorizing a fuckload of things isn't possible for me because I work 52 hours a week. Maybe keep a Yas Forums thread open on auto-refresh, or play an idle game on the 2nd monitor so it's always open but I can still do whatever else I want on my main monitor.
Your eyes give you a horizontal viewpoint user, why would you ever want a veritcal screen? The ideal position for a screen is close enough where you couldn't see the whole upper-screen without physically tilting your head, with side-by-side screens you can just flick your eyes or leave the 2nd screen in your peripheral.
came here to post this
Stand back; I'll show you how it is done
>1 for games with the keyboard infront of the screen, also the desktop itself
>2 for internet, movies, etc.
Brown L-shape is the table. Elbows rest on the desk during gaming, preventing shoulder and wrist issues
thank you
Is this loss?
3 definently three. :)
Do "people" who uset set up 3 even exist?
they don't match and the good one is dying so they still won't match when I get a replacement aaaaAAAAA
honestly I'd have one on top of the other, both bolted to the wall and enough distance so i can turn one vertically for when I need to code
like that
2-4 is my setup, not as angled as 2, but not totally like 4.
2nd monitor is usually off, but it might have a movie on it, could be a webpage with information I need for first screen or it might just have utorrent on it.
>needing a second monitor to play music
? I'm confused as to what you're implying. You make a playlist and put it on your second monitor in case you want to change the order or whatever. You can put a second document on the other half of it. Would you like me to show you so you can figure it out?
Loss jokes have become way less prevalent now that it's mainstream
or gators